Crate webdriver_downloader

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A library for downloading and installing webdrivers.

This library provides a generic interface for downloading, installing and verifying webdrivers. It also provides implementations for the most common webdrivers.


§Downloading and installing chromedriver

use webdriver_downloader::prelude::*;

async fn main() -> Result<(), WebdriverDownloadError> {
    let chromedriver_info = ChromedriverInfo::new_default()?;

    if !chromedriver_info.is_installed().await {


This will download the latest version of chromedriver, verify it, and install it to the default location. See default_install_paths for default install locations.

§Implementing your own webdriver

See traits for more information on how to implement your own webdriver.


  • This module contains the implementations of the WebdriverDownloadInfo trait for the different webdrivers.
  • OS-specific constants and functions.
  • Re-exported driver implementations, traits, errors and os_specific data.
  • Traits for the webdriver-downloader crate.