Trait webview2_sys::ICoreWebView2WebResourceResponseViewGetContentCompletedHandler[][src]

pub trait ICoreWebView2WebResourceResponseViewGetContentCompletedHandler: IUnknown {
    unsafe fn invoke(
        error_code: HRESULT,
        content: *mut *mut IStreamVTable
    ) -> HRESULT; }
Expand description

Receives the result of the ICoreWebView2WebResourceResponseView::GetContent method.

Required methods

Provides the completion status and result of the corresponding asynchronous method call. A failure errorCode will be passed if the content failed to load. E_ABORT means the response loading was blocked (e.g., by CORS policy); ERROR_CANCELLED means the response loading was cancelled. ERROR_NO_DATA means the response has no content data, content is null in this case. Note content (if any) is ignored for redirects, 204 No Content, 205 Reset Content, and HEAD-request responses.

Trait Implementations

A COM compatible V-Table

The interface that this interface inherits from

The associated id for this interface

Check whether a given IID is in the inheritance hierarchy of this interface

Get the vtable for a particular COM interface

Implementations on Foreign Types
