
Crate wax

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Wax provides opinionated and portable globs that can be matched against file paths and directory trees. Globs use a familiar syntax and support expressive features with semantics that emphasize component boundaries.

See the repository documentation for details about glob expressions and patterns.


Combinator that matches any of its component Patterns.

Path that can be matched against a Glob or Pattern.


A token that captures matched text in a glob expression.

Pattern that can be matched against paths and directory trees.

Text that has been matched by a Pattern and its captures.

Describes errors that occur when parsing a glob expression.

Describes errors concerning rules and patterns in a glob expression.

Iterator over files matching a Glob in a directory tree.

Describes a file matching a Glob in a directory tree.

Describes errors that occur when matching a Glob against a directory tree.


Errors concerning Globs and Patterns.



Functions for constructing Globs with diagnostics.


Extension traits for Results with diagnostics.

A representation of a glob expression that can be matched against paths.


Combinator that emits a Pattern that matches if any of its input Patterns match.

Escapes text as a literal glob expression.

Returns true if the given character is a contextual meta-character.

Returns true if a path matches a glob expression.

Returns true if the given character is a meta-character.

Gets text in a CandidatePath that matches a glob expression.

Gets an iterator over matching files in a directory tree.

Type Definitions


Result that includes diagnostics on both success and failure.


Length and location of a token within a glob expression.