yolo2dot 0.1.0

A visualizing tool to plot model architecture graph for YOLO .yaml files.
yolo2dot-0.1.0 is not a library.


A visualizing tool to plot model architecture graph for YOLO .yaml files.


This program can be installed using cargo from Rust toolchain. You can visit rustup.rs to install Rust toolchain.

cargo install yolo2dot


  1. Download the model description file yolov7.yaml from the yolov7 repository here.

  2. Run yolo2dot to create the .dot file.

yolo2dot yolov7.yaml yolov7.dot
  1. Generate the image file using GraphViz's dot command.
dot -Tjpg yolov7.dot > yolov7.jpg


YOLOv7 for Training YOLOv7 for Deployment


This project is distributed under MIT license. Please check the LICENSE.txt file.