wasm-embedded-spec 0.2.1

Embedded WASM WITX specification
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Embedded WASM Specification

A set of .witx specifications for embedded device interfaces, with the goal of providing a common language and platform independent runtime to support cross device/platform/architecture embedded applications.

This repository provides the reference specification as well as language specific helpers/adaptors to assist with platform implementations.

For a more detailed overview you may like to check out the book.


ci Crates.io Docs.rs

Extremely alpha. Currently working to refactor / split out components from a frightening monolith, plenty of exploration required yet and the wasi call convention and witx format are moving targets.


  • ./witx contains the .witx API specifications
  • ./src provides a rust library generated using these specs (including platform abstractions)
  • ./lib contains C headers for platform implementations
  • ./tests contains test definitions for implementation by platforms and HALs