Crate xvc_pipeline

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Pipeline management commands and data structures

This contains CLI structs for xvc pipeline subcommands, init function to run during xvc init for pipeline related initialization, cmd_pipeline and [handle_step_cli] functions to dispatch the options to subcommands.


  • Step dependencies implementation
  • Error and Result types for the pipelines crate


  • Used for encapsulating a process and its outputs. This is used to associate steps with running processes.
  • Pipeline management commands
  • Run a pipeline
  • A pipeline is a collection of steps that are run in a specific order. This struct defines the name of it.
  • A pipeline run directory where the pipeline is run. It should be within the workspace to be portable across systems.
  • Defines the user editable pipeline schema used in xvc pipeline export and xvc pipeline import commands.
  • A step (stage) in a pipeline.
  • Command to run for an XvcStep.
  • User editable pipeline step schema used in xvc pipeline export and xvc pipeline import commands.


  • Pipeline management subcommands
  • Represents variety of dependencies Xvc supports. This is to unify all dependencies without dynamic dispatch and having compile time errors when we miss something about dependencies.
  • Possible formats for recognized metrics formats. Metrics files are where the pipeline writes its output in a structured format. We can read these files and use them to generate reports
  • Possible outputs for the pipeline.
  • Parsable formats of a parameter file


  • Entry point for xvc pipeline dag command. Create a graph of the pipeline and output it in the specified format.
  • Entry point for xvc pipeline delete command. It deletes the pipeline with the given name. It is not possible to delete the default pipeline.
  • Entry point for xvc pipeline export command. Export the pipeline and all its steps to a file. The file format is determined by the format parameter. If file is None, prints to stdout. If name is None, uses the default pipeline name from the config. If format is None, uses the default format from [XvcSchemaSerializationFormat::default()]
  • Entry point for xvc pipeline import command. Reads a pipeline definition in JSON or YAML formats and creates/updates it. If name is None, uses the pipeline name from the file. If file is None, reads from stdin. If format is None, uses the file extension to determine the format. If overwrite is true, overwrites the pipeline if it already exists.
  • Entry point for xvc pipeline list command. Lists all pipelines and their run directories.
  • Entry point for xvc pipeline new command. It creates a new pipeline with the given name. If workdir is None, uses the default workdir.
  • Run xvc pipeline command. This is the entry point for the pipeline subcommand. It dispatches to the subcommands using PipelineCLI argument.
  • Entry point for xvc pipeline run command.
  • Entry point for xvc pipeline step dependency command. Add a set of new dependencies to the given step in the pipeline.
  • Creates a new step
  • Entry point for xvc pipeline step output command.
  • Entry point for xvc pipeline step show command.
  • Entry point for xvc pipeline step update command. Updates the command and invalidation strategy (when to run) of the given step.
  • Entry point for xvc pipeline update command. Can rename the pipeline, change the working directory or set the pipeline as default.
  • Initialize pipeline stores and save them.