Trait x11rb::protocol::glx::ConnectionExt

source ·
pub trait ConnectionExt: RequestConnection {
Show 101 methods // Provided methods fn glx_render<'c, 'input>( &'c self, context_tag: ContextTag, data: &'input [u8] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_render_large<'c, 'input>( &'c self, context_tag: ContextTag, request_num: u16, request_total: u16, data: &'input [u8] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_create_context( &self, context: Context, visual: Visualid, screen: u32, share_list: Context, is_direct: bool ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_destroy_context( &self, context: Context ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_make_current( &self, drawable: Drawable, context: Context, old_context_tag: ContextTag ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, MakeCurrentReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_is_direct( &self, context: Context ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, IsDirectReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_query_version( &self, major_version: u32, minor_version: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, QueryVersionReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_wait_gl( &self, context_tag: ContextTag ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_wait_x( &self, context_tag: ContextTag ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_copy_context( &self, src: Context, dest: Context, mask: u32, src_context_tag: ContextTag ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_swap_buffers( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, drawable: Drawable ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_use_x_font( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, font: Font, first: u32, count: u32, list_base: u32 ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_create_glx_pixmap( &self, screen: u32, visual: Visualid, pixmap: Pixmap, glx_pixmap: Pixmap ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_visual_configs( &self, screen: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetVisualConfigsReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_destroy_glx_pixmap( &self, glx_pixmap: Pixmap ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_vendor_private<'c, 'input>( &'c self, vendor_code: u32, context_tag: ContextTag, data: &'input [u8] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_vendor_private_with_reply<'c, 'input>( &'c self, vendor_code: u32, context_tag: ContextTag, data: &'input [u8] ) -> Result<Cookie<'c, Self, VendorPrivateWithReplyReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_query_extensions_string( &self, screen: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, QueryExtensionsStringReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_query_server_string( &self, screen: u32, name: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, QueryServerStringReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_client_info<'c, 'input>( &'c self, major_version: u32, minor_version: u32, string: &'input [u8] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_fb_configs( &self, screen: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetFBConfigsReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_create_pixmap<'c, 'input>( &'c self, screen: u32, fbconfig: Fbconfig, pixmap: Pixmap, glx_pixmap: Pixmap, attribs: &'input [u32] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_destroy_pixmap( &self, glx_pixmap: Pixmap ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_create_new_context( &self, context: Context, fbconfig: Fbconfig, screen: u32, render_type: u32, share_list: Context, is_direct: bool ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_query_context( &self, context: Context ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, QueryContextReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_make_context_current( &self, old_context_tag: ContextTag, drawable: Drawable, read_drawable: Drawable, context: Context ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, MakeContextCurrentReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_create_pbuffer<'c, 'input>( &'c self, screen: u32, fbconfig: Fbconfig, pbuffer: Pbuffer, attribs: &'input [u32] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_destroy_pbuffer( &self, pbuffer: Pbuffer ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_drawable_attributes( &self, drawable: Drawable ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetDrawableAttributesReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_change_drawable_attributes<'c, 'input>( &'c self, drawable: Drawable, attribs: &'input [u32] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_create_window<'c, 'input>( &'c self, screen: u32, fbconfig: Fbconfig, window: Window, glx_window: Window, attribs: &'input [u32] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_delete_window( &self, glxwindow: Window ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_set_client_info_arb<'c, 'input>( &'c self, major_version: u32, minor_version: u32, gl_versions: &'input [u32], gl_extension_string: &'input [u8], glx_extension_string: &'input [u8] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_create_context_attribs_arb<'c, 'input>( &'c self, context: Context, fbconfig: Fbconfig, screen: u32, share_list: Context, is_direct: bool, attribs: &'input [u32] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_set_client_info2_arb<'c, 'input>( &'c self, major_version: u32, minor_version: u32, gl_versions: &'input [u32], gl_extension_string: &'input [u8], glx_extension_string: &'input [u8] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_new_list( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, list: u32, mode: u32 ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_end_list( &self, context_tag: ContextTag ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_delete_lists( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, list: u32, range: i32 ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_gen_lists( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, range: i32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GenListsReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_feedback_buffer( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, size: i32, type_: i32 ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_select_buffer( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, size: i32 ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_render_mode( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, mode: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, RenderModeReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_finish( &self, context_tag: ContextTag ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, FinishReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_pixel_storef( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, pname: u32, datum: Float32 ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_pixel_storei( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, pname: u32, datum: i32 ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_read_pixels( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, x: i32, y: i32, width: i32, height: i32, format: u32, type_: u32, swap_bytes: bool, lsb_first: bool ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, ReadPixelsReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_booleanv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, pname: i32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetBooleanvReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_clip_plane( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, plane: i32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetClipPlaneReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_doublev( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetDoublevReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_error( &self, context_tag: ContextTag ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetErrorReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_floatv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetFloatvReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_integerv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetIntegervReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_lightfv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, light: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetLightfvReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_lightiv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, light: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetLightivReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_mapdv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, query: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetMapdvReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_mapfv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, query: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetMapfvReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_mapiv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, query: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetMapivReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_materialfv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, face: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetMaterialfvReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_materialiv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, face: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetMaterialivReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_pixel_mapfv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, map: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetPixelMapfvReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_pixel_mapuiv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, map: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetPixelMapuivReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_pixel_mapusv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, map: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetPixelMapusvReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_polygon_stipple( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, lsb_first: bool ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetPolygonStippleReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_string( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, name: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetStringReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_tex_envfv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetTexEnvfvReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_tex_enviv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetTexEnvivReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_tex_gendv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, coord: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetTexGendvReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_tex_genfv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, coord: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetTexGenfvReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_tex_geniv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, coord: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetTexGenivReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_tex_image( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, level: i32, format: u32, type_: u32, swap_bytes: bool ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetTexImageReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_tex_parameterfv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetTexParameterfvReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_tex_parameteriv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetTexParameterivReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, level: i32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetTexLevelParameterfvReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, level: i32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetTexLevelParameterivReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_is_enabled( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, capability: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, IsEnabledReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_is_list( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, list: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, IsListReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_flush( &self, context_tag: ContextTag ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_are_textures_resident<'c, 'input>( &'c self, context_tag: ContextTag, textures: &'input [u32] ) -> Result<Cookie<'c, Self, AreTexturesResidentReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_delete_textures<'c, 'input>( &'c self, context_tag: ContextTag, textures: &'input [u32] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_gen_textures( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, n: i32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GenTexturesReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_is_texture( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, texture: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, IsTextureReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_color_table( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, format: u32, type_: u32, swap_bytes: bool ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetColorTableReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_color_table_parameterfv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetColorTableParameterfvReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_color_table_parameteriv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetColorTableParameterivReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_convolution_filter( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, format: u32, type_: u32, swap_bytes: bool ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetConvolutionFilterReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_convolution_parameterfv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetConvolutionParameterfvReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_convolution_parameteriv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetConvolutionParameterivReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_separable_filter( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, format: u32, type_: u32, swap_bytes: bool ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetSeparableFilterReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_histogram( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, format: u32, type_: u32, swap_bytes: bool, reset: bool ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetHistogramReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_histogram_parameterfv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetHistogramParameterfvReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_histogram_parameteriv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetHistogramParameterivReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_minmax( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, format: u32, type_: u32, swap_bytes: bool, reset: bool ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetMinmaxReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_minmax_parameterfv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetMinmaxParameterfvReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_minmax_parameteriv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetMinmaxParameterivReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_compressed_tex_image_arb( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, level: i32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetCompressedTexImageARBReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_delete_queries_arb<'c, 'input>( &'c self, context_tag: ContextTag, ids: &'input [u32] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_gen_queries_arb( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, n: i32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GenQueriesARBReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_is_query_arb( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, id: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, IsQueryARBReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_queryiv_arb( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetQueryivARBReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_query_objectiv_arb( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, id: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetQueryObjectivARBReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn glx_get_query_objectuiv_arb( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, id: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetQueryObjectuivARBReply>, ConnectionError> { ... }
Expand description

Extension trait defining the requests of this extension.

Provided Methods§


fn glx_render<'c, 'input>( &'c self, context_tag: ContextTag, data: &'input [u8] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_render_large<'c, 'input>( &'c self, context_tag: ContextTag, request_num: u16, request_total: u16, data: &'input [u8] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_create_context( &self, context: Context, visual: Visualid, screen: u32, share_list: Context, is_direct: bool ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_destroy_context( &self, context: Context ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_make_current( &self, drawable: Drawable, context: Context, old_context_tag: ContextTag ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, MakeCurrentReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_is_direct( &self, context: Context ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, IsDirectReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_query_version( &self, major_version: u32, minor_version: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, QueryVersionReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_wait_gl( &self, context_tag: ContextTag ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_wait_x( &self, context_tag: ContextTag ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_copy_context( &self, src: Context, dest: Context, mask: u32, src_context_tag: ContextTag ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_swap_buffers( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, drawable: Drawable ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_use_x_font( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, font: Font, first: u32, count: u32, list_base: u32 ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_create_glx_pixmap( &self, screen: u32, visual: Visualid, pixmap: Pixmap, glx_pixmap: Pixmap ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_visual_configs( &self, screen: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetVisualConfigsReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_destroy_glx_pixmap( &self, glx_pixmap: Pixmap ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_vendor_private<'c, 'input>( &'c self, vendor_code: u32, context_tag: ContextTag, data: &'input [u8] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_vendor_private_with_reply<'c, 'input>( &'c self, vendor_code: u32, context_tag: ContextTag, data: &'input [u8] ) -> Result<Cookie<'c, Self, VendorPrivateWithReplyReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_query_extensions_string( &self, screen: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, QueryExtensionsStringReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_query_server_string( &self, screen: u32, name: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, QueryServerStringReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_client_info<'c, 'input>( &'c self, major_version: u32, minor_version: u32, string: &'input [u8] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_fb_configs( &self, screen: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetFBConfigsReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_create_pixmap<'c, 'input>( &'c self, screen: u32, fbconfig: Fbconfig, pixmap: Pixmap, glx_pixmap: Pixmap, attribs: &'input [u32] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_destroy_pixmap( &self, glx_pixmap: Pixmap ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_create_new_context( &self, context: Context, fbconfig: Fbconfig, screen: u32, render_type: u32, share_list: Context, is_direct: bool ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_query_context( &self, context: Context ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, QueryContextReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_make_context_current( &self, old_context_tag: ContextTag, drawable: Drawable, read_drawable: Drawable, context: Context ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, MakeContextCurrentReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_create_pbuffer<'c, 'input>( &'c self, screen: u32, fbconfig: Fbconfig, pbuffer: Pbuffer, attribs: &'input [u32] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_destroy_pbuffer( &self, pbuffer: Pbuffer ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_drawable_attributes( &self, drawable: Drawable ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetDrawableAttributesReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_change_drawable_attributes<'c, 'input>( &'c self, drawable: Drawable, attribs: &'input [u32] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_create_window<'c, 'input>( &'c self, screen: u32, fbconfig: Fbconfig, window: Window, glx_window: Window, attribs: &'input [u32] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_delete_window( &self, glxwindow: Window ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_set_client_info_arb<'c, 'input>( &'c self, major_version: u32, minor_version: u32, gl_versions: &'input [u32], gl_extension_string: &'input [u8], glx_extension_string: &'input [u8] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_create_context_attribs_arb<'c, 'input>( &'c self, context: Context, fbconfig: Fbconfig, screen: u32, share_list: Context, is_direct: bool, attribs: &'input [u32] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_set_client_info2_arb<'c, 'input>( &'c self, major_version: u32, minor_version: u32, gl_versions: &'input [u32], gl_extension_string: &'input [u8], glx_extension_string: &'input [u8] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_new_list( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, list: u32, mode: u32 ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_end_list( &self, context_tag: ContextTag ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_delete_lists( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, list: u32, range: i32 ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_gen_lists( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, range: i32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GenListsReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_feedback_buffer( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, size: i32, type_: i32 ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_select_buffer( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, size: i32 ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_render_mode( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, mode: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, RenderModeReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_finish( &self, context_tag: ContextTag ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, FinishReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_pixel_storef( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, pname: u32, datum: Float32 ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_pixel_storei( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, pname: u32, datum: i32 ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_read_pixels( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, x: i32, y: i32, width: i32, height: i32, format: u32, type_: u32, swap_bytes: bool, lsb_first: bool ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, ReadPixelsReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_booleanv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, pname: i32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetBooleanvReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_clip_plane( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, plane: i32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetClipPlaneReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_doublev( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetDoublevReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_error( &self, context_tag: ContextTag ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetErrorReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_floatv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetFloatvReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_integerv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetIntegervReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_lightfv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, light: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetLightfvReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_lightiv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, light: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetLightivReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_mapdv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, query: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetMapdvReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_mapfv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, query: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetMapfvReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_mapiv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, query: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetMapivReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_materialfv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, face: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetMaterialfvReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_materialiv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, face: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetMaterialivReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_pixel_mapfv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, map: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetPixelMapfvReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_pixel_mapuiv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, map: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetPixelMapuivReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_pixel_mapusv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, map: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetPixelMapusvReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_polygon_stipple( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, lsb_first: bool ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetPolygonStippleReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_string( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, name: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetStringReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_tex_envfv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetTexEnvfvReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_tex_enviv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetTexEnvivReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_tex_gendv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, coord: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetTexGendvReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_tex_genfv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, coord: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetTexGenfvReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_tex_geniv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, coord: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetTexGenivReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_tex_image( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, level: i32, format: u32, type_: u32, swap_bytes: bool ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetTexImageReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_tex_parameterfv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetTexParameterfvReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_tex_parameteriv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetTexParameterivReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, level: i32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetTexLevelParameterfvReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, level: i32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetTexLevelParameterivReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_is_enabled( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, capability: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, IsEnabledReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_is_list( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, list: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, IsListReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_flush( &self, context_tag: ContextTag ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_are_textures_resident<'c, 'input>( &'c self, context_tag: ContextTag, textures: &'input [u32] ) -> Result<Cookie<'c, Self, AreTexturesResidentReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_delete_textures<'c, 'input>( &'c self, context_tag: ContextTag, textures: &'input [u32] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_gen_textures( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, n: i32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GenTexturesReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_is_texture( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, texture: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, IsTextureReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_color_table( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, format: u32, type_: u32, swap_bytes: bool ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetColorTableReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_color_table_parameterfv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetColorTableParameterfvReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_color_table_parameteriv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetColorTableParameterivReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_convolution_filter( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, format: u32, type_: u32, swap_bytes: bool ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetConvolutionFilterReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_convolution_parameterfv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetConvolutionParameterfvReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_convolution_parameteriv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetConvolutionParameterivReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_separable_filter( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, format: u32, type_: u32, swap_bytes: bool ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetSeparableFilterReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_histogram( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, format: u32, type_: u32, swap_bytes: bool, reset: bool ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetHistogramReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_histogram_parameterfv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetHistogramParameterfvReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_histogram_parameteriv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetHistogramParameterivReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_minmax( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, format: u32, type_: u32, swap_bytes: bool, reset: bool ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetMinmaxReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_minmax_parameterfv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetMinmaxParameterfvReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_minmax_parameteriv( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetMinmaxParameterivReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_compressed_tex_image_arb( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, level: i32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetCompressedTexImageARBReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_delete_queries_arb<'c, 'input>( &'c self, context_tag: ContextTag, ids: &'input [u32] ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_gen_queries_arb( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, n: i32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GenQueriesARBReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_is_query_arb( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, id: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, IsQueryARBReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_queryiv_arb( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, target: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetQueryivARBReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_query_objectiv_arb( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, id: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetQueryObjectivARBReply>, ConnectionError>


fn glx_get_query_objectuiv_arb( &self, context_tag: ContextTag, id: u32, pname: u32 ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetQueryObjectuivARBReply>, ConnectionError>

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
