[][src]Crate ysbell

bellperson is a crate for building zk-SNARK circuits. It provides circuit traits and and primitive structures, as well as basic gadget implementations such as booleans and number abstractions.

Example circuit

Say we want to write a circuit that proves we know the preimage to some hash computed using SHA-256d (calling SHA-256 twice). The preimage must have a fixed length known in advance (because the circuit parameters will depend on it), but can otherwise have any value. We take the following strategy:

  • Witness each bit of the preimage.
  • Compute hash = SHA-256d(preimage) inside the circuit.
  • Expose hash as a public input using multiscalar packing.
use bellperson::{
        boolean::{AllocatedBit, Boolean},
    groth16, Circuit, ConstraintSystem, SynthesisError,
use paired::{bls12_381::Bls12, Engine};
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
use sha2::{Digest, Sha256};

/// Our own SHA-256d gadget. Input and output are in little-endian bit order.
fn sha256d<E: Engine, CS: ConstraintSystem<E>>(
    mut cs: CS,
    data: &[Boolean],
) -> Result<Vec<Boolean>, SynthesisError> {
    // Flip endianness of each input byte
    let input: Vec<_> = data
        .map(|c| c.iter().rev())

    let mid = sha256(cs.namespace(|| "SHA-256(input)"), &input)?;
    let res = sha256(cs.namespace(|| "SHA-256(mid)"), &mid)?;

    // Flip endianness of each output byte
        .map(|c| c.iter().rev())

struct MyCircuit {
    /// The input to SHA-256d we are proving that we know. Set to `None` when we
    /// are verifying a proof (and do not have the witness data).
    preimage: Option<[u8; 80]>,

impl<E: Engine> Circuit<E> for MyCircuit {
    fn synthesize<CS: ConstraintSystem<E>>(self, cs: &mut CS) -> Result<(), SynthesisError> {
        // Compute the values for the bits of the preimage. If we are verifying a proof,
        // we still need to create the same constraints, so we return an equivalent-size
        // Vec of None (indicating that the value of each bit is unknown).
        let bit_values = if let Some(preimage) = self.preimage {
                .map(|byte| (0..8).map(move |i| (byte >> i) & 1u8 == 1u8))
                .map(|b| Some(b))
        } else {
            vec![None; 80 * 8]
        assert_eq!(bit_values.len(), 80 * 8);

        // Witness the bits of the preimage.
        let preimage_bits = bit_values
            // Allocate each bit.
            .map(|(i, b)| {
                AllocatedBit::alloc(cs.namespace(|| format!("preimage bit {}", i)), b)
            // Convert the AllocatedBits into Booleans (required for the sha256 gadget).
            .map(|b| b.map(Boolean::from))
            .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;

        // Compute hash = SHA-256d(preimage).
        let hash = sha256d(cs.namespace(|| "SHA-256d(preimage)"), &preimage_bits)?;

        // Expose the vector of 32 boolean variables as compact public inputs.
        multipack::pack_into_inputs(cs.namespace(|| "pack hash"), &hash)

// Create parameters for our circuit. In a production deployment these would
// be generated securely using a multiparty computation.
let params = {
    let c = MyCircuit { preimage: None };
    groth16::generate_random_parameters::<Bls12, _, _>(c, &mut OsRng).unwrap()

// Prepare the verification key (for proof verification).
let pvk = groth16::prepare_verifying_key(&params.vk);

// Pick a preimage and compute its hash.
let preimage = [42; 80];
let hash = Sha256::digest(&Sha256::digest(&preimage));

// Create an instance of our circuit (with the preimage as a witness).
let c = MyCircuit {
    preimage: Some(preimage),

// Create a Groth16 proof with our parameters.
let proof = groth16::create_random_proof(c, &params, &mut OsRng).unwrap();

// Pack the hash as inputs for proof verification.
let hash_bits = multipack::bytes_to_bits_le(&hash);
let inputs = multipack::compute_multipacking::<Bls12>(&hash_bits);

// Check the proof!
assert!(groth16::verify_proof(&pvk, &proof, &inputs).unwrap());


bellperson is being refactored into a generic proving library. Currently it is pairing-specific, and different types of proving systems need to be implemented as sub-modules. After the refactor, bellperson will be generic using the ff and [group] crates, while specific proving systems will be separate crates that pull in the dependencies they require.



This module contains an EvaluationDomain abstraction for performing various kinds of polynomial arithmetic on top of the scalar field.


Self-contained sub-circuit implementations for various primitives.


The Groth16 proving system.


An interface for dealing with the kinds of parallel computations involved in bellperson. It's currently just a thin wrapper around CpuPool and crossbeam but may be extended in the future to allow for various parallelism strategies.




This represents a linear combination of some variables, with coefficients in the scalar field of a pairing-friendly elliptic curve group.


This is a "namespaced" constraint system which borrows a constraint system (pushing a namespace context) and, when dropped, pops out of the namespace context.


Represents a variable in our constraint system.



Represents the index of either an input variable or auxiliary variable.


This is an error that could occur during circuit synthesis contexts, such as CRS generation, proving or verification.



Computations are expressed in terms of arithmetic circuits, in particular rank-1 quadratic constraint systems. The Circuit trait represents a circuit that can be synthesized. The synthesize method is called during CRS generation and during proving.


Represents a constraint system which can have new variables allocated and constrains between them formed.