Type Alias xmc4800::usb0::dcfg::NzstsOuthshkW

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pub type NzstsOuthshkW<'a, REG> = BitWriter<'a, REG, NzstsOuthshk>;
Expand description

Field NZStsOUTHShk writer - Non-Zero-Length Status OUT Handshake

Aliased Type§

struct NzstsOuthshkW<'a, REG> { /* private fields */ }



impl<'a, REG> NzstsOuthshkW<'a, REG>
where REG: Writable + RegisterSpec,


pub fn value1(self) -> &'a mut W<REG>

Send a STALL handshake on a nonzero-length status OUT transaction and do not send the received OUT packet to the application.


pub fn value2(self) -> &'a mut W<REG>

Send the received OUT packet to the application (zero-length or nonzero-length) and send a handshake based on the NAK and STALL bits for the endpoint in the Device Endpoint Control register.