Crate yta_rs

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This crate provides a library for downloading YouTube DASH live streams. It is based on Kethsar/ytarchive, but is more stripped down and geared towards being a library.


yta-rs is a low-level library, and so you’ll need to write your own logic to download and handle segments. The following example shows how to fetch the initial player response and start downloading segments using the worker module.

use yta_rs::{player_response::InitialPlayerResponse, util, worker};

async fn main() {
    // Create HttpClient, a wrapper around reqwest::Client but includes a
    // middleware for retrying transient errors
    let client = util::HttpClient::new().unwrap();

    // Fetch the video page
    let html = client.fetch_text("").await.unwrap();

    // Parse the initial player response
    let ipr = InitialPlayerResponse::from_html(html.as_str()).unwrap();

    // Get the status of the stream
    if ipr.is_usable() {
        println!("Video is live");
    } else {
        println!("Video is not live");

    // Start the worker
    let workdir = std::path::Path::new(".");
    worker::start(&client, &ipr, workdir).await.unwrap();

The worker module provides a start function that will download segments and write them to disk. It will also write an index.m3u8 file that can be used to play the stream.
