wepoll-sys 3.0.1

Raw bindings to the wepoll library
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wepoll-sys provides unsafe Rust bindings to wepoll. The wepoll library is included in this crate and compiled automatically, removing the need for manually installing it.


  • Rust 2018
  • Windows
  • clang
  • A compiler such as gcc, the MSVC compiler (cl.exe), etc


Add wepoll-sys as a Windows dependency (since it won't build on other platforms):

wepoll-sys = "2.0"

Since this crate just provides a generated wrapper around the wepoll library, usage is the same as with the C code. For example:

use wepoll_sys;

fn main() {
    let wepoll = wepoll_sys::epoll_create(1);

    if wepoll.is_null() {
        panic!("epoll_create(1) failed!");

    // ...