Crate wrapped_mono

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wrapped_mono is a safe, lightweight wrapper around the mono library. It allows embedding of the mono runtime inside a rust project. Inside this embedded runtime code written in languages supporting the .NET framework, such as C# and F#, can be run. This allows usage of libraries written in those languages, and using them as a scripting language. The mono runtime is used by many game engines, and this wrapper allows using it with projects written in Rust too.


Most functions are safe and when invalid data is passed will fail in a controlled way with an error message. There are still some pitfalls, because not all errors can be caught without substantial overhead. Those errors are hard to come by, and should be always clearly marked in the documentation(for example accessing an object after deleting it by deleting domain it is in), and easy to spot.

Definitions of certain words used in documentation:

Managed Code - code which runs in the runtime(e.g. C# code)

Unmanaged code - code which runs outside runtime(in this case Rust code)

More precise explanation

Feature flags

  • unsafe_boxing — Disables boxing/unboxing safety checks. Normally, when an object is unboxed, it’s type is checked to prevent crashes and errors. Enabling unsafe_unboxing will make wrapped_mono assume that type given by the user is always correct.

  • unsafe_arrays — Disables array safety checks. Normally, when an array is created, it will make checks to ensure that its managed type matches its unmanaged type.

  • unsafe_speedup — Disables all safety checks to slightly speed wrapped_mono up. Gains are usually negligible and potential errors will have more cryptic messages(Segfaluts instead of failed assertions). USE WITH CAUTION.

  • build_test_dlls — Build test dlls. Enable only for tests, if you want to change test .cs files.

  • regen_binds — Regenerates bindings for mono library

  • dump_macro_results — Dumps code created as results of macros into “macro.dump” file. Use for debugging when macros do not behave as expected.

  • referneced_objects (enabled by default) — Prevents objects in use by rust from being removed by mono runtime, adds slight overhead but is essential for storing objects long term. Can be disabled, but disabling it forces manual management of object lifetimes using GC handles.

  • old_gc_unsafe — Uses some old variants of mono API. Try if mono_threads_enter_gc_unsafe_region symbol is missing during linking.


use wrapped_mono::*;
fn main(){
    // Initialise the runtime with default version(`None`), and root domian named "main_domain"
    let domain = jit::init("main_domain",None);

    // Load assembly "SomeAssembly.dll"
    let assembly = domain.assembly_open("SomeAssembly.dll").expect("Could not load assembly!");
    // Get the image, the part of assembly containing executable code(classes,methods, etc.)
    let image = assembly.get_image();
    // Get class named SomeClass in SomeNamespace
    let class = Class::from_name(&image,"SomeNamespace","SomeClass").expect("Could not find SomeClass!");
    // Create an instance of this class
    let instance = Object::new(&domain,&class);
    // Creating an instance of a class DOES NOT CALL ITS CONSTRUCTOR. The constructor is a method named '.ctor', that has to be called separately

    // Get a constructor method of SomeClass accepting an integer and a string (2 parameters)
    let ctor:Method<(i32,String)> = Method::get_from_name(&class,".ctor(int,System.String)",2).expect("Could not find the constructor!");
    // Call the constructor
    ctor.invoke(Some(instance.clone()),(12,"SomeString".to_owned())).expect("Got an exception while calling the constructor!");
    // Get a method "DoABackflip" form SomeClass with 1 parameter of type int returning a byte
    let met:Method<(i32,String)> = Method::get_from_name(&class,"DoABackflip",1).expect("Could not find method \"DoABackFlip\"!");
    // Call "DoABackflip" method on an instance
    let res_obj = met.invoke(Some(instance),(32,"Message".to_owned())).expect("Got an exception while calling DoABackflip!").expect("Got null from DoABackFlip");
    // Unbox the result to get a raw integer from a boxed integer
    let res = res_obj.unbox::<u8>();
    // Create a function with the special "invokable" attribute
    fn sqrt(input:f32)->f32{
        if input < 0.0{
            // can't get sqrt of a negative number, so create a managed exception and throw it.
    // Replace a method with "[MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]" atribute with a rust function
    // This supports all types with `InteropRecive` trait
    fn avg(input:Array<Dim1D,f32>)->f32{
        let mut avg = 0.0;
        for i in 0..input.len(){
            let curr = input.get([i]);// get the element at index i
            avg += curr/(input.len() as f32);
    // Replace a method with "[MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]" attribute with a rust function



  • Utilities related to managed arrays.
  • Functions and types related to MonoAssembly type.
  • Representation of managed classes and utilities related to them.
  • Safe representation of a delegate. Functions and types related to MonoDomain type.
  • Utilities related to Exceptions.
  • Functions related to garbage collection.
  • Part of assembly holding the executable code.
  • Traits related to passing data between managed and unmanaged classes.
  • Functions related to Mono JIT Runtime
  • Utilities related to metadata. Bare bones and experimental.
  • Safe representation of Methods(functions) form managed code an utilities related to managing and calling them.
  • Managed string utilities.
  • Utilities related to managed objects.
  • Safe representation of the System.Type type.
  • Functions related to getting data about and configuring mono runtime.
  • Custom macros used by wrapped_mono


  • Macro equivalent of mono_add_internal_call with automatic support for type conversion. Allows you to expose a function as an internal call


  • Safe, rust representation of MonoArray (a reference to a managed array).
  • Safe representation of an executable file containing managed code and data about it.
  • Safe representation of a managed class.(eg. System.Int64, System.Object, etc.);
  • Representation of a class field. Accessors(getters,setters and indexers) are not fields, but properties! For them use ClassProperity
  • Representation of class property(getters,setters) not a class field!
  • Safe representation of [MonoDomain] type.
  • Safe representation of MonoException.
  • Safe representation of [MonoImage], the part of [MonoAssembly] holding CLI code.
  • Representaiton of Object of type System.String.
  • Rust representation of a managed method(function of code loaded into mono runtime). Args - Tuple type of types of all arguments accepted by this particular method.
  • Safe representation of a refernece to a manged Object. Is not nullable when passed between managed and unmanged code(e.g when added as an argument to function exposed as an interna call). It means that while it may represent a nullable type, wrapped-mono will automaticly panic when recived null value. For nullable support use Option<Object>.
  • Rust representation of managed object derived form class System.Type


  • Trait allowing for boxing and unboxing type from objects
  • Trait allowing managed class representing this type to be got. Type of value Self::InteropSend::TargetType must match managed type represented by Class returned by get_mono_class.
  • Trait specifying how to convert a type when transferring it between managed and unmanaged code. It specifies how to convert SourceType used by MonoRuntime to type implementing this trait.
  • Trait specifying how to convert a type when transferring it between managed and unmanaged code. It specifies how to convert type implementing this trait to TargetType used by MonoRuntime.
  • Trait contining functions common for all types of manged objects.

Attribute Macros

  • Macro creating a wrapper around a function making it able to be exposed as internal call.

Derive Macros

  • Autoimplement InteropRecive trait for any type containing only IteropRecive implementing memebers. Currently supports only structs, and trivial enums(C-like enums) of size less than u64(C# max enum size).
  • Autoimplement InteropSend trait for any type containing only IteropSend implementing members. Currently supports only structs, and trivial enums(C-like enums) of size less than u64(C# max enum size).