Crate wasmer_pack

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A code generator that lets you treat WebAssembly modules like native dependencies.

Basic Usage

If you don’t want to use the wasmer-pack CLI to generate bindings for your language, you can always use this crate directly.

use wasmer_pack::{Abi, Module, Interface, Metadata, Library, Package};

// First, we need to give the package some metadata
let package_name = "username/my-package".parse()?;
let metadata = Metadata::new(package_name, "1.2.3");

// Then we'll load the libraries from disk (this example only uses one)
let module = Module::from_path("./module.wasm", Abi::None)?;
// Definitions for the functionality it exposes
let exports = Interface::from_path("./exports.wit")?;
// Functionality imported from the host
let imports = vec![
let libraries = vec![Library { module, exports, imports }];
let commands = Vec::new();

// finally, we've got all the information we need
let pkg = Package ::new(metadata, libraries, commands);

// Now we can generate the bindings for our language
let js = wasmer_pack::generate_javascript(&pkg)?;

// And finally, save them to disk



