Crate wasm_runtime_layer

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wasm_runtime_layer creates a thin abstraction over WebAssembly runtimes, allowing for backend-agnostic host code. The interface is based upon the wasmtime and wasmi crates, but may be implemented for any runtime.


To use this crate, first instantiate a backend runtime. The runtime may be any value that implements backend::WasmEngine. Some runtimes are already implemented as additional crates. Then, one can create an Engine from the backend runtime, and use it to initialize modules and instances:

// 1. Instantiate a runtime
let engine = Engine::new(wasmi_runtime_layer::Engine::default());
let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ());

// 2. Create modules and instances, similar to other runtimes
let module_bin = wat::parse_str(
(type $t0 (func (param i32) (result i32)))
(func $add_one (export "add_one") (type $t0) (param $p0 i32) (result i32)
    local.get $p0
    i32.const 1

let module = Module::new(&engine, std::io::Cursor::new(&module_bin)).unwrap();
let instance = Instance::new(&mut store, &module, &Imports::default()).unwrap();

let add_one = instance
    .get_export(&store, "add_one")
let mut result = [Value::I32(0)];
    .call(&mut store, &[Value::I32(42)], &mut result)

assert_eq!(result[0], Value::I32(43));


  • wasmi_runtime_layer - Implements the WasmEngine trait for wrappers around wasmi::Engine instances.
  • wasmtime_runtime_layer - Implements the WasmEngine trait for wrappers around wasmtime::Engine instances.
  • js_wasm_runtime_layer - Implements a wasm engine targeting the browser’s WebAssembly API on wasm32-unknown-unknown targets.
  • pyodide-webassembly-runtime-layer - Implements a wasm engine targeting the browser’s WebAssembly API when running as a Python extension module inside Pyodide.

Contributions for additional backend implementations are welcome!


To run the tests for wasmi and wasmtime, run:

cargo test

For the wasm32 target, you can use the slower interpreter wasmi, or the native JIT accelerated browser backend.

To test the backends, you need to install wasm-pack.

You can then run:

wasm-pack test --node


  • Provides traits for implementing runtime backends.


  • The backing engine for a WebAssembly runtime.
  • A descriptor for an exported WebAssembly value of an Instance.
  • A descriptor for an exported WebAssembly value of a Module.
  • Represents an opaque reference to any data within WebAssembly.
  • A Wasm or host function reference.
  • A function type representing a function’s parameter and result types.
  • A Wasm global variable reference.
  • The type of a global variable.
  • A descriptor for an imported value into a Wasm Module.
  • All of the import data used when instantiating.
  • An iterator over imports.
  • An instantiated WebAssembly Module.
  • A Wasm linear memory reference.
  • The memory type of a linear memory.
  • A parsed and validated WebAssembly module.
  • The store represents all global state that can be manipulated by WebAssembly programs. It consists of the runtime representation of all instances of functions, tables, memories, and globals that have been allocated during the lifetime of the abstract machine.
  • A temporary handle to a &Store<T>.
  • A temporary handle to a &mut Store<T>.
  • A Wasm table reference.
  • A descriptor for a Table instance.

