Struct winrt::windows::foundation::collections::PropertySet [] [src]

pub struct PropertySet(_);

Trait Implementations

impl RtInterface for PropertySet

impl RtClassInterface for PropertySet

impl ComInterface for PropertySet

The type that defines the VTable of this interface.

impl ComIid for PropertySet

impl RtType for PropertySet

impl Deref for PropertySet

The resulting type after dereferencing

The method called to dereference a value

impl DerefMut for PropertySet

The method called to mutably dereference a value

impl RtActivatable<IActivationFactory> for PropertySet

Returns a factory object to create instances of this class or to call static methods.

Uses the default constructor to create an instance of this class.

impl RtNamedClass for PropertySet

Returns the name of the class encoded as a 16-bit wide string.