xaynet-sdk-0.1.0 doesn't have any documentation.
This crate provides building blocks for implementing participants for
the [Xaynet Federated Learning platform](https://www.xaynet.dev/).
The PET protocol states that in any given round of federated learning,
each participant of the protocol may be selected to carry out one of
two tasks:
- **update**: participants selected for the update task
(a.k.a. _update participants_) are responsible for sending a machine
learning model they trained
- **sum**: participants selected for the sum task (a.k.a. _sum
participants_) are responsible for computing a global mask from local mask seeds sent by
the update participants
Participants may also not be selected for any of these tasks, in which
case they simply wait for the next round.
# Running a participant
The communication with the Xaynet coordinator is managed by a
background task that runs the PET protocol. We call it the PET
agent. In practice, the agent is a simple wrapper around the
To run a participant, you need to start an agent, and
interact with it. There are two types of interactions:
- reacting to notifications for the agents, which include:
- start of a new round of training
- selection for the sum task
- selection for the update task
- end of a task
- providing the agent with a Machine Learning model and a corresponding
scalar for aggregation when the participant takes part the update task
## Implementing an agent
A simple agent can be implemented as a function.
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::time::delay_for;
use xaynet_sdk::{StateMachine, TransitionOutcome};
async fn run_agent(mut state_machine: StateMachine, tick: Duration) {
loop {
state_machine = match state_machine.transition().await {
// The state machine is stuck waiting for some data,
// either from the coordinator or from the
// participant. Let's wait a little and try again
TransitionOutcome::Pending(state_machine) => {
// The state machine moved forward in the PET protocol.
// We simply continue looping, trying to make more progress.
TransitionOutcome::Complete(state_machine) => state_machine,
This agent needs to be fed a [`StateMachine`] in order to run. A
state machine requires found components:
- PET settings: a cryptographic key identifying the participant and a
masking configuration. This is provided by [`settings::PetSettings`]
- a store from which it can load a model when the participant is
selected for the updat etask. This can be any type that
implements the [`ModelStore`] trait. In our case, we'll use a
dummy in-memory store that always returns the same model.
- a client to talk with the Xaynet coordinator. This can be any
type that implements the [`XaynetClient`] trait. For this we're
going to use the [`Client`] that is available when compiling
with `--features reqwest-client`.
- a notifier that the state machine can use to send
notifications. This can be any type that implements the
[`Notify`] trait. We'll use channels for this.
[`Client`]: crate::client::Client
Finally we can start our agent and log the events it emits. Here
is the full code:
use std::{
sync::{mpsc, Arc},
use async_trait::async_trait;
use tokio::time::delay_for;
use xaynet_core::{
mask::{BoundType, DataType, FromPrimitives, GroupType, MaskConfig, Model, ModelType},
use xaynet_sdk::{
async fn run_agent(mut state_machine: StateMachine, tick: Duration) {
loop {
state_machine = match state_machine.transition().await {
TransitionOutcome::Pending(state_machine) => {
TransitionOutcome::Complete(state_machine) => state_machine,
enum Event {
// event sent by the state machine when the participant is
// selected for the update task
// event sent by the state machine when the participant is
// selected for the sum task
// event sent by the state machine when a new round starts
// event sent by the state machine when the participant
// becomes inactive (after finishing a task for instance)
// Our notifier is a simple wrapper around a channel.
struct Notifier(mpsc::Sender