Trait winsafe::prelude::user_Hwnd

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pub trait user_Hwnd: Handle {
    const BROADCAST: HWND = _;
    const DESKTOP: HWND = _;
Show 132 methods // Provided methods fn hinstance(&self) -> HINSTANCE { ... } fn is_dialog(&self) -> bool { ... } fn set_style(&self, style: impl Into<WS>) { ... } fn set_style_ex(&self, ex_style: impl Into<WS_EX>) { ... } fn style(&self) -> WS { ... } fn style_ex(&self) -> WS_EX { ... } fn ArrangeIconicWindows(&self) -> SysResult<u32> { ... } fn BeginPaint(&self) -> SysResult<EndPaintGuard<'_, Self>> { ... } fn BringWindowToTop(&self) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn ChildWindowFromPoint(&self, pt: POINT) -> Option<HWND> { ... } fn ClientToScreen(&self, pt: POINT) -> SysResult<POINT> { ... } fn ClientToScreenRc(&self, rc: RECT) -> SysResult<RECT> { ... } fn CloseWindow(&self) -> SysResult<()> { ... } unsafe fn CreateWindowEx( ex_style: WS_EX, class_name: AtomStr, title: Option<&str>, style: WS, pos: POINT, size: SIZE, hwnd_parent: Option<&HWND>, hmenu: IdMenu<'_>, hinstance: &HINSTANCE, lparam: Option<isize> ) -> SysResult<HWND> { ... } unsafe fn DefWindowProc<M>(&self, msg: M) -> M::RetType where M: MsgSend { ... } fn DestroyWindow(&self) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn DragDetect(&self, pt: POINT) -> bool { ... } fn DrawCaption( &self, hdc: &HDC, rect: RECT, flags: Option<DC> ) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn DrawMenuBar(&self) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn EnableScrollBar(&self, sb_flags: SBB, arrows: ESB) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn EnableWindow(&self, enable: bool) -> bool { ... } fn EndDialog(&self, result: isize) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn EnumChildWindows<F>(&self, func: F) where F: FnMut(HWND) -> bool { ... } fn FindWindow( class_name: Option<AtomStr>, title: Option<&str> ) -> SysResult<Option<HWND>> { ... } fn FindWindowEx( &self, hwnd_child_after: Option<&HWND>, class_name: AtomStr, title: Option<&str> ) -> SysResult<Option<HWND>> { ... } fn GetActiveWindow() -> Option<HWND> { ... } fn GetAltTabInfo( &self, item: Option<u32>, ati: &mut ALTTABINFO, sz_item_text: Option<u32> ) -> SysResult<String> { ... } fn GetAncestor(&self, flags: GA) -> Option<HWND> { ... } fn GetCapture() -> Option<HWND> { ... } fn GetClassLongPtr(&self, index: GCLP) -> usize { ... } fn GetClassName(&self) -> SysResult<String> { ... } fn GetClientRect(&self) -> SysResult<RECT> { ... } fn GetDC(&self) -> SysResult<ReleaseDCGuard<'_, Self>> { ... } fn GetDesktopWindow() -> HWND { ... } fn GetDialogDpiChangeBehavior(&self) -> SysResult<DDC> { ... } fn GetDlgCtrlID(&self) -> SysResult<u16> { ... } fn GetDlgItem(&self, ctrl_id: u16) -> SysResult<HWND> { ... } fn GetDpiForWindow(&self) -> u32 { ... } fn GetFocus() -> Option<HWND> { ... } fn GetForegroundWindow() -> Option<HWND> { ... } fn GetLastActivePopup(&self) -> Option<HWND> { ... } fn GetMenu(&self) -> Option<HMENU> { ... } fn GetMenuBarInfo( &self, obj_id: OBJID, item_id: u32, mbi: &mut MENUBARINFO ) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn GetMenuItemRect(&self, hmenu: &HMENU, item_pos: u32) -> SysResult<RECT> { ... } fn GetNextDlgGroupItem( &self, hwnd_ctrl: &HWND, previous: bool ) -> SysResult<HWND> { ... } fn GetNextDlgTabItem( &self, hwnd_ctrl: &HWND, previous: bool ) -> SysResult<HWND> { ... } fn GetParent(&self) -> SysResult<HWND> { ... } fn GetScrollInfo(&self, bar: SBB, si: &mut SCROLLINFO) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn GetScrollPos(&self, bar: SBB) -> SysResult<i32> { ... } fn GetShellWindow() -> Option<HWND> { ... } fn GetSystemMenu(&self, revert: bool) -> Option<HMENU> { ... } fn GetTopWindow(&self) -> SysResult<Option<HWND>> { ... } fn GetUpdateRect(&self, erase: bool) -> Option<RECT> { ... } fn GetUpdateRgn(&self, hrgn: &HRGN, erase: bool) -> SysResult<REGION> { ... } fn GetWindow(&self, cmd: GW) -> SysResult<HWND> { ... } fn GetWindowDC(&self) -> SysResult<ReleaseDCGuard<'_, Self>> { ... } fn GetWindowDisplayAffinity(&self) -> SysResult<WDA> { ... } fn GetWindowDpiHostingBehavior(&self) -> DPI_HOSTING_BEHAVIOR { ... } fn GetWindowInfo(&self, wi: &mut WINDOWINFO) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn GetWindowLongPtr(&self, index: GWLP) -> isize { ... } fn GetWindowModuleFileName(&self) -> String { ... } fn GetWindowPlacement(&self, wp: &mut WINDOWPLACEMENT) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn GetWindowRect(&self) -> SysResult<RECT> { ... } fn GetWindowRgn(&self, hrgn: &HRGN) -> SysResult<REGION> { ... } fn GetWindowRgnBox(&self) -> SysResult<(RECT, REGION)> { ... } fn GetWindowText(&self) -> SysResult<String> { ... } fn GetWindowTextLength(&self) -> SysResult<i32> { ... } fn GetWindowThreadProcessId(&self) -> (u32, u32) { ... } fn HideCaret(&self) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn HiliteMenuItem( &self, hmenu: &HMENU, id_or_pos: IdPos, hilite: bool ) -> bool { ... } fn InheritWindowMonitor(&self, hwnd_inherit: &HWND) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn InvalidateRect(&self, rc: Option<&RECT>, erase: bool) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn InvalidateRgn(&self, hrgn: &HRGN, erase: bool) { ... } fn IsChild(&self, hwnd_possible_child: &HWND) -> bool { ... } fn IsDialogMessage(&self, msg: &mut MSG) -> bool { ... } fn IsIconic(&self) -> bool { ... } fn IsWindow(&self) -> bool { ... } fn IsWindowEnabled(&self) -> bool { ... } fn IsWindowUnicode(&self) -> bool { ... } fn IsWindowVisible(&self) -> bool { ... } fn IsZoomed(&self) -> bool { ... } fn KillTimer(&self, event_id: usize) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn LockWindowUpdate(&self) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn LogicalToPhysicalPoint(&self, pt: *mut POINT) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn MapDialogRect(&self, rc: RECT) -> SysResult<RECT> { ... } fn MapWindowPoints( &self, hdest: &HWND, points: PtsRc<'_> ) -> SysResult<(i16, i16)> { ... } fn MessageBox( &self, text: &str, caption: &str, flags: MB ) -> SysResult<DLGID> { ... } fn MonitorFromWindow(&self, flags: MONITOR) -> HMONITOR { ... } fn MoveWindow(&self, pos: POINT, size: SIZE, repaint: bool) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn OpenClipboard(&self) -> SysResult<CloseClipboardGuard<'_>> { ... } unsafe fn PostMessage<M>(&self, msg: M) -> SysResult<()> where M: MsgSend + Send + Copy + 'static { ... } fn RealChildWindowFromPoint( &self, pt_parent_client_coords: POINT ) -> Option<HWND> { ... } fn RealGetWindowClass(&self) -> SysResult<String> { ... } fn RedrawWindow( &self, rc_update: RECT, hrgn_update: &HRGN, flags: RDW ) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn RegisterHotKey( &self, id: i32, modifiers: MOD, vkey_code: VK ) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn ScreenToClient(&self, pt: POINT) -> SysResult<POINT> { ... } fn ScreenToClientRc(&self, rc: RECT) -> SysResult<RECT> { ... } fn ScrollWindowEx( &self, dx: i32, dy: i32, client_area_portion: Option<&RECT>, clipping_rect: Option<&RECT>, hrgn_update: Option<&HRGN>, updated_boundaries: Option<&mut RECT>, flags: SCROLLW ) -> SysResult<REGION> { ... } unsafe fn SendMessage<M>(&self, msg: M) -> M::RetType where M: MsgSend { ... } unsafe fn SendMessageTimeout<M>( &self, msg: M, flags: SMTO, timeout_ms: u32 ) -> SysResult<M::RetType> where M: MsgSend { ... } fn SetActiveWindow(&self) -> SysResult<HWND> { ... } fn SetCapture(&self) -> ReleaseCaptureGuard<'_, Self> { ... } fn SetDialogDpiChangeBehavior( &self, mask: DDC, values: DDC ) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn SetFocus(&self) -> Option<HWND> { ... } fn SetForegroundWindow(&self) -> bool { ... } fn SetLayeredWindowAttributes( &self, transparency_color_key: COLORREF, alpha: u8, flags: LWA ) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn SetMenu(&self, hmenu: &HMENU) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn SetParent(&self, hwnd_new_parent: &HWND) -> SysResult<Option<HWND>> { ... } fn SetScrollInfo(&self, bar: SBB, si: &SCROLLINFO, redraw: bool) -> i32 { ... } fn SetScrollPos(&self, b: SBB, pos: i32, redraw: bool) -> SysResult<i32> { ... } fn SetScrollRange( &self, bar: SBB, min_pos: i32, max_pos: i32, redraw: bool ) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn SetTimer( &self, event_id: usize, elapse_ms: u32, timer_func: Option<TIMERPROC> ) -> SysResult<usize> { ... } fn SetWindowDisplayAffinity(&self, affinity: WDA) -> SysResult<()> { ... } unsafe fn SetWindowLongPtr(&self, index: GWLP, new_long: isize) -> isize { ... } fn SetWindowPlacement(&self, wp: &WINDOWPLACEMENT) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn SetWindowPos( &self, hwnd_insert_after: HwndPlace, pos: POINT, size: SIZE, flags: SWP ) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn SetWindowRgn(&self, hrgn: &HRGN, redraw: bool) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn SetWindowText(&self, text: &str) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn ShowCaret(&self) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn ShowOwnedPopups(&self, show: bool) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn ShowWindow(&self, show_cmd: SW) -> bool { ... } fn ShowWindowAsync(&self, show_cmd: SW) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn TileWindows( &self, how: MDITILE, rect: Option<RECT>, kids: Option<&[&HWND]> ) -> SysResult<u16> { ... } fn TranslateAccelerator( &self, haccel_table: &HACCEL, msg: &mut MSG ) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn UnregisterHotKey(&self, id: i32) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn UpdateLayeredWindow( &self, hdc_dest: Option<&HDC>, pt_dest: Option<&POINT>, size: Option<&SIZE>, hdc_src: Option<&HDC>, pt_src: Option<&POINT>, key: COLORREF, blend: &BLENDFUNCTION, flags: ULW ) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn UpdateWindow(&self) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn ValidateRect(&self, rc: RECT) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn ValidateRgn(&self, hrgn: &HRGN) -> SysResult<()> { ... } fn WindowFromPhysicalPoint(pt: POINT) -> Option<HWND> { ... } fn WindowFromPoint(pt: POINT) -> Option<HWND> { ... } fn WinHelp(&self, help_file: &str, cmd: HELPW, data: usize) -> SysResult<()> { ... }
Available on crate features kernel and user only.
Expand description

This trait is enabled with the user feature, and provides methods for HWND.

Prefer importing this trait through the prelude:

use winsafe::prelude::*;

Provided Associated Constants§



Represents all top-level windows in HWND::PostMessage and HWND::SendMessage.


const DESKTOP: HWND = _

Represents the desktop window in HWND::GetDC.

Provided Methods§


fn hinstance(&self) -> HINSTANCE

Calls HWND::GetWindowLongPtr to retrieve the window HINSTANCE.


fn is_dialog(&self) -> bool

Calls HWND::GetClassLongPtr to retrieve the class atom and check whether the window was created from a dialog resource.


fn set_style(&self, style: impl Into<WS>)

Calls HWND::SetWindowLongPtr to set the window styles.


fn set_style_ex(&self, ex_style: impl Into<WS_EX>)

Calls HWND::SetWindowLongPtr to set the extended window styles.


fn style(&self) -> WS

Calls HWND::GetWindowLongPtr to retrieve the window styles.


fn style_ex(&self) -> WS_EX

Calls HWND::GetWindowLongPtr to retrieve the extended window styles.


fn ArrangeIconicWindows(&self) -> SysResult<u32>


fn BeginPaint(&self) -> SysResult<EndPaintGuard<'_, Self>>

BeginPaint function.

In the original C implementation, BeginPaint returns a handle which must be passed to EndPaint, as a cleanup operation. Also, you must allocate and pass a PAINTSTRUCT object.

Here, the cleanup is performed automatically, because BeginPaint returns an EndPaintGuard, which stores the PAINTSTRUCT and automatically calls EndPaint when the guard goes out of scope. You must, however, keep the guard alive, otherwise the cleanup will be performed right away.

use winsafe::{self as w, prelude::*};

let hwnd: w::HWND; // initialized somewhere

let hdc = hwnd.BeginPaint()?;

// do your hdc painting...

// EndPaint() called automatically

If you don’t use the returned device context handle, you must still keep the guard alive:

use winsafe::{self as w, prelude::*};

let hwnd: w::HWND; // initialized somewhere

let _hdc = hwnd.BeginPaint()?; // keep guard alive

// do your hdc painting...

// EndPaint() called automatically

fn BringWindowToTop(&self) -> SysResult<()>

BringWindowToTop function.


fn ChildWindowFromPoint(&self, pt: POINT) -> Option<HWND>


fn ClientToScreen(&self, pt: POINT) -> SysResult<POINT>

ClientToScreen function.

If you need to convert a RECT, see the HWND::ClientToScreenRc function.


fn ClientToScreenRc(&self, rc: RECT) -> SysResult<RECT>

ClientToScreen method for a RECT.


fn CloseWindow(&self) -> SysResult<()>

CloseWindow function.

Note that this method will actually minimize the window, not destroy it.


unsafe fn CreateWindowEx( ex_style: WS_EX, class_name: AtomStr, title: Option<&str>, style: WS, pos: POINT, size: SIZE, hwnd_parent: Option<&HWND>, hmenu: IdMenu<'_>, hinstance: &HINSTANCE, lparam: Option<isize> ) -> SysResult<HWND>

CreateWindowEx function.


This method will create raw dynamic windows and controls outside the library safety – it’s up to you to handle all the messages. You must use a properly registered class name and, if creating a custom window, provide its own window procedure.

The usable ID range for dynamic child controls goes from 1 to 19,999. IDs starting from 20,000 are used internally by the library, do not use them.


unsafe fn DefWindowProc<M>(&self, msg: M) -> M::RetType
where M: MsgSend,

DefWindowProc function.

The return type is variable, being defined by the RetType associated type of the MsgSend trait. That means each message can define its own return type.


Messages manipulate pointers, copies and window states. Improper use may lead to undefined behavior.


fn DestroyWindow(&self) -> SysResult<()>

DestroyWindow function.

Usually you don’t need to call this method directly, since it’s automatically called inside the internal message loop. The ordinary way to close a window is sending a wm::Close message.


fn DragDetect(&self, pt: POINT) -> bool

DragDetect function.


fn DrawCaption(&self, hdc: &HDC, rect: RECT, flags: Option<DC>) -> SysResult<()>

DrawCaption function.


fn DrawMenuBar(&self) -> SysResult<()>

DrawMenuBar function.


fn EnableScrollBar(&self, sb_flags: SBB, arrows: ESB) -> SysResult<()>

EnableScrollBar function.


fn EnableWindow(&self, enable: bool) -> bool

EnableWindow function.


fn EndDialog(&self, result: isize) -> SysResult<()>

EndDialog function.


fn EnumChildWindows<F>(&self, func: F)
where F: FnMut(HWND) -> bool,

EnumChildWindows function.

use winsafe::{self as w, prelude::*};

let hwnd: w::HWND; // initialized somewhere

hwnd.EnumChildWindows(|hchild: w::HWND| -> bool {
    println!("Child HWND: {}", hchild);

fn FindWindow( class_name: Option<AtomStr>, title: Option<&str> ) -> SysResult<Option<HWND>>

FindWindow function.


fn FindWindowEx( &self, hwnd_child_after: Option<&HWND>, class_name: AtomStr, title: Option<&str> ) -> SysResult<Option<HWND>>

FindWindowEx function.


fn GetActiveWindow() -> Option<HWND>

GetActiveWindow function.


fn GetAltTabInfo( &self, item: Option<u32>, ati: &mut ALTTABINFO, sz_item_text: Option<u32> ) -> SysResult<String>

GetAltTabInfo function.

If item is None, the item text is not retrieved.

The sz_item_text is the maximum number of expected chars for the item text. If None, defaults to 100.


fn GetAncestor(&self, flags: GA) -> Option<HWND>

GetAncestor function.


fn GetCapture() -> Option<HWND>

GetCapture function.


fn GetClassLongPtr(&self, index: GCLP) -> usize

GetClassLongPtr function.

If you just want to check whether the window is a dialog, prefer using HWND::is_dialog method.


fn GetClassName(&self) -> SysResult<String>

GetClassName function.


fn GetClientRect(&self) -> SysResult<RECT>

GetClientRect function.


fn GetDC(&self) -> SysResult<ReleaseDCGuard<'_, Self>>

GetDC function.


Retrieving the device context of the desktop window:

use winsafe::{self as w, prelude::*};

let hdc_desktop = w::HWND::DESKTOP.GetDC()?;

fn GetDesktopWindow() -> HWND

GetDesktopWindow function.


fn GetDialogDpiChangeBehavior(&self) -> SysResult<DDC>


fn GetDlgCtrlID(&self) -> SysResult<u16>

GetDlgCtrlID function.


fn GetDlgItem(&self, ctrl_id: u16) -> SysResult<HWND>

GetDlgItem function.


fn GetDpiForWindow(&self) -> u32

GetDpiForWindow function.


fn GetFocus() -> Option<HWND>

GetFocus function.


fn GetForegroundWindow() -> Option<HWND>


fn GetLastActivePopup(&self) -> Option<HWND>


fn GetMenu(&self) -> Option<HMENU>

GetMenu function.


fn GetMenuBarInfo( &self, obj_id: OBJID, item_id: u32, mbi: &mut MENUBARINFO ) -> SysResult<()>

GetMenuBarInfo function.


fn GetMenuItemRect(&self, hmenu: &HMENU, item_pos: u32) -> SysResult<RECT>

GetMenuItemRect function.


fn GetNextDlgGroupItem( &self, hwnd_ctrl: &HWND, previous: bool ) -> SysResult<HWND>


fn GetNextDlgTabItem(&self, hwnd_ctrl: &HWND, previous: bool) -> SysResult<HWND>


fn GetParent(&self) -> SysResult<HWND>

GetParent function.


fn GetScrollInfo(&self, bar: SBB, si: &mut SCROLLINFO) -> SysResult<()>

GetScrollInfo function.


fn GetScrollPos(&self, bar: SBB) -> SysResult<i32>

GetScrollPos function.


fn GetShellWindow() -> Option<HWND>

GetShellWindow function.


fn GetSystemMenu(&self, revert: bool) -> Option<HMENU>

GetSystemMenu function.


fn GetTopWindow(&self) -> SysResult<Option<HWND>>

GetTopWindow function.


fn GetUpdateRect(&self, erase: bool) -> Option<RECT>

GetUpdateRect function.


fn GetUpdateRgn(&self, hrgn: &HRGN, erase: bool) -> SysResult<REGION>

GetUpdateRgn function.


fn GetWindow(&self, cmd: GW) -> SysResult<HWND>

GetWindow function.


fn GetWindowDC(&self) -> SysResult<ReleaseDCGuard<'_, Self>>

GetWindowDC function.


fn GetWindowDisplayAffinity(&self) -> SysResult<WDA>


fn GetWindowDpiHostingBehavior(&self) -> DPI_HOSTING_BEHAVIOR


fn GetWindowInfo(&self, wi: &mut WINDOWINFO) -> SysResult<()>

GetWindowInfo function.


fn GetWindowLongPtr(&self, index: GWLP) -> isize

GetWindowLong function (x32) or GetWindowLongPtr function (x64).

If you just want to retrieve the window HINSTANCE, prefer using HWND::hinstance.

If you just want to retrieve the window styles, prefer using HWND::style and HWND::style_ex.


fn GetWindowModuleFileName(&self) -> String


fn GetWindowPlacement(&self, wp: &mut WINDOWPLACEMENT) -> SysResult<()>


fn GetWindowRect(&self) -> SysResult<RECT>

GetWindowRect function.


fn GetWindowRgn(&self, hrgn: &HRGN) -> SysResult<REGION>

GetWindowRgn function.


fn GetWindowRgnBox(&self) -> SysResult<(RECT, REGION)>

GetWindowRgnBox function.


fn GetWindowText(&self) -> SysResult<String>

GetWindowText function.

Calls GetWindowTextLength and performs all necessary allocations, returning an ordinary String.

use winsafe::{self as w, prelude::*};

let hwnd: w::HWND; // initialized somewhere

let text = hwnd.GetWindowText()?;
println!("Text: {}", text);

fn GetWindowTextLength(&self) -> SysResult<i32>

GetWindowTextLength function.

Does not count the terminating null.

You usually don’t need to call this method directly, since GetWindowText returns a String, performing all necessary allocations.


fn GetWindowThreadProcessId(&self) -> (u32, u32)

GetWindowThreadProcessId function.

Returns thread ID and process ID, respectively.


fn HideCaret(&self) -> SysResult<()>

HideCaret function.


fn HiliteMenuItem(&self, hmenu: &HMENU, id_or_pos: IdPos, hilite: bool) -> bool

HiliteMenuItem function.


fn InheritWindowMonitor(&self, hwnd_inherit: &HWND) -> SysResult<()>


fn InvalidateRect(&self, rc: Option<&RECT>, erase: bool) -> SysResult<()>

InvalidateRect function.


Most of the time you’ll just want update the entire client area:

use winsafe::{self as w, prelude::*};

let hwnd: w::HWND; // initialized somewhere

hwnd.InvalidateRect(None, true)?;

fn InvalidateRgn(&self, hrgn: &HRGN, erase: bool)

InvalidateRgn function.


fn IsChild(&self, hwnd_possible_child: &HWND) -> bool

IsChild function.


fn IsDialogMessage(&self, msg: &mut MSG) -> bool

IsDialogMessage function.


fn IsIconic(&self) -> bool

IsIconic function.


fn IsWindow(&self) -> bool

IsWindow function.


fn IsWindowEnabled(&self) -> bool

IsWindowEnabled function.


fn IsWindowUnicode(&self) -> bool

IsWindowUnicode function.


fn IsWindowVisible(&self) -> bool

IsWindowVisible function.


fn IsZoomed(&self) -> bool

IsZoomed function.


fn KillTimer(&self, event_id: usize) -> SysResult<()>

KillTimer function.

This function ends the timer calls for the given timer ID. If you don’t call this function, the timer calls will continue until the window is destroyed – at this point, any remaining timers will be automatically cleared.


fn LockWindowUpdate(&self) -> SysResult<()>

LockWindowUpdate function.

use winsafe::{self as w, prelude::*};

let hwnd: w::HWND; // initialized somewhere

// Lock the window – only one window can be locked at a time.

// After all operations, unlock the currently locked window.

fn LogicalToPhysicalPoint(&self, pt: *mut POINT) -> SysResult<()>


fn MapDialogRect(&self, rc: RECT) -> SysResult<RECT>

MapDialogRect function.


fn MapWindowPoints( &self, hdest: &HWND, points: PtsRc<'_> ) -> SysResult<(i16, i16)>

MapWindowPoints function.

This method can convert either a series of POINT structs or a single RECT.

use winsafe::{self as w, prelude::*};

let hwnd: w::HWND; // initialized somewhere
let hwnd_dest: w::HWND;

let mut points = vec![w::POINT::default(), w::POINT::default()];

    w::PtsRc::Pts(&mut points),

fn MessageBox(&self, text: &str, caption: &str, flags: MB) -> SysResult<DLGID>

MessageBox function.

Consider using the more modern HWND::TaskDialog method.


A modal message box, which blocks its parent:

use winsafe::{self as w, prelude::*, co};

let hwnd: w::HWND; // initialized somewhere

hwnd.MessageBox("Hello, world", "title",

Usually the message box has a valid parent window, however, if for some reason you don’t have a window to serve as parent, you still can show a non-modal, parent-less message box by using the null window handle:

use winsafe::{self as w, prelude::*, co};

    .MessageBox("Hello, world", "Title", co::MB::ICONEXCLAMATION)?;

fn MonitorFromWindow(&self, flags: MONITOR) -> HMONITOR


fn MoveWindow(&self, pos: POINT, size: SIZE, repaint: bool) -> SysResult<()>

MoveWindow function.


fn OpenClipboard(&self) -> SysResult<CloseClipboardGuard<'_>>

OpenClipboard function.

In the original C implementation, you must call CloseClipboard as a cleanup operation.

Here, the cleanup is performed automatically, because OpenClipboard returns a CloseClipboardGuard, which automatically calls CloseClipboard when the guard goes out of scope. You must, however, keep the guard alive, otherwise the cleanup will be performed right away.

use winsafe::{self as w, prelude::*};

let hwnd: w::HWND; // initialized somewhere

let _hclip = hwnd.OpenClipboard()?; // keep guard alive

You can also open the clipboard without an HWND owner:

use winsafe::{self as w, prelude::*};

let _hclip = w::HWND::NULL.OpenClipboard()?; // keep guard alive

unsafe fn PostMessage<M>(&self, msg: M) -> SysResult<()>
where M: MsgSend + Send + Copy + 'static,

PostMessage function.

Note that this method is asychronous.


Messages manipulate pointers, copies and window states. Improper use may lead to undefined behavior.


fn RealChildWindowFromPoint( &self, pt_parent_client_coords: POINT ) -> Option<HWND>


fn RealGetWindowClass(&self) -> SysResult<String>


fn RedrawWindow( &self, rc_update: RECT, hrgn_update: &HRGN, flags: RDW ) -> SysResult<()>

RedrawWindow function.


fn RegisterHotKey( &self, id: i32, modifiers: MOD, vkey_code: VK ) -> SysResult<()>

RegisterHotKey function.


fn ScreenToClient(&self, pt: POINT) -> SysResult<POINT>

ScreenToClient function.

If you need to convert a RECT, see the HWND::ScreenToClientRc function.


fn ScreenToClientRc(&self, rc: RECT) -> SysResult<RECT>

ScreenToClient method for a RECT.


fn ScrollWindowEx( &self, dx: i32, dy: i32, client_area_portion: Option<&RECT>, clipping_rect: Option<&RECT>, hrgn_update: Option<&HRGN>, updated_boundaries: Option<&mut RECT>, flags: SCROLLW ) -> SysResult<REGION>

ScrollWindowEx function.


unsafe fn SendMessage<M>(&self, msg: M) -> M::RetType
where M: MsgSend,

SendMessage function.

The return type is variable, being defined by the RetType associated type of the MsgSend trait. That means each message can define its own return type.


Messages manipulate pointers, copies and window states. Improper use may lead to undefined behavior.


Sending a bm::GetImage button message, which demands an image type parameter. Note that this specific message can also return an error, which is handled with ?:

use winsafe::{self as w, prelude::*, co, msg};

let hwnd: w::HWND; // initialized somewhere

let bmp = unsafe {
        msg::bm::GetImage {
            img_type: co::IMAGE_TYPE::BITMAP,

Sending an em::CharFromPos edit message, which receives point coordinates and returns two values:

use winsafe::{self as w, prelude::*, msg};

let hwnd: w::HWND; // initialized somewhere

let (char_pos, line_pos) = unsafe {
        msg::em::CharFromPos {
            coords: w::POINT::new(12, 20),

unsafe fn SendMessageTimeout<M>( &self, msg: M, flags: SMTO, timeout_ms: u32 ) -> SysResult<M::RetType>
where M: MsgSend,

SendMessageTimeout function.


Messages manipulate pointers, copies and window states. Improper use may lead to undefined behavior.


fn SetActiveWindow(&self) -> SysResult<HWND>

SetActiveWindow function.


fn SetCapture(&self) -> ReleaseCaptureGuard<'_, Self>

SetCapture function.


fn SetDialogDpiChangeBehavior(&self, mask: DDC, values: DDC) -> SysResult<()>


fn SetFocus(&self) -> Option<HWND>

SetFocus function.


fn SetForegroundWindow(&self) -> bool


fn SetLayeredWindowAttributes( &self, transparency_color_key: COLORREF, alpha: u8, flags: LWA ) -> SysResult<()>


fn SetMenu(&self, hmenu: &HMENU) -> SysResult<()>

SetMenu function.


fn SetParent(&self, hwnd_new_parent: &HWND) -> SysResult<Option<HWND>>

SetParent function.


fn SetScrollInfo(&self, bar: SBB, si: &SCROLLINFO, redraw: bool) -> i32

SetScrollInfo function.


fn SetScrollPos(&self, b: SBB, pos: i32, redraw: bool) -> SysResult<i32>

SetScrollPos function.


fn SetScrollRange( &self, bar: SBB, min_pos: i32, max_pos: i32, redraw: bool ) -> SysResult<()>

SetScrollRange function.


fn SetTimer( &self, event_id: usize, elapse_ms: u32, timer_func: Option<TIMERPROC> ) -> SysResult<usize>

This method returns the timer ID, to be passed to HWND::KillTimer.

The timer calls – either wm_timer message or callback function – will continuously be executed until you call KillTimer. If you don’t call KillTimer, the timer calls will continue until the window is destroyed – at this point, any remaining timers will be automatically cleared.

§Why not closures?

A common C++ technique to use closures with SetTimer is allocating a closure on the heap and use its pointer as the timer ID. When the callback function is called, the pointer is dereferenced and the closure is then executed.

The problem with this approach is that the closure must be freed after KillTimer, which can be called from anywhere, including from the closure itself – that means you must keep the pointer outside the closure and free it somehow after the closure finishes.

Such approach is, obviously, incredibly unsafe, and only possible within Rust’s rigid ownership rules if we use some sort of garbage-collection, which will free the allocated closure some time after KillTimer is called and the closure itself finishes. Since that would incur in a performance penalty, the current implementation of SetTimer will only accept ordinary function pointers, not closures.

Handling the wm_timer message is simply more practical and efficient, so the use of a callback is discouraged here.


fn SetWindowDisplayAffinity(&self, affinity: WDA) -> SysResult<()>


unsafe fn SetWindowLongPtr(&self, index: GWLP, new_long: isize) -> isize

SetWindowLongPtr function.

If you just want to set the window styles, prefer using HWND::set_style and HWND::set_style_ex.


Changing these values may potentially cause undefined behavior to the window, and passed pointers must be handled correctly.


fn SetWindowPlacement(&self, wp: &WINDOWPLACEMENT) -> SysResult<()>


fn SetWindowPos( &self, hwnd_insert_after: HwndPlace, pos: POINT, size: SIZE, flags: SWP ) -> SysResult<()>

SetWindowPos function.

use winsafe::{self as w, prelude::*, co};

let hwnd: w::HWND; // initialized somewhere

    w::POINT::new(10, 10),
    co::SWP::NOZORDER | co::SWP::NOSIZE,

fn SetWindowRgn(&self, hrgn: &HRGN, redraw: bool) -> SysResult<()>

SetWindowRgn function.


fn SetWindowText(&self, text: &str) -> SysResult<()>

SetWindowText function.


fn ShowCaret(&self) -> SysResult<()>

ShowCaret function.


fn ShowOwnedPopups(&self, show: bool) -> SysResult<()>

ShowOwnedPopups function.


fn ShowWindow(&self, show_cmd: SW) -> bool

ShowWindow function.


fn ShowWindowAsync(&self, show_cmd: SW) -> SysResult<()>

ShowWindowAsync function.


fn TileWindows( &self, how: MDITILE, rect: Option<RECT>, kids: Option<&[&HWND]> ) -> SysResult<u16>

TileWindows function.


fn TranslateAccelerator( &self, haccel_table: &HACCEL, msg: &mut MSG ) -> SysResult<()>


fn UnregisterHotKey(&self, id: i32) -> SysResult<()>

UnregisterHotKey function.


fn UpdateLayeredWindow( &self, hdc_dest: Option<&HDC>, pt_dest: Option<&POINT>, size: Option<&SIZE>, hdc_src: Option<&HDC>, pt_src: Option<&POINT>, key: COLORREF, blend: &BLENDFUNCTION, flags: ULW ) -> SysResult<()>


fn UpdateWindow(&self) -> SysResult<()>

UpdateWindow function.


fn ValidateRect(&self, rc: RECT) -> SysResult<()>

ValidateRect function.


fn ValidateRgn(&self, hrgn: &HRGN) -> SysResult<()>

ValidateRgn function.


fn WindowFromPhysicalPoint(pt: POINT) -> Option<HWND>


fn WindowFromPoint(pt: POINT) -> Option<HWND>

WindowFromPoint function.


fn WinHelp(&self, help_file: &str, cmd: HELPW, data: usize) -> SysResult<()>

WinHelp function.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
