[][src]Module xi_core_lib::watcher

Monitoring files and directories.

This module contains FileWatcher and related types, responsible for monitoring changes to files and directories. Under the hood it is a thin wrapper around some concrete type provided by the notify crate; the implementation is platform dependent, and may be using kqueue, fsevent, or another low-level monitoring system.

Our wrapper provides a few useful features:

  • All watch calls are associated with a WatchToken; this allows for the same path to be watched multiple times, presumably by multiple interested parties. events are delivered once-per token.

  • There is the option (via FileWatcher::watch_filtered) to include a predicate along with a path, to filter paths before delivery.

  • We are integrated with the xi_rpc runloop; events are queued as they arrive, and an idle task is scheduled.



Wrapper around a notify::Watcher. It runs the inner watcher in a separate thread, and communicates with it via an mpsc::channel.


Token provided to FileWatcher, to associate events with interested parties.



Delay for aggregating related file system events.



A trait for types which can be notified of new events. New events are accessible through the FileWatcher instance.

Type Definitions
