Trait wayland_client::MessageGroup[][src]

pub trait MessageGroup {
    type Map;

    const MESSAGES: &'static [MessageDesc];

    fn is_destructor(&self) -> bool;
fn child<Meta>(
        opcode: u16,
        version: u32,
        meta: &Meta
    ) -> Option<Object<Meta>>
        Meta: ObjectMetadata
fn from_raw(msg: Message, map: &mut Self::Map) -> Result<Self, ()>;
fn into_raw(self, send_id: u32) -> Message; }

A group of messages

This represents a group of message that can be serialized on the protocol wire. Typically the set of events or requests of a single interface.

Implementations of this trait are supposed to be generated using the wayland-scanner crate.

Associated Types

The wrapper type for ObjectMap allowing the mapping of Object and NewId arguments to the object map during parsing.

Associated Constants

Wire representation of this MessageGroup

Required Methods

Whether this message is a destructor

If it is, once send or receive the associated object cannot be used any more.

Retrieve the child Object associated with this message if any

Construct a message from its raw representation

Turn this message into its raw representation
