Crate xitca_http

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Http module for Service trait oriented http handling.

This crate tries to serve both low overhead and ease of use purpose. All http protocols can be used separately with corresponding feature flag or work together for handling different protocols in one place.


use std::convert::Infallible;

use xitca_http::{
    http::{IntoResponse, Request, RequestExt, Response},
use xitca_service::{fn_service, Service, ServiceExt};

// xitca-http has to run inside a tcp/udp server.
    // create http service with given name, socket address and service logic.
    .bind("xitca-http", "localhost:0",
        // a simple async function service produce hello world string as http response.
        fn_service(|req: Request<RequestExt<RequestBody>>| async {
            Ok::<Response<ResponseBody>, Infallible>(req.into_response("Hello,World!"))
        // http service builder is a middleware take control of above function service
        // and bridge tcp/udp transport with the http service.



  • HTTP body types.
  • re-export bytes crate as module. re-export of bytes crate types.
  • Configuration for http service middlewares.
  • low resolution async date time for reduced syscall for generating http date time.
  • error types.
  • http/1 specific module for types and protocol utilities.
  • re-export of http crate types.
  • utility module for useful middleware and service types.
