Module winnow::_topic::why

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§Why winnow?

To answer this question, it will be useful to contrast this with other approaches to parsing.

Note: This will focus on principles and priorities. For a deeper and wider wider comparison with other Rust parser libraries, see parse-rosetta-rs.

§Hand-written parsers

Typically, a hand-written parser gives you the flexibility to get

  • Fast parse performance
  • Fast compile-time
  • Small binary sizes
  • High quality error message
  • Fewer dependencies to audit

However, this comes at the cost of doing it all yourself, including

This approach works well if:

  • Your format is small and is unlikely to change
  • Your format is large but you have people who can focus solely on parsing, like with large programming languages


Unlike traditional programming language parsers that use lex or yacc, you can think of winnow as a general version of the helpers you would create along the way to writing a hand-written parser.

winnow includes support for:

For binary formats, winnow includes:

For text formats, winnow includes:

This works well for:

  • Prototyping for what will be a hand-written parser
  • When you want to minimize the work to evolve your format
  • When you don’t have contributors focused solely on parsing and your grammar is large enough to be unwieldy to hand write.


winnow is a fork of the venerable nom. The difference between them is largely in priorities. nom prioritizes:

  • Lower churn for existing users while winnow is trying to find ways to make things better for the parsers yet to be written.
  • Having a small core, relying on external crates like nom-locate and nom-supreme, encouraging flexibility among users and to not block users on new features being merged while winnow aims to include all the fundamentals for parsing to ensure the experience is cohesive and high quality.

See also our nom migration guide


chumsky is an up and coming parser-combinator library that includes advanced features like error recovery.

Probably the biggest diverging philosophy is chumskys stance:

“If you need to implement either Parser or Strategy by hand, that’s a problem that needs fixing”.

This is under “batteries included” but it also ties into the feeling that chumsky acts more like a framework. Instead of composing together helpers, you are expected to do everything through their system to the point that it is non-trivial to implement their Parser trait and are encouraged to use the custom helper. This requires re-framing everything to fit within their model and makes the code harder to understand and debug as you are working with abstract operations that will eventually be applied rather than directly with the parsers.

In contrast, winnow is an introspectable toolbox that can easily be customized at any level. Probably the biggest thing that winnow loses out on is optimizations from “parse modes” via GATs which allows downstream parsers to tell upstream parsers when information will be discarded, allowing bypassing expensive operations, like allocations. This requires a lot more complex interaction with parsers that isn’t as trivial to do with bare functions which would lose out on any of that side-band information. Instead, we work around this with things like the Accumulate trait.