Crate yamlscript

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Rust binding/API for the libyamlscript shared library.

§Loading a YAMLScript file

The YAMLScript::load function is the main entrypoint of the library. It allows loading YAMLScript and returns a JSON object. serde_json is used to deserialize the JSON. One can either use serde_json::Value as a return type or a custom serde::Deserializeable type.

§Using serde_json::Value

// Create an instance of a YAMLScript object.
// This object holds data from the library and all execution context.
let ys = yamlscript::YAMLScript::new().unwrap();
// Load some YAMLScript.
let data = ys.load::<serde_json::Value>(
           key: ! inc(42)"#

// Our YAMLScript returns a `serde_json::Value` which holds an object.
let data = data.as_object().unwrap();
// We have a `key` field which holds the value 43.
assert_eq!(data.get("key").unwrap().as_u64().unwrap(), 43);

§Using a user-defined type

struct Foo {
  key: u64,

// Create an instance of a YAMLScript object.
// This object holds data from the library and all execution context.
let ys = yamlscript::YAMLScript::new().unwrap();
// Load some YAMLScript and deserialize as `Foo`.
let foo = ys.load::<Foo>(
           key: ! inc(42)"#

// Our `foo` object has its key field set to 43.
assert_eq!(foo.key, 43);



  • An error with the binding.