witm 0.0.1

Find your lost manual pages
witm-0.0.1 is not a library.

Where Is The Manual

Note, this application still under work, this is being published early just for name reservation.

Have you ever wondered where the manual is? I can find it for you, I hope.

What it does?

witm is a tool to access online and offline manpages and info pages.


Nix (recommended)

nix-env -f https://gitlab.com/Kores/witm/-/archive/main/witm-main.tar.bz2 -iA witm

Cargo (not recommended)

cargo install witm


witm ripgrep

By default, witm will try to find the manpage from your distro provided manpages site, you can specify which one to use with the -p flag.

witm rg -p freebsd