Trait webview2_sys::ICoreWebView2DownloadOperation[][src]

pub trait ICoreWebView2DownloadOperation: IUnknown {
Show 19 methods unsafe fn add_bytes_received_changed(
        event_handler: *mut *mut ICoreWebView2BytesReceivedChangedEventHandlerVTable,
        token: *mut EventRegistrationToken
    ) -> HRESULT;
unsafe fn remove_bytes_received_changed(
        token: EventRegistrationToken
    ) -> HRESULT;
unsafe fn add_estimated_end_time_changed(
        event_handler: *mut *mut ICoreWebView2EstimatedEndTimeChangedEventHandlerVTable,
        token: *mut EventRegistrationToken
    ) -> HRESULT;
unsafe fn remove_estimated_end_time_changed(
        token: EventRegistrationToken
    ) -> HRESULT;
unsafe fn add_state_changed(
        event_handler: *mut *mut ICoreWebView2StateChangedEventHandlerVTable,
        token: *mut EventRegistrationToken
    ) -> HRESULT;
unsafe fn remove_state_changed(
        token: EventRegistrationToken
    ) -> HRESULT;
unsafe fn get_uri(&self, uri: *mut LPWSTR) -> HRESULT;
unsafe fn get_content_disposition(
        content_disposition: *mut LPWSTR
    ) -> HRESULT;
unsafe fn get_mime_type(&self, mime_type: *mut LPWSTR) -> HRESULT;
unsafe fn get_total_bytes_to_receive(
        total_bytes_to_receive: *mut i64
    ) -> HRESULT;
unsafe fn get_bytes_received(&self, bytes_received: *mut i64) -> HRESULT;
unsafe fn get_estimated_end_time(
        estimated_end_time: *mut LPWSTR
    ) -> HRESULT;
unsafe fn get_result_file_path(
        result_file_path: *mut LPWSTR
    ) -> HRESULT;
unsafe fn get_state(&self, download_state: *mut DownloadState) -> HRESULT;
unsafe fn get_interrupt_reason(
        interrupt_reason: *mut DownloadInterruptReason
    ) -> HRESULT;
unsafe fn cancel(&self) -> HRESULT;
unsafe fn pause(&self) -> HRESULT;
unsafe fn resume(&self) -> HRESULT;
unsafe fn get_can_resume(&self, can_resume: *mut BOOL) -> HRESULT;
Expand description

Represents a download operation. Gives access to the download’s metadata and supports a user canceling, pausing, or resuming the download.

Required methods

Add an event handler for the BytesReceivedChanged event.

\snippet ScenarioCustomDownloadExperience.cpp BytesReceivedChanged

Remove an event handler previously added with add_BytesReceivedChanged.

Add an event handler for the EstimatedEndTimeChanged event.

Remove an event handler previously added with add_EstimatedEndTimeChanged.

Add an event handler for the StateChanged event.

\snippet ScenarioCustomDownloadExperience.cpp StateChanged

Remove an event handler previously added with add_StateChanged.

The URI of the download.

The Content-Disposition header value from the download’s HTTP response.

MIME type of the downloaded content.

The expected size of the download in total number of bytes based on the HTTP Content-Length header. Returns -1 if the size is unknown.

The number of bytes that have been written to the download file.

The estimated end time in ISO 8601 Date and Time Format.

The absolute path to the download file, including file name. Host can change this from ICoreWebView2DownloadStartingEventArgs.

The state of the download. A download can be in progress, interrupted, or completed. See COREWEBVIEW2_DOWNLOAD_STATE for descriptions of states.

The reason why connection with file host was broken.

Cancels the download. If canceled, the default download dialog shows that the download was canceled. Host should set the Cancel property from ICoreWebView2SDownloadStartingEventArgs if the download should be canceled without displaying the default download dialog.

Pauses the download. If paused, the default download dialog shows that the download is paused. No effect if download is already paused. Pausing a download changes the state to COREWEBVIEW2_DOWNLOAD_STATE_INTERRUPTED with InterruptReason set to COREWEBVIEW2_DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASON_USER_PAUSED.

Resumes a paused download. May also resume a download that was interrupted for another reason, if CanResume returns true. Resuming a download changes the state from COREWEBVIEW2_DOWNLOAD_STATE_INTERRUPTED to COREWEBVIEW2_DOWNLOAD_STATE_IN_PROGRESS.

Returns true if an interrupted download can be resumed. Downloads with the following interrupt reasons may automatically resume without you calling any methods: COREWEBVIEW2_DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASON_SERVER_NO_RANGE, COREWEBVIEW2_DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASON_FILE_HASH_MISMATCH, COREWEBVIEW2_DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASON_FILE_TOO_SHORT. In these cases download progress may be restarted with BytesReceived reset to 0.

Trait Implementations

A COM compatible V-Table

The interface that this interface inherits from

The associated id for this interface

Check whether a given IID is in the inheritance hierarchy of this interface

Get the vtable for a particular COM interface

Implementations on Foreign Types
