Module yew::functional

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Function components are a simplified version of normal components. They consist of a single function annotated with the attribute #[function_component] that receives props and determines what should be rendered by returning Html.

Functions with the attribute have to return Html and may take a single parameter for the type of props the component should accept. The parameter type needs to be a reference to a Properties type (ex. props: &MyProps). If the function doesn’t have any parameters the resulting component doesn’t accept any props.

Just mark the component with the attribute. The component will be named after the function.

fn HelloWorld() -> Html {
    html! { "Hello world" }

More details about function components and Hooks can be found on Yew Docs


Use a state prepared on the server side and its value is sent to the client side during hydration.
Use a state created as an artifact of the server-side rendering.


A hook context to be passed to hooks.
A handle which can be used to force a re-render of the associated function component.
Dispatcher handle for use_reducer and use_reducer_eq hook
State handle for the use_state hook.
Setter handle for use_state and use_state_eq hook


Trait that allows a struct to act as Function Component.
A trait that is implemented on hooks.
A trait that implements a reducer function of a type.
Trait describing the destructor of use_effect hook.


Get a immutable reference to a memoized Callback. Its state persists across renders. It will be recreated only if any of the dependencies changes value.
Hook for consuming context values in function components. The context of the type passed as T is returned. If there is no such context in scope, None is returned. A component which calls use_context will re-render when the data of the context changes.
use_effect is used for hooking into the component’s lifecycle and creating side effects.
This hook is similar to use_effect but it accepts dependencies.
This hook is used to manually force a function component to re-render.
Get a immutable reference to a memoized value.
This hook is used for obtaining a mutable reference to a stateful value. Its state persists across renders.
This hook is used for obtaining a NodeRef. It persists across renders.
This hook is an alternative to use_state. It is used to handle component’s state and is used when complex actions needs to be performed on said state.
use_reducer but only re-renders when prev_state != next_state.
This hook is used to manage state in a function component.
use_state but only re-renders when prev_state != next_state.

Attribute Macros

This attribute creates a function component from a normal Rust function.
This attribute creates a user-defined hook from a normal Rust function.