Struct yup_oauth2::DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate [] [src]

pub struct DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate;

Uses all default implementations by AuthenticatorDelegate, and makes the trait's implementation usable in the first place.

Trait Implementations

impl AuthenticatorDelegate for DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate

Called whenever there is an HttpError, usually if there are network problems. Read more

Called whenever we failed to retrieve a token or set a token due to a storage error. You may use it to either ignore the incident or retry. This can be useful if the underlying TokenStorage may fail occasionally. if is_set is true, the failure resulted from TokenStorage.set(...). Otherwise, it was TokenStorage.get(...) Read more

The server denied the attempt to obtain a request code

Called if the request code is expired. You will have to start over in this case. This will be the last call the delegate receives. Given DateTime is the expiration date Read more

Called if the user denied access. You would have to start over. This will be the last call the delegate receives. Read more

Called if we could not acquire a refresh token for a reason possibly specified by the server. This call is made for the delegate's information only. Read more

Called as long as we are waiting for the user to authorize us. Can be used to print progress information, or decide to time-out. Read more

The server has returned a user_code which must be shown to the user, along with the verification_url. # Notes * Will be called exactly once, provided we didn't abort during request_code phase. * Will only be called if the Authenticator's flow_type is FlowType::Device. Read more

Only method currently used by the InstalledFlow. We need the user to navigate to a URL using their browser and potentially paste back a code (or maybe not). Whether they have to enter a code depends on the InstalledFlowReturnMethod used. Read more