Macro wlambda::set_vval_method[][src]

macro_rules! set_vval_method {
    ($vv : expr, $obj : ident, $method : tt, $min : expr, $max : expr, $env :
 ident, $argc : ident, $b : block) => { ... };
Expand description

This macro helps with exporting something with a more OO interface instead of using a VValUserData trait implementation.

 use wlambda::*;
 use wlambda::set_vval_method;

 let mut ctx = EvalContext::new_default();

 let some_ref = std::rc::Rc::new(std::cell::RefCell::new(10));
 let obj = VVal::map();

 set_vval_method!(obj, some_ref, get_it, None, None, _env, _argc, {

 ctx.set_global_var("I", &obj);

 assert_eq!(ctx.eval("I.get_it[]").unwrap().s(), "10");
 *some_ref.borrow_mut() += 11;
 assert_eq!(ctx.eval("I.get_it[]").unwrap().s(), "21");