Crate wave_stream

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wave_stream is a library that allows reading and writing wave files. Random-access reading and writing is supported, as well as reading via an enumerable and writing via an enumerable. Unlike other wave libraries, the whole file is not sucked into memory.

Read through the example below to understand how to read a wav’s metadata, read the wav, and write a wav.

It’s generally reccomended that you read and write wav files as float (f32). (Unless you’re cropping and appending existing 16-bit, 24-bit, or 8-bit waves files.) wave_stream does not implement any way to noise-shape or dither floating-point or 24-bit samples to 16-bit or 8-bit. (The author reccomends using sox to convert floating-point wave files to lower bits-per-sample, as sox implements great noise shaping.)

Note: The wav file format is limited to no more then 4GB. Wave_stream does not support proposed extensions to the wav file format that exceed this limitation.


use std::f32::consts::{PI, TAU};
use std::io::Result;
use std::path::Path;

use wave_stream::open_wav::OpenWav;
use wave_stream::samples_by_channel::SamplesByChannel;
use wave_stream::wave_header::{Channels, SampleFormat, WavHeader};
use wave_stream::wave_reader::{RandomAccessOpenWavReader, StreamOpenWavReader};
use wave_stream::{read_wav_from_file_path, write_wav_to_file_path};

fn main() {
    let open_wav = read_wav_from_file_path(Path::new("some.wav")).unwrap();

    // Inspect metadata
    // ******************************
    println!("Number of channels: {0}, samples per second: {1}, bits per sample: {2}, length in samples: {3}",

    // Read via random access
    // ******************************
    let mut random_access_wave_reader = open_wav.get_random_access_f32_reader().unwrap();
    let first_sample = random_access_wave_reader.read_sample(0).unwrap();
        "First sample, front_left: {0}",
        first_sample.front_left.expect("front_left missing")

    // Read via an enumerable: Find the loudest sample in the wave file
    // ******************************
    let open_wav = read_wav_from_file_path(Path::new("some.wav")).unwrap();
    let mut loudest_sample = f32::MIN;

    // Note that the wave is read as f32 values in this example.
    // Reading as 8-bit, (i8) 16-bit, (i16) and 24-bit (i32) is also supported.
    // Upsampling during reads is supported. (You can read an 8-bit wav file as f32)
    // Downsampling during reads isn't supported. (You can't read a floating point wav file as i8)
    // In general:
    // - For audio manipulation: f32 is *strongly* reccomended
    // - Only use i16, i32, (or i8), when cutting existing audio without manipulation
    let iterator = open_wav.get_stream_f32_reader().unwrap().into_iter();

    for samples_result in iterator {
        let samples = samples_result.unwrap();

        for sample in samples.to_vec() {
            loudest_sample = f32::max(loudest_sample, sample);

    println!("Loudest sample: {0}", loudest_sample);

    // Write via random access
    // ******************************
    let sample_rate = 96000;
    let header = WavHeader {
        sample_format: SampleFormat::Float,
        channels: Channels::new()

    let open_wav = write_wav_to_file_path(Path::new("ramp.wav"), header).unwrap();

    // Note that the wave is written as f32 (32-bit float). 8-bit (i8), 16-bit (i16), and 24-bit (i32) integer are
    // also supprted.
    // Downconverting (IE, float -> 16-bit) is *not* supported. In general, it's best to perform audio manipulation
    // using f32. Outputting to an integer format like 16-bit (CD quality) will only sound good if you implement your
    // own noise shaper or dithering algorithm. A command-line tool like sox will perform excellent noise shaping if
    // you write a 32-bit float wav, and then use sox to convert it to 16-bit.
    let mut random_access_wave_writer = open_wav.get_random_access_f32_writer().unwrap();

    let samples_in_ramp = 2000;
    let samples_in_ramp_f32 = samples_in_ramp as f32;
    for sample in 0usize..((sample_rate * 3) as usize) {
        // Write 3 seconds of samples
        let modulo = (sample % samples_in_ramp) as f32;
        let sample_value = (2f32 * modulo / samples_in_ramp_f32) - 1f32;


    // Write via iterator
    // ******************************
    let header = WavHeader {
        sample_format: SampleFormat::Float,
        channels: Channels::new()

    let open_wav = write_wav_to_file_path(Path::new("sine.wav"), header).unwrap();
    let sine_iterator = SineIterator {
        period: (sample_rate / 60) as f32,
        current_sample: PI, // Start at 0 crossing
    let sine_iterator_three_seconds = sine_iterator.take((sample_rate * 3u32) as usize); // Write 3 seconds

// Used when writing via iterator
struct SineIterator {
    period: f32,
    current_sample: f32,

// Used when writing via iterator
impl Iterator for SineIterator {
    type Item = Result<SamplesByChannel<f32>>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Result<SamplesByChannel<f32>>> {
        let result = (self.current_sample / self.period * TAU).sin();
        self.current_sample += 1f32;

        if self.current_sample > self.period {
            self.current_sample = 0f32;

        return Some(Ok(SamplesByChannel::new()



  • Reads a wav from a Read struct
  • Reads a wav from a given path
  • Starts writing a wav to a (Write + Seek) struct. Returns an OpenWavWriter struct that is used to write the contents of the wav
  • Starts writing a wav to a Path. Returns an OpenWavWriter struct that is used to write the contents of the wav