xh 0.7.0

Yet another HTTPie clone
xh-0.7.0 is not a library.


Yet another HTTPie clone in Rust.



From binaries

The release page contains prebuilt binaries for Linux, macOS and Windows.


xh 0.7.0

        --offline         Construct HTTP requests without sending them anywhere
    -j, --json            (default) Data items from the command line are serialized as a JSON object
    -f, --form            Data items from the command line are serialized as form fields
    -m, --multipart       Similar to --form, but always sends a multipart/form-data request (i.e., even without files)
    -I, --ignore-stdin    Do not attempt to read stdin
    -F, --follow          Do follow redirects
    -d, --download
    -h, --headers         Print only the response headers, shortcut for --print=h
    -b, --body            Print only the response body, Shortcut for --print=b
    -c, --continue        Resume an interrupted download
    -v, --verbose         Print the whole request as well as the response
    -q, --quiet           Do not print to stdout or stderr
    -S, --stream          Always stream the response body
        --help            Prints help information
    -V, --version         Prints version information

    -A, --auth-type <auth-type>              Specify the auth mechanism [possible values: Basic, Bearer]
    -a, --auth <auth>
    -o, --output <output>                    Save output to FILE instead of stdout
        --max-redirects <max-redirects>      Number of redirects to follow, only respected if `follow` is set
    -p, --print <print>                      String specifying what the output should contain
        --pretty <pretty>                    Controls output processing [possible values: All, Colors, Format, None]
    -s, --style <theme>                      Output coloring style [possible values: Auto, Solarized]
        --default-scheme <default-scheme>    The default scheme to use if not specified in the URL

    <[METHOD] URL>       The request URL, preceded by an optional HTTP method
    <REQUEST_ITEM>...    Optional key-value pairs to be included in the request

Request Items

xh uses HTTPie's request-item syntax to set headers, request body, query string, etc.

  • =/:= for setting the request body's JSON fields (= for strings and := for other JSON types).
  • == for adding query strings.
  • @ for including files in multipart requests e.g picture@hello.jpg or picture@hello.jpg;type=image/jpeg.
  • : for adding or removing headers e.g connection:keep-alive or connection:.
  • ; for including headers with empty values e.g header-without-value;.


# Send a GET request
xh httpbin.org/json

# Send a POST request with body {"name": "ahmed", "age": 24}
xh httpbin.org/post name=ahmed age:=24

# Send a GET request with querystring id=5&sort=true
xh get httpbin.org/json id==5 sort==true

# Send a GET request and include a header named x-api-key with value 12345
xh get httpbin.org/json x-api-key:12345

# Send a PUT request and pipe the result to less
xh put httpbin.org/put id:=49 age:=25 | less

# Download and save to res.json
xh -d httpbin.org/json -o res.json

Syntaxes and themes used