Crate wmidi

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  • A Control Change signal. The names of each variant of the constants are from the 1997 MIDI 1.0 specification. The names and description reflect the standard assignment and behavior for each CC number, though manufacturers may ignore some controllers or use non-standard mappings. MIDI devices should provide a controller allocation table as part of their user manual.
  • A data byte that holds 7 bits of information.
  • A combination of 2 data bytes that holds 14 bits of information.


  • The MIDI channel. There are 16 channels. They are numbered between 1 and 16 inclusive, or indexed between 0 and 15 inclusive.
  • Midi decoding errors.
  • Holds information based on the Midi 1.0 spec.
  • A midi note.
  • An error that can occur converting a midi message to a bytes slice.


Type Aliases

  • Specifies the value of a MIDI control.
  • Use FromBytesError instead.
  • A 14bit value specifying the pitch bend. Neutral is 8192.
  • Specifies a program. Sometimes known as patch.
  • A song or sequence.
  • 14 bit value that holds the number of MIDI beats (1 beat = six MIDI clocks) since the start of the song.
  • Specifies the velocity of an action (often key press, release, or aftertouch).