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Utilities for testing bindings generated by Wasmer Pack.


To use the wasmer-pack-testing crate, you need to create an integration test that has its own runner.

First, add the following to your Cargo.toml:


name = "integration-tests"
harness = false

wasmer-pack-testing = { path = "../../crates/testing" }

Next, add the following integration test:

// tests/integration-tests.rs

use anyhow::Error;
use tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter;

fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {

Under the hood, this will try to detect which languages you have written integration tests for, then automatically generate bindings to your package and run the tests with the bindings.


When Python tests are detected, autodiscover() will do the following:

  • Compile the crate into a WAPM package
  • Generate Python bindings for the package
  • If necessary, initialize a Python project
    • Create a pyproject.toml with poetry init
    • Add the generated bindings as a dependency with poetry add --editable ...
  • Run poetry install to install any missing dependencies
  • Execute tests with pytest

Note that Wasmer’s Python bindings don’t work on a M1 Mac (wasmer-python#680), so the code will be generated but no tests will be executed on this platform.


When JavaScript or TypeScript tests are detected, autodiscover() will do the following:

  • Compile the crate into a WAPM package
  • Generate JavaScript bindings for the crate
  • If necessary, initialize the JavaScript project
    • Create a package.json with yarn init
    • Add any necessary dev-dependencies with yarn add (e.g. jest)
    • Use yarn link to add the generated bindings as a dependency
  • Run yarn install to install any missing dependencies
  • Execute tests using yarn test (the default is to use jest)

