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§Yamd - yet another markdown document flavour

Yamd is a markdown document flavour that allows to create rich documents with images, code, and more.


Each yamd document starts with metadata section which is YAML document surrounded by “—”. Metadata has next fields: title, date, image, preview, is_draft, and tags.

Timestamp format: “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z” (specifiers description)

Tags are array of strings.

is_draft is a boolean value.


title: Yamd - yet another markdown document flavour
date: 2023-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
image: /image.png
preview: Here you can find out more about yamd
is_draft: true
- markdown
- rust



Can contain nested lists. Each nesting level equals to number of spaces before list item.

§Unordered list

Starts with “- “ and ends with a new line

§Ordered list

Starts with “+ “ and ends with a new line


- item 1
- item 2
 + ordered nested list
  - can have nested unordered list inside ordered list
 + one more ordered item
- item 3


Element that starts with “```lang\n”, ends with “\n```” and has code in between.


let x = 1;

^ did not figured out how to escape ``` in rustdoc


Element that starts with “!” has image alt text in [] and followed by image url in ()


![alt text](url)


Element that starts with “!!!\n”, ends with “\n!!!”, and has image elements in between


![alt text](url)
![alt text](url)


Element that starts with “>>>\n”, followed by optional title that starts with “>> “ and ends with a new line, followed by optional icon specifier that starts with “> “ and ends with a new line, followed by body that can contain any number of paragraph elements


>> Title
> icon

can be multiple paragraphs long

no header and no icon:



Element that consist of five “-” characters in a row and ends with a new line or EOF.

Example: -----


Element that starts with “{{” followed by embed type, followed by “|” followed by embed url, followed by “}}” and ends with a new line or EOF.

Example: {{youtube|}}


Element that starts with any character that is not a special character and ends with a new line or EOF. Can contain text, bold text, italic text, strikethrough text, anchors, and inline code.


element that starts with “[” followed by text, followed by “]” followed by “(” followed by url, followed by “)”

example: [Yamd repo](

§Inline code

element that starts with “`” followed by text and ends with “`”

example: `inline code`

§Italic text

element that starts with “_” followed by text and ends with “_”

example: _italic text_

§Strikethrough text

element that starts with “~~” followed by text and ends with “~~”

example: ~~strikethrough text~~

§Bold text

element that starts with “**” followed by text and ends with “**”

example: **bold text**

Bold text can also contain italic text and strikethrough text

example: **bold _italic_ text** or **bold ~~strikethrough~~ text**

Altogether: text **bold _italic_ text** ~~strikethrough~~ text `inline code` [Yamd repo](url) will be parsed into Paragraph


Collapsible element can contain all from the above


{% Title
some random text

Nested collapsible elements example:

{% Title
some random text

{% Nested title
some random text


Element that starts with one to seven “#” characters followed by space, followed by text and/or link, and ends with a new line or EOF

Example: # header or ###### header or # [header](url) or # header [link](url)

