Struct winapi::sapi::ISpRecoContext [] [src]

pub struct ISpRecoContext {
    pub lpVtbl: *const ISpRecoContextVtbl,


lpVtbl: *const ISpRecoContextVtbl


impl ISpRecoContext

unsafe fn GetRecognizer(&mut self, ppRecognizer: *mut *mut ISpRecognizer) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn CreateGrammer(&mut self, ullGrammarId: ULONGLONG, ppGrammar: *mut *mut ISpRecoGrammar) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetStatus(&mut self, pState: *mut SPRECOCONTEXTSTATUS) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetMaxAlternates(&mut self, pcAlternates: *mut ULONG) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetMaxAlternates(&mut self, cAlternates: ULONG) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetAudioOptions(&mut self, Options: SPAUDIOOPTIONS, pAudioFormatId: *const GUID, pWaveFormatEx: *const WAVEFORMATEX) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetAudioOptions(&mut self, pOptions: *mut SPAUDIOOPTIONS, pAudioFormatId: *mut GUID, ppCoMemWFEX: *mut *mut WAVEFORMATEX) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn DeserializeResult(&mut self, pSerializedResult: *const SPSERIALIZEDRESULT, ppResult: *mut *mut ISpRecoResult) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn Bookmark(&mut self, Options: SPBOOKMARKOPTIONS, ullStreamPosition: ULONGLONG, lparamEvent: LPARAM) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetAdaptionData(&mut self, pAdaptionData: LPCWSTR, cch: ULONG) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn Pause(&mut self, dwReserved: DWORD) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn Resume(&mut self, dwReserved: DWORD) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetVoice(&mut self, pVoice: *mut ISpVoice, fAllowFormatChanges: BOOL) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetVoice(&mut self, ppVoice: *mut *mut ISpVoice) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetVoicePurgeEvent(&mut self, ullEventIntereset: ULONGLONG) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetVoicePurgeEvent(&mut self, pullEventIntereset: *mut ULONGLONG) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetContextState(&mut self, eContextState: SPCONTEXTSTATE) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetContextState(&mut self, peContextState: *mut SPCONTEXTSTATE) -> HRESULT

Methods from Deref<Target=ISpEventSource>

unsafe fn SetInterest(&mut self, ullEventInterest: ULONGLONG, ullQueuedInterest: ULONGLONG) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetEvents(&mut self, ulCount: ULONG, pEventArray: *mut SPEVENT, pulFetched: *mut ULONG) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetInfo(&mut self, pInfo: *mut SPEVENTSOURCEINFO) -> HRESULT

Trait Implementations

impl Debug for ISpRecoContext

fn fmt(&self, __arg_0: &mut Formatter) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter.

impl Deref for ISpRecoContext

type Target = ISpEventSource

The resulting type after dereferencing

fn deref(&self) -> &ISpEventSource

The method called to dereference a value

impl DerefMut for ISpRecoContext

fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ISpEventSource

The method called to mutably dereference a value