Crate webb_proposals

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Webb Protocol Proposals Specification

A Reference Implementation of the Webb Protocol Proposals.


Proposals are encoded as a sequence of bytes that describe the proposed changes to the state of a system. An example of such a state is a storage value on a smart contract.

Each proposal contains the following:

  1. The target system we need to apply the proposal to.
  2. The source system that is sending the proposal (optionally).
  3. Which function on the target system we need to call.
  4. The arguments of this function.

The first 3 points described above are called the ProposalHeader and they are (by definition) the first 40 bytes of the proposal. The remaining bytes are the body. The length of the body varies depending on what the proposal does. Here is a diagram of a proposal:

│                   │              │                   │
│    Target 26B     │ ChainType 2B │    ChainId 4B     │
│                   │              │                   │
   │                        │             │           │          │
   │     ResourceId 32B     │ FuncSig 4B  │ Nonce 4B  │ Body nB  │
   │                        │             │           │          │

Proposal Header

The proposal header is the first 40 bytes of the proposal. It contains the following:

  • The ResourceId which is a 32 byte value that uniquely identifies the target system.
  • The FunctionSignature which is a 4 byte value that uniquely identifies the function to be executed on the target system.
  • The Nonce which is a 4 byte value that is used to prevent replay attacks.

The ResourceId

The ResourceId is the first 32 bytes of the proposal header, and it contains the following:

  1. The TargetSystem which is contained within the first 26 bytes of the ResourceId. The TargetSystem could be one of the following (depending on the target system):
    • A TargetSystem::ContractAddress which is actually 20 bytes but is left padded with zeroes (in this case, 6 bytes of zeroes). padded with zeroes (in this case, 22 bytes of zeroes).
  2. The ChainType which is a 2 byte value that identifies the chain type of the target system. It can be one of the following:
    • A ChainType::Evm which is 0x0100.
    • A ChainType::Substrate which is 0x0200.
    • A ChainType::PolkadotRelayChain which is 0x0301.
    • A ChainType::KusamaRelayChain which is 0x0302.
    • A ChainType::Cosmos which is 0x0400.
    • A ChainType::Solana which is 0x0500.
  3. The ChainId which is a 4 byte value that identifies the chain of the target system.

The FunctionSignature

The FunctionSignature is the next 4 bytes after the ResourceId, and it is used to identify the function to be executed on the target system.

The Nonce

The Nonce is the next 4 bytes after the FunctionSignature, and it is used to prevent replay attacks.

The Body

The Body is the rest of the proposal bytes, and the length could vary depending on what the purpose of the proposal. See each proposal type for the body structure.

Proposals Implementations

The following proposals are implemented for EVM-based chains:

  • AnchorUpdateProposal
  • TokenAddProposal
  • TokenRemoveProposal
  • WrappingFeeUpdateProposal
  • MinWithdrawalLimitProposal
  • MaxDepositLimitProposal
  • ResourceIdUpdateProposal
  • SetTreasuryHandlerProposal
  • SetVerifierProposal
  • FeeRecipientUpdateProposal
  • RescueTokensProposal

Feature Flags

The following feature flags are used to enable or disable certain features:

  • scale: Enables Implementation of the SCALE encoding and decoding (disabled by default).
  • std: Enables the use of the standard library (enabled by default).
  • evm: Enables EVM proposals (disabled by default).
  • substrate: Enables Substrate proposals (disabled by default).


  • Proposals Implemented:




  • Trait to be used for handling signed proposals
  • The Proposal trait is used to abstract over the different proposals for all the different chains.
