Expand description
Simple and fast async channels

Simple and fast async channels that can be used to implement futures, streams, notifiers, and actors.

Optional Features

Getting Started

use whisk::Channel;

enum Cmd {
    /// Tell messenger to add
    Add(u32, u32, Channel<u32>),

async fn worker_main(channel: Channel<Option<Cmd>>) {
    while let Some(command) = channel.recv().await {
        println!("Worker receiving command");
        match command {
            Cmd::Add(a, b, s) => {
                s.send(a + b).await;

    println!("Worker stopping…");

async fn tasker_main() {
    // Create worker on new thread
    println!("Spawning worker…");
    let channel = Channel::new();
    let worker_thread = {
        let channel = channel.clone();
        std::thread::spawn(move || {
                .spawn(async move { worker_main(channel).await })

    // Do an addition
    println!("Sending command…");
    let oneshot = Channel::new();
    channel.send(Some(Cmd::Add(43, 400, oneshot.clone()))).await;
    println!("Receiving response…");
    let response = oneshot.await;
    assert_eq!(response, 443);

    // Tell worker to stop
    println!("Stopping worker…");
    println!("Waiting for worker to stop…");

    println!("Worker thread joined");

// Call into executor of your choice
fn main() {


A Channel notifies when another Channel sends a message.

A weak reference to a Channel.