macro_rules! packet_data {
            $Keyword:ident $Name:ident $Mode:tt $(($Type:ty))? {
                ),* $(,)?
    ) => { ... };
Expand description

Packet Data

This macro is used to implement read and write traits for enums so they can be used within packets as packet fields. This is a block and you should use it to implement all of your structs and enums at once.


(<->) Bi-Direction: This implements both readers and writers for this data. This should be used in structs and enums that are shared between readable and writable packets.

(->) Write-Only: This implements only the writers for this data. This should be used if the struct/enum is only going to be sent and not received.

(<-) Read-Only: This implements only the readers for this data. This should be used if the struct/enum is only going to be received and not send.


use wsbps::packet_data;
packet_data! {
    struct ExampleBiStruct (<->) {
        Field: u8,
        Name: String

    enum TestWriteEnum (->) (u8) {
        A: 1,
        B: 2