Module wlambda::compiler[][src]

Expand description

Implements all the semantics of WLambda. It takes an AST that was generated by the parser and compiles it to a tree of closures.

The compiler and the runtime require multiple other data structures, such as GlobalEnv with a SymbolTable for global functions, a ModuleResolver and a ThreadCreator.

An to execute the closures that the compiler generated you need an Env instance (which itself requires a reference to the GlobalEnv.

To orchestrate all this the EvalContext exists. You can customize:

  • The GlobalEnv with custom globals and even with your own core and standard library functions
  • You can provide a custom ModuleResolver, which loads the modules from other sources (eg. memory or network).
  • You can make your own ThreadCreator, to customize thread creation.

However, to get some WLambda code running quickly there is EvalContext::new_default() which creates a ready made context for evaluating WLambda code:

use wlambda::*;

let mut ctx = EvalContext::new_default();
let res = ctx.eval("$[10, 20 + 30]").unwrap();

assert_eq!(res.s(), "$[10,50]");


Compile time environment for allocating and storing variables inside a function scope.

This context holds all the data to compile and execute a piece of WLambda code. You can either use the default environment, or customize the EvalContext to your application’s needs. You can provide custom:

Holds global environment variables.

This structure implements the ModuleResolver trait and is responsible for loading modules on !@import for WLambda.

Stores symbols and values for a WLambda module that can be added to a GlobalEnv with set_module.


Errors that can occur when evaluating a piece of WLambda code. Usually created by methods of EvalContext.

Error for the ModuleResolver trait, to implement custom module loading behaviour.


This trait is responsible for loading modules and returning a collection of name->value mappings for a module name.


Type Definitions

Reference type of GlobalEnv.