Expand description

polling-interface polling Interface


  • If the request was not successful it will contain an error
  • A request to manually poll external services/hardware.
  • Results from either automatic or manual polling of external services/hardware
  • PollSubscriberSender sends messages to a PollSubscriber service The PollSubscriber interface described an actor interface that receives the results from automatic polling of external services/hardware at a specified interval. client for sending PollSubscriber messages
  • Contains the type or code for an error along with an optional description.
  • PollingSender sends messages to a Polling service The Polling interface describes a service that automatically polls external services/hardware at a set interval, or a service which simply ensures an actor performs certain functionality at a set interval without any external input from the Polling service itself.
  • If the request was not successful it will contain an error



  • The PollSubscriber interface described an actor interface that receives the results from automatic polling of external services/hardware at a specified interval. wasmbus.contractId: wasmcloud:polling wasmbus.actorReceive
  • The Polling interface describes a service that automatically polls external services/hardware at a set interval, or a service which simply ensures an actor performs certain functionality at a set interval without any external input from the Polling service itself.