Attribute Macro xitca_codegen::route

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attribute macro for xitca-web application.


#[route("path", method = <method>[, attributes])]


  • "path": string literal represent path register to http router. "/foo" for example.
  • method = <method>: function path of http method register to http router. method = get for example.
  • enclosed = <type>: typed middleware applied to route.
  • enclosed_fn = <async function>: async function as middleware applied to route


# use xitca_web::{codegen::route, handler::handler_service, service::Service, App, WebContext};
#[route("/", method = get, enclosed_fn = middleware_fn)]
async fn index() -> &'static str {

async fn middleware_fn<S, C, B, Res, Err>(service: &S, ctx: WebContext<'_, C, B>) -> Result<Res, Err>
    S: for<'r> Service<WebContext<'r, C, B>, Response = Res, Error = Err>

    // add generated index typed route to application.
#   .at("/nah", handler_service(nah));

# async fn nah(_: &WebContext<'_>) -> &'static str {
#   // needed to infer the body type of request
#   ""
# }