Crate xdg_user

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This simple crate allows you to get paths to well known user directories, using xdg-user-dirss user-dirs.dirs file.

There are two ways of using this crate - with functions in the root of the crate, or with the UserDirs struct. UserDirs will read and parse the config file only once - when you call the UserDirs::new function. Functions in the root will read and parse the config file EVERY TIME you call them - so use them ONLY if you need to get one or two folders one or two times.


println!("Pictures folder: {:?}", xdg_user::pictures()?);
println!("Music folder:    {:?}", xdg_user::music()?);

let dirs = xdg_user::UserDirs::new()?;
println!("Documents folder: {:?}", dirs.documents());
println!("Downloads folder: {:?}", dirs.downloads());


  • This crates main and only struct, allows you to access the paths to all the user directories


  • This crates main and only error type


  • Returns an absolute path to users desktop directory (XDG_DESKTOP_DIR), if found
  • Returns an absolute path to users documents directory (XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR), if found
  • Returns an absolute path to users downloads directory (XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR), if found
  • Returns an absolute path to users music directory (XDG_MUSIC_DIR), if found
  • Returns an absolute path to users pictures directory (XDG_PICTURES_DIR), if found
  • Returns an absolute path to users public share directory (XDG_PUBLICSHARE_DIR), if found
  • Returns an absolute path to users templates directory (XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR), if found
  • Returns an absolute path to users videos directory (XDG_VIDEOS_DIR), if found