Struct wayland_server::protocol::wl_data_offer::WlDataOffer [] [src]

pub struct WlDataOffer { /* fields omitted */ }


impl WlDataOffer


advertise offered mime type

Sent immediately after creating the wl_data_offer object. One event per offered mime type.


notify the source-side available actions

This event indicates the actions offered by the data source. It will be sent right after wl_data_device.enter, or anytime the source side changes its offered actions through wl_data_source.set_actions.

This event is only available since version 3 of the interface


notify the selected action

This event indicates the action selected by the compositor after matching the source/destination side actions. Only one action (or none) will be offered here.

This event can be emitted multiple times during the drag-and-drop operation in response to destination side action changes through wl_data_offer.set_actions.

This event will no longer be emitted after wl_data_device.drop happened on the drag-and-drop destination, the client must honor the last action received, or the last preferred one set through wl_data_offer.set_actions when handling an "ask" action.

Compositors may also change the selected action on the fly, mainly in response to keyboard modifier changes during the drag-and-drop operation.

The most recent action received is always the valid one. Prior to receiving wl_data_device.drop, the chosen action may change (e.g. due to keyboard modifiers being pressed). At the time of receiving wl_data_device.drop the drag-and-drop destination must honor the last action received.

Action changes may still happen after wl_data_device.drop, especially on "ask" actions, where the drag-and-drop destination may choose another action afterwards. Action changes happening at this stage are always the result of inter-client negotiation, the compositor shall no longer be able to induce a different action.

Upon "ask" actions, it is expected that the drag-and-drop destination may potentially choose a different action and/or mime type, based on wl_data_offer.source_actions and finally chosen by the user (e.g. popping up a menu with the available options). The final wl_data_offer.set_actions and wl_data_offer.accept requests must happen before the call to wl_data_offer.finish.

This event is only available since version 3 of the interface

Trait Implementations

impl Send for WlDataOffer

impl Sync for WlDataOffer

impl Resource for WlDataOffer


Pointer to the underlying wayland proxy object


Create an instance from a wayland pointer Read more


Create an instance from a wayland pointer Read more


Pointer to the interface representation


Internal wayland name of this interface


Max version of this interface supported


Current version of the interface this resource is instantiated with


Check if the resource behind this handle is actually still alive


Check of two handles are actually the same wayland object Read more


Set a pointer associated as user data on this resource Read more


Get the pointer associated as user data on this resource Read more


Unsafely clone this resource handle Read more


Posts a protocol error to this resource Read more


Clone this resource handle Read more


Checks wether this resource and the other are from the same client Read more

impl<ID: 'static> Implementable<ID> for WlDataOffer

The type containing the implementation for the event callbacks
