Trait yoke::IsCovariant[][src]

pub unsafe trait IsCovariant<'a>: 'a { }
Expand description

A type implementing IsCovariant<'a> is covariant with respect to lifetime 'a.

Lifetime parameters that are safely cast in Yokeable are also valid for IsCovariant.

IsCovariant exists primarily to serve in trait bounds. The primary use case is to safely perform lifetime casting on trait objects (dyn Trait). This enables a type-erased Yoke consisting of only trait objects. See the examples.

IsCovariant is auto-implemented in #[derive(Yokeable)].


This trait is safe to implement on types with a covariant lifetime parameter. This will occur when the lifetime parameter is used within references, but not in the arguments of function pointers or in mutable positions (either in &mut or via interior mutability).

If a struct has multiple lifetime parameters, only the one used in IsCovariant<'a> needs to be covariant.


Implementing on a simple struct with a single covariant lifetime:

struct MyStruct<'a>(&'a str);

// This is safe because 'a is covariant
unsafe impl<'a> IsCovariant<'a> for MyStruct<'a> {}

By constraining the trait ExampleTrait<'a> on IsCovariant<'a>, we can safely implement Yokeable and ZeroCopyFrom on its trait object:

trait ExampleTrait<'a>: IsCovariant<'a> {
    fn get_message(&self) -> &'a str;

// This wrapper is required because of the blanket Yokeable impl on &'static T
pub struct ExampleTraitDynRef<'a>(pub &'a dyn ExampleTrait<'a>);

// The following impl is safe because the trait object requires IsCovariant.
unsafe impl<'a> Yokeable<'a> for ExampleTraitDynRef<'static> {
    type Output = ExampleTraitDynRef<'a>;
    fn transform(&'a self) -> &'a Self::Output {
        unsafe { mem::transmute(self) }

    fn transform_owned(self) -> Self::Output {
        unsafe { mem::transmute(self) }

    unsafe fn make(from: Self::Output) -> Self {
        unsafe { mem::transmute(from) }

    fn transform_mut<F>(&'a mut self, f: F)
        F: 'static + FnOnce(&'a mut Self::Output),
        unsafe { f(mem::transmute::<&mut Self, &mut Self::Output>(self)) }

impl<'a> ZeroCopyFrom<dyn ExampleTrait<'a> + 'a> for ExampleTraitDynRef<'static> {
    fn zero_copy_from<'b>(this: &'b (dyn ExampleTrait<'a> + 'a)) -> ExampleTraitDynRef<'b> {
        // This is safe because the trait object requires IsCovariant.
        ExampleTraitDynRef(unsafe { core::mem::transmute(this) })

// Implement ExampleTrait on the struct from the previous example
impl<'a> ExampleTrait<'a> for MyStruct<'a> {
    fn get_message(&self) -> &'a str {

// Example usage: a Yoke of a trait object
let s = "Hello World".to_string();
let yoke: Yoke<ExampleTraitDynRef<'static>, Box<dyn ExampleTrait>> =

assert_eq!(yoke.get().0.get_message(), "Hello World");

Implementations on Foreign Types
