Crate winsafe[][src]

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Win32 GUI and related APIs in safe, idiomatic Rust.

WinSafe has:

  • high-level structs to build native Win32 GUI applications;
  • low-level Win32 API constants, functions and structs related to GUI.

If you’re looking for a comprehensive Win32 coverage, take a look at winapi or windows crates, which are unsafe, but have everything.



Add the dependency in your Cargo.toml:

winsafe = "0.0.7"

The COM modules are disabled by default, and can be enabled when needed:

ModuleCargo.toml [dependencies]
Automationwinsafe = { version = "0.0.7", features = ["autom"] }
DirectShowwinsafe = { version = "0.0.7", features = ["dshow"] }
IDLwinsafe = { version = "0.0.7", features = ["idl"] }
Shellwinsafe = { version = "0.0.7", features = ["shell"] }

Modules overview

The Win32 bindings are divided into a few modules:

winsafeThe root of the crate has Win32 free functions and structs.
winsafe::coTypes and values of Win32 constants.
winsafe::msgWindow messages.
winsafe::guiHigh-level GUI wrappers.

And the COM modules:

winsafe::automWin32 Automation COM interfaces.
winsafe::dshowWin32 DirectShow COM interfaces.
winsafe::idlWin32 IDL COM interfaces.
winsafe::shellWin32 Shell COM interfaces.


WinSafe features idiomatic bindings for the Win32 API, but on top of that, it features a set of high-level GUI structs, which scaffolds the boilerplate needed to build native Win32 GUI applications, event-oriented. Unless you’re doing something really specific, these high-level wrappers are highly recommended – you’ll usually start with the WindowMain.

One of the greatest strenghts of the GUI API is supporting the use of resource files, which can be created with a WYSIWYG resource editor.

GUI structs can be found in module gui.

Native function calls

The best way to understand the idea behind WinSafe bindings is comparing them to the correspondent C code.

For example, take the following C code:

HWND hwnd = GetDesktopWindow();

This is equivalent to:

use winsafe::HWND;

let hwnd = HWND::GetDesktopWindow();

Note how GetDesktopWindow is a static method of HWND, and SetFocus is an instance method called directly upon hwnd. All native handles (HWND, HDC, HINSTANCE, etc.) are structs, thus:

  • native Win32 functions that return a handle are static methods in WinSafe;
  • native Win32 functions whose first parameter is a handle are instance methods.

Now this C code:


Is equivalent to:

use winsafe::PostQuitMessage;


Since PostQuitMessage is a free function, it’s simply at the root of the crate.

Native constants

All native Win32 constants can be found in the co module. They’re all typed, what means that different constant types cannot be mixed (unless you explicitly say so).

Technically, each constant type is simply a newtype with a couple implementations, including those allowing bitflag operations. Also, all constant values can be converted to its underlying integer type.

The name of the constant type is often its prefix. For example, constants of MessageBox function, like MB_OKCANCEL, belong to a type called MB.

For example, take the following C code:

let hwnd = GetDesktopWindow();
MessageBox(hwnd, "Hello, world", "My hello", MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONINFORMATION);

This is equivalent to:

use winsafe::{co::MB, HWND};

let hwnd = HWND::GetDesktopWindow();
hwnd.MessageBox("Hello, world", "Title", MB::OKCANCEL | MB::ICONINFORMATION)?;

The method MessageBox, like all native functions that can return errors, will return WinResult, which can contain an ERROR constant.

Native structs

WinSafe implements native Win32 structs in a very restricted way. First off, fields which control the size of the struct – often named cbSize – are private and automatically set when the struct is instantiated.

Pointer fields are also private, and they can be set and retrieved only through getter and setter methods. In particular, when setting a string pointer field, you need to pass a reference to a WString buffer, which will keep the actual string contents.

For example, the following C code:

WNDCLASSEX wcx = {0};
wcx.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX);
wcx.lpszClassName = "MY_WINDOW";

if (RegisterClassEx(&wcx) == 0) {
    DWORD err = GetLastError();
    // handle error...

Is equivalent to:

use winsafe::{RegisterClassEx, WNDCLASSEX, WString};

let buf = WString::from_str("MY_WINDOW");

let mut wcx = WNDCLASSEX::default();

if let Err(err) = RegisterClassEx(&wcx) {
    // handle error...

Note how you don’t need to call GetLastError to retrieve the error code: it’s returned by the method itself in the WinResult.

Text encoding

Windows natively uses Unicode UTF-16.

WinSafe uses Unicode UTF-16 internally but exposes idiomatic UTF-8, performing conversions automatically when needed, so you don’t have to worry about OsString or any low-level conversion.

However, there are cases where a string conversion is still needed, like when dealing with native Win32 structs. In such cases, you can use the WString struct, which is also capable of working as a buffer to receive text from Win32 calls.


Automation COM interfaces, structs and constants.

Win32 constants and types of constants.

DirectShow COM interfaces, structs and constants.

High-level GUI abstractions for user windows and native controls. They can be created programmatically or by loading resources from a .res file. These files can be created with a WYSIWYG resource editor.

IDL COM interfaces, structs and constants.

Parameters of window messages.

File path utilities.

Commonly imported traits.

Shell COM interfaces, structs and constants.


ACCEL struct.

ACL struct.

The data of the AccelMenuCtrl Ctrl option.

BITMAP struct.

COM class ID. Just a safe abstraction over a GUID.

A pointer to a COM virtual table.

Manages an HFILE handle, which is closed automatically when the object goes out of scope.

Manages a memory-mapped file, which can be read/written through slices. It is closed automatically when the object goes out of scope.

GUID struct.

Handle to a bitmap.

Handle to a brush.

Handle to a cursor.

Handle to a device context.

Handle to an event. Originally just a HANDLE.

Handle to a file. Originally just a HANDLE.

Handle to a file mapping. Originally just a HANDLE.

Address of a mapped view. Originally just an LPVOID.

Handle to a file search. Originally just a HANDLE.

Handle to a font.

Handle to a global memory block. Originally just a HANDLE.

Handle to a hook.

Handle to an icon.

Handle to an image list.

Handle to an instance, same as HMODULE.

Handle to a registry key.

Handle to a menu.

Handle to a pen GDI object.

Handle to an anonymous pipe. Originally just a HANDLE.

Handle to a process. Originally just a HANDLE.

Handle to a process list snapshot. Originally just a HANDLE.

Handle to a region GDI object.

Handle to a resource. Originally just a HANDLE.

Handle to a resource memory block. Originally just an HGLOBAL.

Handle to a theme.

Handle to a thread. Originally just a HANDLE.

Handle to an updateable resource. Originally just a HANDLE.

Handle to a window.

COM interface ID. Just a safe abstraction over a GUID.

IUnknown COM interface over IUnknownVT. It’s the base to all COM interfaces.

IUnknown virtual table, base to all COM virtual tables.

Keeps sections and key/value pairs of a .ini file, also doing parsing and serialization of the data.

A single key/value pair of an IniSection of an Ini.

A single section of an Ini.

LANGID language identifier.

LCID locale identifier.

LITEM struct.

LOGPEN struct.

LVITEM struct.

MSG struct.

NMCHAR struct.

NMHDR struct.

NMLINK struct.

POINT struct.

RECT struct.

Retrieves data from an embedded resource, which can be read from an executable file or a DLL.

SIZE struct.

TVITEM struct.

Stores a Vec<u16> buffer for a null-terminated Unicode UTF-16 wide string natively used by Windows.


Variant parameters of a wm::Command message.

Variant parameter used in window class functions:

Variant parameter for:

Variant parameter for:

Variant parameter for:

Variant parameter for:

String encodings that can be guessed by WString::guess_encoding.

Access types for File::open and FileMapped::open.

Variant parameter for:

Variant parameter for:

Variant parameter for:

Variant parameter for:

Variant parameter for:

Variant parameter for:

Variant parameter for:

Variant parameter for:

Variant parameter used in menu methods:

Variant parameter for:

Variant parameter for:

Variant parameter for:

Variant parameter for:

Variant parameter for:

Variant parameter for:

Registry value types.

Variant parameter for:

Variant parameter for:

Variant parameter for:


AnyPopup function.

CoInitializeEx function. Returns some error codes as success status.

CopyFile function.

EndMenu function.

HIBYTE function. Originally a macro.

Returns the high-order u32 of an u64.

HIWORD function. Originally a macro.

HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 function. Originally a macro.

LOBYTE function. Originally a macro.

Returns the low-order u32 of an u64.

LOWORD function. Originally a macro.

Function that implements MAKELONG, MAKEWPARAM, and MAKELPARAM macros.

Similar to MAKEDWORD, but for u64.

MAKEWORD function. Originally a macro.

MoveFile function.

MulDiv function.

Sleep function.

Type Definitions

Type alias to CCHOOKPROC callback function.

Type alias to DLGPROC callback function.

A specialized Result which returns a Box<dyn Error> on failure.

Type alias to HOOKPROC callback function.

Type alias to PFTASKDIALOGCALLBACK calback function.

Type alias to SUBCLASSPROC callback function.

Type alias to TIMERPROC callback function.

Type alias to WNDPROC callback function.

A specialized Result for Win32 operations, which returns an ERROR on failure.