Crate wrflib

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šŸ¢āš” This crate is the core of Wrf. It contains all the fundamental rendering primitives.

Internally it depends on wrflib_shader_compiler and wrflib_vector, for shader compilation and vector graphics (mostly for fonts) respectively.

If you need to use higher-level widgets, use wrflib_widget.


pub use universal_file::*;


Read the desired data type in as few instructions as possible. This is technically unsafe if youā€™re reading past the end of a buffer, but weā€™re not going to worry about that for performance. This saves a relatively expensive boundary check when using safe functions like from_le_bytes with try_into().unwrap().

Version of rand that also works in WebAssembly.

Version of std::thread that also works in WebAssembly.


Tag a piece of code with filename+line+col. The line+col are done in a hacky way, exploiting the fact that rustfmt usually puts the multiline string start on a newline, with one greater indentation level. This doesnā€™t always work but itā€™s close enough!

Generates a crate::hash::LocationHash based on the current file/line/column.

Logging helper that works both on native and WebAssembly targets.

Define the entry point of your application.

Define state-less entry point


An actual animation that can be played.

Manages animations. Assumes that you always pass it with Anim objects with the same types of Tracks. For example, if track 0 represents represents a color Vec4, and track 1 represents a Float value, then make sure to use that consistently throughout the lifetime of an Animator.

This is an application-level event intended for platforms that can register a file type to an application. Fires:

Represents a location in a file, and the code string itself. Generate easily using the wrflib::code_fragment!() macro.

Draw a cube; similar to crate::QuadIns. Is currently not used much, so mostly for demonstration purposes.

The main ā€œcontextā€ object which contains pretty much everything we need within the framework.

Some font-related stuff gets drawn at the end of each draw cycle.

Flags that can be set that enable debug functionality. See Cx::debug_flags_mut for an example.

A context object containing everything font releated. This is used in different places to render text and also

The actual shader information, which gets stored on Cx. Once compiled the ShaderAst will be removed, and the [CxPlatformShader] (platform-specific part of the compiled shader) gets set.

Contains information of a CxShader of what instances, instances, textures and so on it contains. That information can then be used to modify a [Shader or DrawCall.

An actual instantiation of a View. Itā€™s a node in the draw tree with children, which can be either DrawCalls or other Views.

This represents an actual call to the GPU, or it can represent a sub-View, in case DrawCall::sub_view_id is set. Note that all of this behaves completely differently if DrawCall::sub_view_id is set; all regular drawing fields are ignored in that case!

When a file is being dragged and the mouse position changes

A conceptual ā€œfingerā€ (mouse, actual finger, etc) was pressed down.

A conceptual ā€œfingerā€ (mouse, actual finger, etc) was hovered over the screen.

A conceptual ā€œfingerā€ (mouse, actual finger, etc) was moved.

A conceptual ā€œfingerā€ (mouse, actual finger, etc) triggered a scroll.

A conceptual ā€œfingerā€ (mouse, actual finger, etc) was released.

A pointer to a [CxFont] (indexed in CxFontsData::fonts using Font::font_id),

Generated geometry data, used for instanced rendering.

A pointer to a [CxGpuGeometry] (indexed in Cx::gpu_geometries using GpuGeometry::gpu_geometry_id),

Modify the behavior of Event::hits.

For drawing a Texture.

Represents an ā€œinstanceā€ GPU input in a Shader.

Represents all ā€œinstanceā€ GPU inputs in a Shader.

Pointer to a part of a DrawCall, e.g. from Cx::add_instances. This pointer points to a range of instances, where the first index is indicated by InstanceRangeArea::instance_offset, and the size of the range by InstanceRangeArea::instance_count.

Data for various kinds of key-based events (Event::KeyDown, Event::KeyUp, etc).

Called when Cx::key_focus changes.

Modifiers that were held when a key event was fired.

Determines how a [CxLayoutBox] should walk. Can be applied to a new [CxLayoutBox] through [Layout::layout_size], or directly to move an existing [CxLayoutBox] by using Cx::add_box.

Represents a particular place in the code. Useful e.g. for shaders; see the documentation of crate::Shader.

A margin around the area that is checked for event hits

4x4 matrix; very common in graphics programming.

A generic representation of any kind of Shader input (instance/uniform/geometry).

A generic representation of a list of Shader inputs (instance/uniform/geometry).

Inner padding dimensions that should be applied on top of the width/height from the parent [CxLayoutBox]. TODO(JP): these values can be negative, which can be quite confusing, but we seem to actually honor that in the layout boxes code. Might be good to look into that and see if we should forbid that or not (we seem to never actually do that yet).

A rendering context e.g. for doing 3d rendering.

The raw definition of an input property to a Shader.

QuadIns is the basis for most draw structs.This renders a rectangle. There are some default shaders available at QuadIns::SHADER.

Quaternion; used for rotations.

Represents an (axis-aligned) rectangle. Axis-aligned means that you canā€™t rotate it.

Contains information about the special ā€œrect_posā€ and ā€œrect_sizeā€ fields. These fields describe the typical rectangles drawn in crate::QuadIns. It is useful to have generalized access to them, so we can e.g. move a whole bunch of rectangles at the same time, e.g. for alignment in [CxLayoutBox]. TODO(JP): We might want to consider instead doing bulk moves using [DrawCall- or View-level uniforms.

Contains all information necessary to build a shader. Define a new shader.

For firing and capturing custom events. Can even be fired from different threads using Cx::post_signal.

Represents a signal that was fired from Cx::send_signal. Can be captured with Signal.

Some text was inputted. Rely on this for text input instead of KeyEvents.

Some props for how to render the text.

Style for how to render text. TODO(hernan): Should we include color and font scaling as part of the text style?

A persistent reference to a GPU texture.

A pointer to a [CxTexture] (indexed in Cx::textures using TextureHandle::texture_id),

Created using Cx::start_timer.

A Timer that was requested using Cx::start_timer has fired.

A common type of transformation, that includes a rotation (Transform::orientation) and translation (Transform::position).

Represents a ā€œuniformā€ GPU input in a Shader.

Represents all ā€œuniformā€ GPU inputs in a Shader.

Version of std::time::Instant that also works in WebAssembly.

A file that was supplied by a user, as opposed to by the application itself (like font resources and such).

Vector (as in linear algebra, not as in Vec!) with two elements.

Vector (as in linear algebra, not as in Vec!) with three elements.

Vector (as in linear algebra, not as in Vec!) with four elements.

A group of DrawCalls.

Pointer to a particular view in the draw tree, using a ViewArea::view_id. Note that a View::view_id only gets set when it gets drawn.

Uniforms that can be set on the View that wraps a DrawCall.

Fires when a web worker calls callRust to trigger a function in Rust.

A websocket message was received.

A pointer to a [CxWindow] (indexed in Cx::windows using Window::window_id),

The user requested to close the Window.

The Window actually closed.

The operating system inquired if a Window can be dragged.

Information on the geometry and capabilities of a particular native window.

Geometry of a Window changed (position, size, etc).

The user started or ended resizing the Window.


Represents an actual value in an Animator, which can be of a few different types, but should remain consistent in its type (for a given Track) for the lifetime of an Animator.

An Area can be thought of as a ā€œpointerā€ into the draw tree. You typically get one as the result of a draw command, like Cx::add_instances, or View::end_view.

The color to either initialize a Texture with (when rendering it for the very first time), or to clear it with on every paint.

The depth to either initialize a Texture with (when rendering it for the very first time), or to clear it with on every paint.

What kind of debug information should be printed about the draw tree.

The direction in which the [CxLayoutBox] should walk. It will typically walk in a straight line in this direction. E.g. when walking to Direction::Right, it will only walk horizontally, not vertically, until it hits the [CxLayoutBox::width], at which point it will wrap around using LineWrap, based on the maximum height of widgets that have been drawn so far, which is registered in [CxLayoutBox::biggest].

Describes how output values of a Track get mapped for fractions in between keyframes. See these pages for more explanations:

Global event that gets passed into handle, and which you can pass down to your own widgets.

The type of input that was used to trigger a finger event.

Different ways in which a LayoutSize can get a height.

Lowest common denominator keymap between desktop and web.

Indicates when to wrap the current line to a new line. See also Direction.

Represents a single menu, as well as all menus (recursively).

The type of input that was used to trigger a finger event.

The type of mouse cursor to show. Enjoy the ASCII art here.

Standard types of projection matrices.

Contains information about the platform (operating system) that weā€™re running on.

Events that are handled internally and are not propagated to an application handle method.

Represents a single value that changes during the course of an animation. Should remain consistent in its type and what it represents between the different animations that you pass into a single Animator.

Variable type in shader code.

Different ways in which a LayoutSize can get a width.

Response to operating system inquiry if a Window can be dragged.

Determines when to emit a set of glyphs, which has roughly the effect of wrapping at these boundaries.


Common Shader code for using CubeIns.



A bunch of traits that are common between the native platforms and the WebAssembly platform. This trait makes sure that there is consistency in the interface, and provides one place for documentation.

A bunch of traits that are common between the different target platforms. This trait makes sure that there is consistency in the interface, and provides one place for documentation.

Version of std::time::Instant that also works in WebAssembly.

A trait for the combination of reading and seeking.


Get the page id for a particular font_id/dpi_factor/font_size combination.

Convenience function for making a Vec2.

Convenience function for making a Vec3.

Convenience function for making a Vec4.

Type Definitions

An alias over LocationHash so we have a semantic type but can change the underlying implementation whenever.

Convenient alias for a BufReader that contains a dynamic dispatch pointer to a ReadSeek.

Status field to send with a Signal.