Crate xml_doc

Expand description

A tree-like parser to read, modify and write XML files.

It was especially designed for modifying xml files without rigid structure.

Parsing from various encodings are supported, including UTF-16, ISO 8859-1, GBK and EUC-KR. (With the notable exception of UTF-32)

The XML document is represented with Document, Element and Node.


use xml_doc::{Document, Element, Node};

const data: &'static str = r#"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <title>The Felloship of the Ring</title>
    <author>J. R. R. Tolkien</author>

let mut doc = Document::parse_str(data).unwrap();
let metadata = doc.root_element().unwrap();

// Add a new element
let series = Element::build(&mut doc, "series")
    .text_content("Lord of the Rings")

// Modify existing element
let date = metadata.find(&doc, "date").unwrap();
date.set_text_content(&mut doc, "29 July 1954");

let xml = doc.write_str();

Below example goes through the root element’s children and removes all nodes that isn’t <conf>...</conf>

use std::path::Path;
use xml_doc::{Document, Node};

let xml_file = Path::new("config.xml");
let mut doc = Document::parse_file(&xml_file).unwrap();
let root = doc.root_element().unwrap();
let to_remove: Vec<usize> = root.children(&doc)
    .filter_map(|(i, node)| {
        if let Node::Element(elem) = node {
            if == "conf" {
                return None
for i in to_remove.iter().rev() {
    root.remove_child(&mut doc, *i);


  • Represents a XML document or a document fragment.
  • Represents an XML element. It acts as a pointer to actual element data stored in Document.
  • An easy way to build a new element by chaining methods to add properties.
  • Options when parsing xml.
  • Options when writing XML.



  • #xD(\r), #xA(\n), #x9(\t) is normalized into #x20. Leading and trailing spaces(#x20) are discarded and sequence of spaces are replaced by a single space.

Type Aliases§

  • Wrapper around std::Result