Crate yrs



  • Iterator structure used by shared array data type.
  • Iterator structure used by XML nodes (elements and text) to iterate over node’s attributes. Attribute iterators are unordered - there’s no specific order in which map entries will be returned during consecutive iterator calls.
  • Iterator structure used by shared map data type. Map iterators are unordered - there’s no specific order in which map entries will be returned during consecutive iterator calls.
  • Transaction is one of the core types in Yrs. All operations that need to touch or modify a document’s contents (a.k.a. block store), need to be executed in scope of a transaction.
  • Iterator used to traverse over the complex nested tree structure of a XML node. XML node iterator walks only over YXmlElement and YXmlText nodes. It does so in ordered manner (using the order in which children are ordered within their parent nodes) and using depth-first traverse.
  • Iterator structure used by yweak_iter function call.
  • Event generated for callbacks subscribed using ydoc_observe_after_transaction. It contains snapshot of changes made within any committed transaction.
  • Event pushed into callbacks registered with yarray_observe function. It contains delta of all content changes made within a scope of corresponding transaction (see: yarray_event_delta) as well as navigation data used to identify a YArray instance which triggered this event.
  • A structure representing logical identifier of a specific shared collection. Can be obtained by ybranch_id executed over alive Branch.
  • A chunk of text contents formatted with the same set of attributes.
  • Delete set is a map of (ClientID, Range[]) entries. Length of a map is stored in entries_count field. ClientIDs reside under client_ids and their corresponding range sequences can be found under the same index of ranges field.
  • A single instance of formatting attribute stored as part of YDelta instance.
  • A data type representing a single change to be performed in sequence of changes defined as parameter to a ytext_insert_delta function. A type of change can be detected using a tag field:
  • A data type representing a single change detected over an observed YText/YXmlText. A type of change can be detected using a tag field:
  • A data type representing a single change detected over an observed shared collection. A type of change can be detected using a tag field:
  • A data type representing a single change made over a map component of shared collection types, such as YMap entries or YXmlText/YXmlElement attributes. A key field provides a corresponding unique key string of a changed entry, while tag field informs about specific type of change being done:
  • Fixed-length sequence of ID ranges. Each range is a pair of [start, end) values, describing the range of items identified by clock values, that this range refers to.
  • A data structure that is used to pass input values of various types supported by Yrs into a shared document store.
  • A structure representing single key-value entry of a map output (used by either embedded JSON-like maps or YMaps).
  • Event pushed into callbacks registered with ymap_observe function. It contains all key-value changes made within a scope of corresponding transaction (see: ymap_event_keys) as well as navigation data used to identify a YMap instance which triggered this event.
  • Configuration object used by YDoc.
  • An output value cell returned from yrs API methods. It describes a various types of data supported by yrs shared data types.
  • A single segment of a path returned from yevent_path function. It can be one of two cases, recognized by it’s tag field:
  • Structure containing unapplied update data. Created via ytransaction_pending_update. Released via ypending_update_destroy.
  • Struct representing a state of a document. It contains the last seen clocks for blocks submitted per any of the clients collaborating on document updates.
  • A sticky index is based on the Yjs model and is not affected by document changes. E.g. If you place a sticky index before a certain character, it will always point to this character. If you place a sticky index at the end of a type, it will always point to the end of the type.
  • Event pushed into callbacks registered with ytext_observe function. It contains delta of all text changes made within a scope of corresponding transaction (see: ytext_event_delta) as well as navigation data used to identify a YText instance which triggered this event.
  • Event type related to UndoManager observer operations, such as yundo_manager_observe_popped and yundo_manager_observe_added. It contains various informations about the context in which undo/redo operations are executed.
  • Event pushed into callbacks registered with yweak_observe function. It contains all an event changes of the underlying transaction.
  • A structure representing single attribute of an either YXmlElement or YXmlText instance. It consists of attribute name and string, both of which are null-terminated UTF-8 strings.
  • Event pushed into callbacks registered with yxmlelem_observe function. It contains all attribute changes made within a scope of corresponding transaction (see: yxmlelem_event_keys) as well as child XML nodes changes (see: yxmlelem_event_delta) and navigation data used to identify a YXmlElement instance which triggered this event.
  • Event pushed into callbacks registered with yxmltext_observe function. It contains all attribute changes made within a scope of corresponding transaction (see: yxmltext_event_keys) as well as text edits (see: yxmltext_event_delta) and navigation data used to identify a YXmlText instance which triggered this event.


  • Error code: end of stream found when more data was expected.
  • Error code: failure when trying to decode JSON content.
  • Error code: couldn’t read data from input stream.
  • Error code: other error type than the one specified.
  • Error code: decoded enum tag value was not among known cases.
  • Error code: decoded variable integer outside of the expected integer size bounds.
  • Error code: miscellaneous error coming from serde, not covered by other error codes.
  • Error code: update block assigned to parent that is not a valid shared ref of deleted block.
  • Error code: not enough memory to perform an operation.
  • Error code: conversion attempt to specific Rust type was not possible.
  • Flag used by YInput and YOutput to tag content, which is an YArray shared type.
  • Flag used by YInput and YOutput to tag content, which is an YDoc shared type.
  • Tag used to identify YEventChange (see: yevent_delta function) case, when a new element has been added to an observed collection.
  • Tag used to identify YEventChange (see: yevent_delta function) case, when an existing element has been removed from an observed collection.
  • Tag used to identify YEventChange (see: yevent_delta function) case, when no changes have been detected for a particular range of observed collection.
  • Tag used to identify YEventKeyChange (see: yevent_keys function) case, when a new entry has been inserted into a map component of shared collection.
  • Tag used to identify YEventKeyChange (see: yevent_keys function) case, when an existing entry has been removed from a map component of shared collection.
  • Tag used to identify YEventKeyChange (see: yevent_keys function) case, when an existing entry has been overridden with a new value within a map component of shared collection.
  • Tag used to identify YPathSegment storing an int parameter.
  • Tag used to identify YPathSegment storing a *char parameter.
  • Flag used to mark a falsy boolean numbers.
  • Flag used by YInput to pass JSON string for an object that should be deserialized and stored internally as fully fledged scalar type.
  • Flag used by YInput and YOutput to tag embedded JSON-like arrays of values, which themselves are YInput and YOutput instances respectively.
  • Flag used by YInput and YOutput to tag boolean values.
  • Flag used by YInput and YOutput to tag binary content.
  • Flag used by YInput and YOutput to tag 64-bit integer numbers.
  • Flag used by YInput and YOutput to tag embedded JSON-like maps of key-value pairs, where keys are strings and v
  • Flag used by YInput and YOutput to tag JSON-like null values.
  • Flag used by YInput and YOutput to tag floating point numbers.
  • Flag used by YInput and YOutput to tag strings.
  • Flag used by YInput and YOutput to tag JSON-like undefined values.
  • Flag used by YInput and YOutput to tag content, which is an YMap shared type.
  • Flag used by YOptions to determine, that text operations offsets and length will be counted by the byte number of UTF8-encoded string.
  • Flag used by YOptions to determine, that text operations offsets and length will be counted by UTF-16 chars of encoded string.
  • Flag used by YInput and YOutput to tag content, which is an YText shared type.
  • Flag used to mark a truthy boolean numbers.
  • Flag used by YOutput to tag content, which is an undefined shared type. This usually happens when it’s referencing a root type that has not been initalized localy.
  • Flag used by YInput and YOutput to tag content, which is an YWeakLink shared type.
  • Flag used by YInput and YOutput to tag content, which is an YXmlElement shared type.
  • Flag used by YInput and YOutput to tag content, which is an YXmlFragment shared type.
  • Flag used by YInput and YOutput to tag content, which is an YXmlText shared type.


  • Gets or creates a new shared YArray data type instance as a root-level type of a given document. This structure can later be accessed using its name, which must be a null-terminated UTF-8 compatible string.
  • Returns a sequence of changes produced by sequence component of shared collections (such as YText, YXmlText and XML nodes added to YXmlElement). len output parameter is used to provide information about number of changes produced.
  • Returns a path from a root type down to a current shared collection (which can be obtained using yarray_event_target function). It can consist of either integer indexes (used by sequence components) of *char keys (used by map components). len output parameter is used to provide information about length of the path.
  • Returns a pointer to a shared collection, which triggered passed event e.
  • Returns a pointer to a YOutput value stored at a given index of a current YArray. If index is outside the bounds of an array, a null pointer will be returned.
  • Returns a UTF-8 encoded, NULL-terminated JSON string representing a value stored in a current YArray under a given index.
  • Inserts a range of items into current YArray, starting at given index. An items_len parameter is used to determine the size of items array - it can also be used to insert a single element given its pointer.
  • Returns an iterator, which can be used to traverse over all elements of an array (array’s length can be determined using yarray_len function).
  • Releases all of an YArray iterator resources created by calling yarray_iter.
  • Moves current YArray iterator over to a next element, returning a pointer to it. If an iterator comes to an end of an array, a null pointer will be returned.
  • Returns a number of elements stored within current instance of YArray.
  • Subscribes a given callback function cb to changes made by this YArray instance. Callbacks are triggered whenever a ytransaction_commit is called. Returns a subscription ID which can be then used to unsubscribe this callback by using yunobserve function.
  • Removes a len of consecutive range of elements from current array instance, starting at a given index. Range determined by index and len must fit into boundaries of an array, otherwise it will panic at runtime.
  • Frees all memory-allocated resources bound to a given binary returned from Yrs document API. Unlike strings binaries are not null-terminated and can contain null characters inside, therefore a size of memory to be released must be explicitly provided. Yrs binaries don’t use libc malloc, so calling free() on them will fault.
  • Check if current branch is still alive (returns Y_TRUE, otherwise Y_FALSE). If it was deleted, this branch pointer is no longer a valid pointer and cannot be used to execute any functions using it.
  • Given a logical identifier, returns a physical pointer to a shared collection. Returns null if collection was not found - either because it was not defined or not synchronized yet. Returned pointer may still point to deleted collection. In such case a subsequent ybranch_alive function call is required.
  • Returns a logical identifier for a given shared collection. That collection must be alive at the moment of function call.
  • Returns a UTF-8 encoded, NULL-terminated JSON string representation of the current branch contents. Once no longer needed, this string must be explicitly deallocated by user using ystring_destroy.
  • Deallocates result of ytext_chunks method.
  • Creates a parameter for ytext_insert_delta function. This parameter will tell cursor to remove a corresponding number of elements, starting from current cursor position.
  • Creates a parameter for ytext_insert_delta function. This parameter will tell cursor to insert given elements into current cursor position. While these elements can be of any type (used for embedding ie. shared types or binary payload like images), for the text insertion a yinput_string is expected. If formatting attributes were specified, inserted elements will be wrapped by given formatting attributes.
  • Creates a parameter for ytext_insert_delta function. This parameter will move cursor position by the len of elements. If formatting attrs were defined, all elements skipped over this way will be wrapped by given formatting attributes.
  • Returns status of auto_load flag of this Doc instance. Auto loaded sub-documents automatically send a load request to their parent documents.
  • Destroys current document, sending a ‘destroy’ event and clearing up all the event callbacks registered.
  • Creates a shallow clone of a provided doc - it’s realized by increasing the ref-count value of the document. In result both input and output documents point to the same instance.
  • Returns a collection identifier of this Doc instance. If none was defined, a NULL will be returned.
  • Releases all memory-allocated resources bound to given document.
  • Returns a unique document identifier of this Doc instance.
  • Returns a unique client identifier of this Doc instance.
  • Manually send a load request to a parent document of this subdoc.
  • Creates a new Doc instance with a randomized unique client identifier.
  • Creates a new Doc instance with a specified options.
  • Starts a new read-only transaction on a given document. All other operations happen in context of a transaction. Yrs transactions do not follow ACID rules. Once a set of operations is complete, a transaction can be finished using ytransaction_commit function.
  • Returns status of should_load flag of this Doc instance, informing parent Doc if this document instance requested a data load.
  • Starts a new read-write transaction on a given document. All other operations happen in context of a transaction. Yrs transactions do not follow ACID rules. Once a set of operations is complete, a transaction can be finished using ytransaction_commit function.
  • Releases memory allocated by the object returned from yevent_delta function.
  • Releases memory allocated by the object returned from yxml_event_keys and ymap_event_keys functions.
  • Function constructor used to create a binary YInput cell of a specified length. This function doesn’t allocate any heap resources and doesn’t release any on its own, therefore its up to a caller to free resources once a structure is no longer needed.
  • Function constructor used to create JSON-like boolean YInput cell. This function doesn’t allocate any heap resources.
  • Function constructor used to create JSON-like 64-bit floating point number YInput cell. This function doesn’t allocate any heap resources.
  • Function constructor used to create aa YInput cell representing any JSON-like object. Provided parameter must be a null-terminated UTF-8 encoded JSON string.
  • Function constructor used to create a JSON-like array YInput cell of other JSON-like values of a given length. This function doesn’t allocate any heap resources and doesn’t release any on its own, therefore its up to a caller to free resources once a structure is no longer needed.
  • Function constructor used to create a JSON-like map YInput cell of other JSON-like key-value pairs. These pairs are build from corresponding indexes of keys and values, which must have the same specified length.
  • Function constructor used to create JSON-like 64-bit signed integer YInput cell. This function doesn’t allocate any heap resources.
  • Function constructor used to create JSON-like NULL YInput cell. This function doesn’t allocate any heap resources.
  • Function constructor used to create a string YInput cell. Provided parameter must be a null-terminated UTF-8 encoded string. This function doesn’t allocate any heap resources, and doesn’t release any on its own, therefore its up to a caller to free resources once a structure is no longer needed.
  • Function constructor used to create JSON-like undefined YInput cell. This function doesn’t allocate any heap resources.
  • Function constructor used to create a string YInput cell with weak reference to another element(s) living inside of the same document.
  • Function constructor used to create a nested YArray YInput cell prefilled with other values of a given length. This function doesn’t allocate any heap resources and doesn’t release any on its own, therefore its up to a caller to free resources once a structure is no longer needed.
  • Function constructor used to create a nested YDoc YInput cell.
  • Function constructor used to create a nested YMap YInput cell prefilled with other key-value pairs. These pairs are build from corresponding indexes of keys and values, which must have the same specified length.
  • Function constructor used to create a nested YText YInput cell prefilled with a specified string, which must be a null-terminated UTF-8 character pointer.
  • Function constructor used to create a nested YXmlElement YInput cell with a specified tag name, which must be a null-terminated UTF-8 character pointer.
  • Function constructor used to create a nested YXmlText YInput cell prefilled with a specified string, which must be a null-terminated UTF-8 character pointer.
  • ymap
    Gets or creates a new shared YMap data type instance as a root-level type of a given document. This structure can later be accessed using its name, which must be a null-terminated UTF-8 compatible string.
  • Frees all memory-allocated resources bound to a given YMapEntry.
  • Returns a sequence of changes produced by map component of shared collections (such as YMap and YXmlText/YXmlElement attribute changes). len output parameter is used to provide information about number of changes produced.
  • Returns a path from a root type down to a current shared collection (which can be obtained using ymap_event_target function). It can consist of either integer indexes (used by sequence components) of *char keys (used by map components). len output parameter is used to provide information about length of the path.
  • Returns a pointer to a shared collection, which triggered passed event e.
  • Returns a value stored under the provided key, or a null pointer if no entry with such key has been found in a current map. A returned value is allocated by this function and therefore should be eventually released using youtput_destroy function.
  • Returns a value stored under the provided key as UTF-8 encoded, NULL-terminated JSON string. Once not needed that string should be deallocated using ystring_destroy.
  • Inserts a new entry (specified as key-value pair) into a current map. If entry under such given key already existed, its corresponding value will be replaced.
  • Returns an iterator, which can be used to traverse over all key-value pairs of a map.
  • Releases all of an YMap iterator resources created by calling ymap_iter.
  • Moves current YMap iterator over to a next entry, returning a pointer to it. If an iterator comes to an end of a map, a null pointer will be returned. Yrs maps are unordered and so are their iterators.
  • Returns a number of entries stored within a map.
  • Subscribes a given callback function cb to changes made by this YMap instance. Callbacks are triggered whenever a ytransaction_commit is called. Returns a subscription ID which can be then used to unsubscribe this callback by using yunobserve function.
  • Removes a map entry, given its key. Returns 1 if the corresponding entry was successfully removed or 0 if no entry with a provided key has been found inside of a map.
  • Removes all entries from a current map.
  • Subscribes a given callback function cb to changes made by this shared type instance as well as all nested shared types living within it. Callbacks are triggered whenever a ytransaction_commit is called.
  • Returns default ceonfiguration for YOptions.
  • Releases all resources related to a corresponding YOutput cell.
  • Attempts to read the value for a given YOutput pointer as a binary payload (which length is stored within len filed of a cell itself).
  • Attempts to read the value for a given YOutput pointer as a boolean flag, which can be either 1 for truthy case and 0 otherwise. Returns a null pointer in case when a value stored under current YOutput cell is not of a boolean type.
  • Attempts to read the value for a given YOutput pointer as a 64-bit floating point number.
  • Attempts to read the value for a given YOutput pointer as a JSON-like array of YOutput values (which length is stored within len filed of a cell itself).
  • Attempts to read the value for a given YOutput pointer as a JSON-like map of key-value entries (which length is stored within len filed of a cell itself).
  • Attempts to read the value for a given YOutput pointer as a 64-bit signed integer.
  • Attempts to read the value for a given YOutput pointer as a null-terminated UTF-8 encoded string.
  • Attempts to read the value for a given YOutput pointer as an YArray.
  • Attempts to read the value for a given YOutput pointer as a YDocRef reference to a nested document.
  • Attempts to read the value for a given YOutput pointer as an YMap.
  • Attempts to read the value for a given YOutput pointer as an YText.
  • Attempts to read the value for a given YOutput pointer as an YWeakRef.
  • Attempts to read the value for a given YOutput pointer as an YXmlElement.
  • Attempts to read the value for a given YOutput pointer as an YXmlText.
  • Releases allocated memory used by objects returned from path accessor functions of shared type events.
  • Returns association of current YStickyIndex. If association is after the referenced inserted character, returned number will be >= 0. If association is before the referenced inserted character, returned number will be < 0.
  • Deserializes YStickyIndex from the payload previously serialized using ysticky_index_encode.
  • Releases resources allocated by YStickyIndex pointers.
  • Serializes YStickyIndex into binary representation. len parameter is updated with byte length of the generated binary. Returned binary can be free’d using ybinary_destroy.
  • Retrieves a YStickyIndex corresponding to a given human-readable index pointing into the shared y-type branch. Unlike standard indexes sticky one enables to track the location inside of a shared y-types, even in the face of concurrent updates.
  • Given YStickyIndex and transaction reference, if computes a human-readable index in a context of the referenced shared y-type.
  • Frees all memory-allocated resources bound to a given UTF-8 null-terminated string returned from Yrs document API. Yrs strings don’t use libc malloc, so calling free() on them will fault.
  • Gets or creates a new shared YText data type instance as a root-level type of a given document. This structure can later be accessed using its name, which must be a null-terminated UTF-8 compatible string.
  • Returns a collection of chunks representing pieces of YText rich text string grouped together by the same formatting rules and type. chunks_len is used to inform about a number of chunks generated this way.
  • Releases memory allocated by the object returned from yevent_delta function.
  • Returns a sequence of changes produced by sequence component of shared collections (such as YText, YXmlText and XML nodes added to YXmlElement). len output parameter is used to provide information about number of changes produced.
  • Returns a path from a root type down to a current shared collection (which can be obtained using ytext_event_target function). It can consist of either integer indexes (used by sequence components) of *char keys (used by map components). len output parameter is used to provide information about length of the path.
  • Returns a pointer to a shared collection, which triggered passed event e.
  • Wraps an existing piece of text within a range described by index-len parameters with formatting blocks containing provided attrs metadata. attrs must be a map-like type.
  • Inserts a null-terminated UTF-8 encoded string a given index. index value must be between 0 and a length of a YText (inclusive, accordingly to ytext_len return value), otherwise this function will panic.
  • Performs a series of changes over the given YText shared ref type, described by the delta parameter:
  • Inserts an embed content given index. index value must be between 0 and a length of a YText (inclusive, accordingly to ytext_len return value), otherwise this function will panic.
  • Returns the length of the YText string content in bytes (without the null terminator character)
  • Subscribes a given callback function cb to changes made by this YText instance. Callbacks are triggered whenever a ytransaction_commit is called. Returns a subscription ID which can be then used to unsubscribe this callback by using yunobserve function.
  • Removes a range of characters, starting a a given index. This range must fit within the bounds of a current YText, otherwise this function call will fail.
  • Returns a null-terminated UTF-8 encoded string content of a current YText shared data type.
  • Applies an diff update (generated by ytransaction_state_diff_v1) to a local transaction’s document.
  • Applies an diff update (generated by ytransaction_state_diff_v2) to a local transaction’s document.
  • Commit and dispose provided read-write transaction. This operation releases allocated resources, triggers update events and performs a storage compression over all operations executed in scope of a current transaction.
  • Encodes a state of the document at a point in time specified by the provided snapshot (generated by: ytransaction_snapshot). This is useful to generate a past view of the document.
  • Encodes a state of the document at a point in time specified by the provided snapshot (generated by: ytransaction_snapshot). This is useful to generate a past view of the document.
  • Perform garbage collection of deleted blocks, even if a document was created with skip_gc option. This operation will scan over ALL deleted elements, NOT ONLY the ones that have been changed as part of this transaction scope.
  • Returns an unapplied Delete Set for the current document, waiting for missing updates in order to be integrated into document store.
  • Returns a pending update associated with an underlying YDoc. Pending update contains update data waiting for being integrated into main document store. Usually reason for that is that there were missing updates required for integration. In such cases they need to arrive and be integrated first.
  • Returns a snapshot descriptor of a current state of the document. This snapshot information can be then used to encode document data at a particular point in time (see: ytransaction_encode_state_from_snapshot).
  • Returns a delta difference between current state of a transaction’s document and a state vector sv encoded as a binary payload using lib0 version 1 encoding (which could be generated using ytransaction_state_vector_v1). Such delta can be send back to the state vector’s sender in order to propagate and apply (using ytransaction_apply) all updates known to a current document, which remote peer was not aware of.
  • Returns a delta difference between current state of a transaction’s document and a state vector sv encoded as a binary payload using lib0 version 1 encoding (which could be generated using ytransaction_state_vector_v1). Such delta can be send back to the state vector’s sender in order to propagate and apply (using ytransaction_apply_v2) all updates known to a current document, which remote peer was not aware of.
  • Returns a state vector of a current transaction’s document, serialized using lib0 version 1 encoding. Payload created by this function can then be send over the network to a remote peer, where it can be used as a parameter of ytransaction_state_diff_v1 in order to produce a delta update payload, that can be send back and applied locally in order to efficiently propagate updates from one peer to another.
  • Returns a list of subdocs existing within current document.
  • Returns 1 if current transaction is of read-write type. Returns 0 if transaction is read-only.
  • Gets a reference to shared data type instance at the document root-level, identified by its name, which must be a null-terminated UTF-8 compatible string.
  • Returns a value informing what kind of Yrs shared collection given branch represents. Returns either 0 when branch is null or one of values: Y_ARRAY, Y_TEXT, Y_MAP, Y_XML_ELEM, Y_XML_TEXT.
  • Creates a new instance of undo manager bound to a current doc. It can be used to track specific shared refs via yundo_manager_add_scope and updates coming from specific origin
  • Adds an origin to be tracked by current undo manager. This way only changes made within context of transactions created with specific origin will be subjects of undo/redo operations. This is useful when you want to be able to revert changed done by specific user without reverting changes made by other users that were applied in the meantime.
  • Add specific shared type to be tracked by this instance of an undo manager.
  • Removes all the undo/redo stack changes tracked by current undo manager. This also cleans up all the items that couldn’t be deallocated / garbage collected for the sake of possible undo/redo operations.
  • Deallocated undo manager instance created via yundo_manager.
  • Subscribes a callback function pointer to a given undo manager event. This event will be triggered every time a new undo/redo stack item is added.
  • Subscribes a callback function pointer to a given undo manager event. This event will be triggered every time a undo/redo operation was called.
  • Performs a redo operations, reapplying changes undone by yundo_manager_undo operation.
  • Returns number of elements stored on redo stack.
  • Removes an origin previously added to undo manager via yundo_manager_add_origin.
  • Cuts off tracked changes, producing a new stack item on undo stack.
  • Performs an undo operations, reverting all the changes defined by the last undo stack item. These changes can be then reapplied again by calling yundo_manager_redo function.
  • Returns number of elements stored on undo stack.
  • Unsubscribe callback from the oberver event it was previously subscribed to.
  • Returns a null-terminated UTF-8 encoded string representation of an update binary payload, encoded using lib0 v1 encoding. Returns null if update couldn’t be parsed into a lib0 v1 formatting.
  • Returns a null-terminated UTF-8 encoded string representation of an update binary payload, encoded using lib0 v2 encoding. Returns null if update couldn’t be parsed into a lib0 v2 formatting.
  • Subscribes a given callback function cb to changes made by this YText instance. Callbacks are triggered whenever a ytransaction_commit is called. Returns a subscription ID which can be then used to unsubscribe this callback by using yunobserve function.
  • Returns a next sibling of a current XML node, which can be either another YXmlElement or a YXmlText. Together with yxmlelem_first_child it may be used to iterate over the direct children of an XML node (in order to iterate over the nested XML structure use yxmlelem_tree_walker).
  • Returns a previous sibling of a current XML node, which can be either another YXmlElement or a YXmlText.
  • Frees all memory-allocated resources bound to a given YXmlAttr.
  • Releases all of attributes iterator resources created by calling yxmlelem_attr_iter or yxmltext_attr_iter.
  • Returns a next XML attribute from an iterator. Attributes are returned in an unordered manner. Once iterator reaches the end of attributes collection, a null pointer will be returned.
  • Returns an iterator over the YXmlElement attributes.
  • Returns a number of child nodes (both YXmlElement and YXmlText) living under a current XML element. This function doesn’t count a recursive nodes, only direct children of a current node.
  • Returns a sequence of changes produced by sequence component of shared collections (such as YText, YXmlText and XML nodes added to YXmlElement). len output parameter is used to provide information about number of changes produced.
  • Returns a sequence of changes produced by map component of shared collections. len output parameter is used to provide information about number of changes produced.
  • Returns a path from a root type down to a current shared collection (which can be obtained using yxmlelem_event_path function). It can consist of either integer indexes (used by sequence components) of *char keys (used by map components). len output parameter is used to provide information about length of the path.
  • Returns a pointer to a shared collection, which triggered passed event e.
  • Returns a first child node of a current YXmlElement, or null pointer if current XML node is empty. Returned value could be either another YXmlElement or YXmlText.
  • Returns an XML child node (either a YXmlElement or YXmlText) stored at a given index of a current YXmlElement. Returns null pointer if index was outside of the bound of current XML node children.
  • Returns the value of a current YXmlElement, given its name, or a null pointer if not attribute with such name has been found. Returned pointer is a null-terminated UTF-8 encoded string, which should be released using ystring_destroy function.
  • Inserts an XML attribute described using attr_name and attr_value. If another attribute with the same name already existed, its value will be replaced with a provided one.
  • Inserts an YXmlElement as a child of a current node at the given index and returns its pointer. Node created this way will have a given name as its tag (eg. p for <p></p> node).
  • Inserts an YXmlText as a child of a current node at the given index and returns its pointer.
  • Subscribes a given callback function cb to changes made by this YXmlElement instance. Callbacks are triggered whenever a ytransaction_commit is called. Returns a subscription ID which can be then used to unsubscribe this callback by using yunobserve function.
  • Returns a parent YXmlElement of a current node, or null pointer when current YXmlElement is a root-level shared data type.
  • Removes an attribute from a current YXmlElement, given its name.
  • Removes a consecutive range of child elements (of specified length) from the current YXmlElement, starting at the given index. Specified range must fit into boundaries of current XML node children, otherwise this function will panic at runtime.
  • Converts current YXmlElement together with its children and attributes into a flat string representation (no padding) eg. <UNDEFINED><title key="value">sample text</title></UNDEFINED>.
  • Return a name (or an XML tag) of a current YXmlElement. Root-level XML nodes use “UNDEFINED” as their tag names.
  • Returns an iterator over a nested recursive structure of a current YXmlElement, starting from first of its children. Returned values can be either YXmlElement or YXmlText nodes.
  • Releases resources associated with a current XML tree walker iterator.
  • Moves current iterator to a next value (either YXmlElement or YXmlText), returning its pointer or a null, if an iterator already reached the last successor node.
  • Gets or creates a new shared YXmlElement data type instance as a root-level type of a given document. This structure can later be accessed using its name, which must be a null-terminated UTF-8 compatible string.
  • Returns an iterator over the YXmlText attributes.
  • Returns a sequence of changes produced by sequence component of shared collections (such as YText, YXmlText and XML nodes added to YXmlElement). len output parameter is used to provide information about number of changes produced.
  • Returns a sequence of changes produced by map component of shared collections. len output parameter is used to provide information about number of changes produced.
  • Returns a path from a root type down to a current shared collection (which can be obtained using yxmltext_event_path function). It can consist of either integer indexes (used by sequence components) of *char keys (used by map components). len output parameter is used to provide information about length of the path.
  • Returns a pointer to a shared collection, which triggered passed event e.
  • Wraps an existing piece of text within a range described by index-len parameters with formatting blocks containing provided attrs metadata. attrs must be a map-like type.
  • Returns the value of a current YXmlText, given its name, or a null pointer if not attribute with such name has been found. Returned pointer is a null-terminated UTF-8 encoded string, which should be released using ystring_destroy function.
  • Inserts a null-terminated UTF-8 encoded string a a given index. index value must be between 0 and a length of a YXmlText (inclusive, accordingly to yxmltext_len return value), otherwise this function will panic.
  • Inserts an XML attribute described using attr_name and attr_value. If another attribute with the same name already existed, its value will be replaced with a provided one.
  • Inserts an embed content given index. index value must be between 0 and a length of a YXmlText (inclusive, accordingly to ytext_len return value), otherwise this function will panic.
  • Returns the length of the YXmlText string content in bytes (without the null terminator character)
  • Subscribes a given callback function cb to changes made by this YXmlText instance. Callbacks are triggered whenever a ytransaction_commit is called. Returns a subscription ID which can be then used to unsubscribe this callback by using yunobserve function.
  • Removes an attribute from a current YXmlText, given its name.
  • Removes a range of characters, starting a a given index. This range must fit within the bounds of a current YXmlText, otherwise this function call will fail.
  • Returns a null-terminated UTF-8 encoded string content of a current YXmlText shared data type.

Type Aliases§

  • A common shared data type. All Yrs instances can be refered to using this data type (use ytype_kind function if a specific type needs to be determined). Branch pointers are passed over type-specific functions like ytext_insert, yarray_insert or ymap_insert to perform a specific shared type operations.
  • A Yrs document type. Documents are the most important units of collaborative resources management. All shared collections live within a scope of their corresponding documents. All updates are generated on per-document basis (rather than individual shared type). All operations on shared collections happen via YTransaction, which lifetime is also bound to a document.
  • Subscription to any kind of observable events, like ymap_observe, ydoc_observe_updates_v1 etc. This subscription can be destroyed by calling yunobserve function, which will cause to unsubscribe correlated callback.
