Module webgl_rs::glenum

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Constants passed to WebGLRenderingContext.framebufferRenderbuffer()
Constants passed to WebGLRenderingContext.vertexAttribPointer()
Constants passed to vertexAttribPointer
Constants passed to WebGLRenderingContext.blendEquation() or WebGLRenderingContext.blendEquationSeparate() to control how the blending is calculated (for both, RBG and alpha, or separately).
Constants passed to WebGLRenderingContext.blendFunc() or WebGLRenderingContext.blendFuncSeparate() to specify the blending mode (for both, RBG and alpha, or separately).
Passed to bindBufferBase
Passed to bindBuffer or bufferData to specify the type of buffer being used.
Constants passed to WebGLRenderingContext.hint()
Constants passed to readBuffer
Constants passed to WebGLRenderingContext.cullFace().
Constants passed to WebGLRenderingContext.depthFunc().
Constants returned from WebGLRenderingContext.getError().
Constants passed to WebGLRenderingContext.bindFramebuffer() and other framebuffer methods
Constants passed to WebGLRenderingContext.checkFramebufferStatus()
Constants passed to WebGLRenderingContext.frontFace().
Constants passed to fenceSync
Constants passed to WebGLRenderingContext.hint() mode argument
Constants passed to WebGLRenderingContext.hint() target argument
Constants passed to getInternalformatParameter
FIXME categorize values elsewhere
Constants passed to WebGLRenderingContext.getParameter() to specify what information to return.
Constants passed to WebGLRenderingContext.pixelStorei()
Passed to drawElements or drawArrays to draw primitives.
Constants passed to WebGLRenderingContext.getProgramParameter() TODO decide if im keeping it public or move to shader_program as it is only used internally i think
Constants passed to getQuery
Constants passed to getQueryParameter
Constants passed to beginQuery
Constants returned from WebGLRenderingContext.getRenderbufferParameter()
Constants passed to WebGLRenderingContext.framebufferRenderbuffer()
Constants passed to WebGLRenderingContext.getRenderbufferParameter()
Constants passed to WebGLRenderingContext.createShader()
Constants passed to WebGLRenderingContext.getShaderParameter() TODO decide if im keeping it public or move to shader_program as it is only used internally i think
Constants passed to WebGLRenderingContext.stencilOp().
Constants passed to WebGLRenderingContext.stencilFunc().
Constants passed to getSyncParameter
WebGLRenderingContext.texStorage2D() target parameter
WebGLRenderingContext.texStorage3D() target parameter
WebGLRenderingContext.texImage2D() “target” parameter
WebGLRenderingContext.texParameterfi or WebGLRenderingContext.bindTexture() “target” parameter
WebGLRenderingContext.texParameterfi “param” parameter
WebGLRenderingContext.texParameterfi “param” parameter
WebGLRenderingContext.texParameterfi “pname” parameter
A texture unit
WebGLRenderingContext.texParameterfi “param” parameter
Constants passed to bindTransformFeedback
Passed to transformFeedbackVaryings.
Passed to beginTransformFeedback.
Constants passed to WebGLRenderingContext.hint()
Constants passed to WebGLRenderingContext.getVertexAttrib().
Constants passed to clientWaitSync