Crate wjp

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use wjp::{Deserialize, map, ParseError, Serialize, SerializeHelper, Values};

// Example Struct to show how this library works
struct Example {
    code: f32,
    messages: Vec<String>,
    opt: Option<bool>,

// Implementing the Serialize Trait allows you to call the .json() method on your struct
impl Serialize for Example {
    fn serialize(&self) -> Values {
        // The map!() macro is a helper to create a hashmap from the given values
            // Many Data Structures and Types already have Serialize implemented
            ("code", &self.code),
            ("messages", &self.messages),
            ("opt", &self.opt)

// Implementing the TryFrom<Values> Trait allows you to deserialize a JSON String into your struct
impl TryFrom<Values> for Example {
    // We advise on using the ParseError because many helper methods build on this error
    type Error = ParseError;
    fn try_from(value: Values) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        // Now you just need to get your struct / array and get the keys with their appropriate values
        let mut struc = value.get_struct().ok_or(ParseError::new())?;
        let code = struc.map_val("code", f32::try_from)?;
        // Many Data Structures and Types already have TryFrom<Values> implemented
        let messages = struc.map_val("messages", Vec::try_from)?;
        // This is sadly not the case for Option<T> where your need to find out what the type of T is and parse that
        let opt = struc.map_opt_val("opt", |val| val.get_bool())?;
        Ok(Self {
let example = Example { ///
    code: 123.0,
    messages: vec!["Important".to_string(), "Message".to_string()],
    opt: None,
// After implementing these two traits you can call the .json() method to serialize your struct
let json = example.json();
println!("{}", json);
// And the <Your Type>::deserialize(&str/String) to deserialize it
let back = Example::deserialize(json);
println!("{:?}", back);

Output of the Example above:


Ok(Example { code: 123.0, messages: ["Important", "Message"], opt: None })


  • This macro can be used when implementing the Serialize Trait


  • Error Struct that contains different Information’s on what went wrong


  • Different Enums to construct an abstract JSON Hierarchy which is easier to work with and to construct

