Module yew::prelude

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The Yew Prelude

The purpose of this module is to alleviate imports of many common types:

use yew::prelude::*;


pub use html::Component;
pub use html::Env;
pub use html::Href;
pub use html::Html;
pub use html::ChangeData;
pub use html::InputData;
pub use html::Renderable;
pub use html::ShouldRender;
pub use app::App;
pub use callback::Callback;


The BlurEvent is fired when an element has lost focus. The main difference between this event and focusout is that only the latter bubbles.
The ClickEvent is fired when a pointing device button (usually a mouse’s primary button) is pressed and released on a single element.
The DoubleClickEvent is fired when a pointing device button (usually a mouse’s primary button) is clicked twice on a single element.
The KeyDownEvent is fired when a key is pressed down. Unlike the KeyPressEvent event it’s also fired for keys which do not produce a character value.
The KeyPressEvent is fired when a key is pressed down. It’s only fired for keys which produce a character value.
The KeyUpEvent is fired when a key is released.
The MouseDownEvent is fired when a pointing device button is pressed on an element.
The MouseMoveEvent is fired when a pointing device (usually a mouse) is moved while over an element.
The MouseOutEvent is fired when a pointing device (usually a mouse) is moved off the element that has the listener attached or off one of its children.
The MouseOverEvent is fired when a pointing device (usually a mouse) is moved onto the element that has the listener attached or onto one of its children.
The MouseUpEvent is fired when a pointing device button is released over an element.


IKeyboardEvent objects describe a user interaction with the keyboard. Each event describes a key; the event type identifies what kind of activity was performed.
The IMouseEvent interface represents events that occur due to the user interacting with a pointing device (such as a mouse).