pub struct AutoCommandBufferBuilder<L, A = StandardCommandBufferAllocator>where
    A: CommandBufferAllocator,{ /* private fields */ }
Expand description

Note that command buffers allocated from StandardCommandBufferAllocator don’t implement the Send and Sync traits. If you use this allocator, then the AutoCommandBufferBuilder will not implement Send and Sync either. Once a command buffer is built, however, it does implement Send and Sync.



impl<A> AutoCommandBufferBuilder<PrimaryAutoCommandBuffer, A>where A: CommandBufferAllocator,


pub fn primary( allocator: &A, queue_family_index: u32, usage: CommandBufferUsage ) -> Result<AutoCommandBufferBuilder<PrimaryAutoCommandBuffer<A::Alloc>, A>, CommandBufferBeginError>

Starts recording a primary command buffer.


impl<A> AutoCommandBufferBuilder<SecondaryAutoCommandBuffer, A>where A: CommandBufferAllocator,


pub fn secondary( allocator: &A, queue_family_index: u32, usage: CommandBufferUsage, inheritance_info: CommandBufferInheritanceInfo ) -> Result<AutoCommandBufferBuilder<SecondaryAutoCommandBuffer<A::Alloc>, A>, CommandBufferBeginError>

Starts recording a secondary command buffer.


impl<A> AutoCommandBufferBuilder<PrimaryAutoCommandBuffer<A::Alloc>, A>where A: CommandBufferAllocator,


pub fn build(self) -> Result<PrimaryAutoCommandBuffer<A::Alloc>, BuildError>

Builds the command buffer.


impl<A> AutoCommandBufferBuilder<SecondaryAutoCommandBuffer<A::Alloc>, A>where A: CommandBufferAllocator,


pub fn build(self) -> Result<SecondaryAutoCommandBuffer<A::Alloc>, BuildError>

Builds the command buffer.


impl<L, A> AutoCommandBufferBuilder<L, A>where A: CommandBufferAllocator,


pub fn state(&self) -> CommandBufferBuilderState<'_>

Returns the binding/setting state.


impl<L, A> AutoCommandBufferBuilder<L, A>where A: CommandBufferAllocator,

Commands to bind or push state for pipeline execution commands.

These commands require a queue with a pipeline type that uses the given state.


pub fn bind_descriptor_sets<S>( &mut self, pipeline_bind_point: PipelineBindPoint, pipeline_layout: Arc<PipelineLayout>, first_set: u32, descriptor_sets: S ) -> &mut Selfwhere S: DescriptorSetsCollection,

Binds descriptor sets for future dispatch or draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support pipeline_bind_point.
  • Panics if the highest descriptor set slot being bound is not less than the number of sets in pipeline_layout.
  • Panics if self and any element of descriptor_sets do not belong to the same device.

pub fn bind_index_buffer<I: Index>( &mut self, index_buffer: Subbuffer<[I]> ) -> &mut Self

Binds an index buffer for future indexed draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if self and index_buffer do not belong to the same device.
  • Panics if index_buffer does not have the BufferUsage::INDEX_BUFFER usage enabled.
  • If the index buffer contains u8 indices, panics if the index_type_uint8 feature is not enabled on the device.

pub fn bind_pipeline_compute( &mut self, pipeline: Arc<ComputePipeline> ) -> &mut Self

Binds a compute pipeline for future dispatch calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support compute operations.
  • Panics if self and pipeline do not belong to the same device.

pub fn bind_pipeline_graphics( &mut self, pipeline: Arc<GraphicsPipeline> ) -> &mut Self

Binds a graphics pipeline for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if self and pipeline do not belong to the same device.

pub fn bind_vertex_buffers( &mut self, first_binding: u32, vertex_buffers: impl VertexBuffersCollection ) -> &mut Self

Binds vertex buffers for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the highest vertex buffer binding being bound is greater than the max_vertex_input_bindings device property.
  • Panics if self and any element of vertex_buffers do not belong to the same device.
  • Panics if any element of vertex_buffers does not have the BufferUsage::VERTEX_BUFFER usage enabled.

pub fn push_constants<Pc>( &mut self, pipeline_layout: Arc<PipelineLayout>, offset: u32, push_constants: Pc ) -> &mut Selfwhere Pc: BufferContents,

Sets push constants for future dispatch or draw calls.

  • Panics if offset is not a multiple of 4.
  • Panics if the size of push_constants is not a multiple of 4.
  • Panics if any of the bytes in push_constants do not fall within any of the pipeline layout’s push constant ranges.

pub fn push_descriptor_set( &mut self, pipeline_bind_point: PipelineBindPoint, pipeline_layout: Arc<PipelineLayout>, set_num: u32, descriptor_writes: impl IntoIterator<Item = WriteDescriptorSet> ) -> &mut Self

Pushes descriptor data directly into the command buffer for future dispatch or draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support pipeline_bind_point.
  • Panics if the khr_push_descriptor extension is not enabled on the device.
  • Panics if set_num is not less than the number of sets in pipeline_layout.
  • Panics if an element of descriptor_writes is not compatible with pipeline_layout.

impl<L, A> AutoCommandBufferBuilder<L, A>where A: CommandBufferAllocator,


pub fn clear_color_image( &mut self, clear_info: ClearColorImageInfo ) -> Result<&mut Self, ClearError>

Clears a color image with a specific value.


pub fn clear_depth_stencil_image( &mut self, clear_info: ClearDepthStencilImageInfo ) -> Result<&mut Self, ClearError>

Clears a depth/stencil image with a specific value.


pub fn fill_buffer( &mut self, dst_buffer: Subbuffer<[u32]>, data: u32 ) -> Result<&mut Self, ClearError>

Fills a region of a buffer with repeated copies of a value.

This function is similar to the memset function in C. The data parameter is a number that will be repeatedly written through the entire buffer.

  • Panics if dst_buffer was not created from the same device as self.

pub fn update_buffer<D, Dd>( &mut self, dst_buffer: Subbuffer<D>, data: Dd ) -> Result<&mut Self, ClearError>where D: BufferContents + ?Sized, Dd: SafeDeref<Target = D> + Send + Sync + 'static,

Writes data to a region of a buffer.

  • Panics if dst_buffer was not created from the same device as self.

impl<L, A> AutoCommandBufferBuilder<L, A>where A: CommandBufferAllocator,


pub fn copy_buffer( &mut self, copy_buffer_info: impl Into<CopyBufferInfo> ) -> Result<&mut Self, CopyError>

Copies data from a buffer to another buffer.

  • Panics if src_buffer or dst_buffer were not created from the same device as self.

pub fn copy_image( &mut self, copy_image_info: CopyImageInfo ) -> Result<&mut Self, CopyError>

Copies data from an image to another image.

There are several restrictions:

  • The number of samples in the source and destination images must be equal.
  • The size of the uncompressed element format of the source image must be equal to the compressed element format of the destination.
  • If you copy between depth, stencil or depth-stencil images, the format of both images must match exactly.
  • For two-dimensional images, the Z coordinate must be 0 for the image offsets and 1 for the extent. Same for the Y coordinate for one-dimensional images.
  • For non-array images, the base array layer must be 0 and the number of layers must be 1.

If layer_count is greater than 1, the copy will happen between each individual layer as if they were separate images.

  • Panics if src_image or dst_image were not created from the same device as self.

pub fn copy_buffer_to_image( &mut self, copy_buffer_to_image_info: CopyBufferToImageInfo ) -> Result<&mut Self, CopyError>

Copies from a buffer to an image.


pub fn copy_image_to_buffer( &mut self, copy_image_to_buffer_info: CopyImageToBufferInfo ) -> Result<&mut Self, CopyError>

Copies from an image to a buffer.


pub fn blit_image( &mut self, blit_image_info: BlitImageInfo ) -> Result<&mut Self, CopyError>

Blits an image to another.

A blit is similar to an image copy operation, except that the portion of the image that is transferred can be resized. You choose an area of the source and an area of the destination, and the implementation will resize the area of the source so that it matches the size of the area of the destination before writing it.

Blit operations have several restrictions:

  • Blit operations are only allowed on queue families that support graphics operations.
  • The format of the source and destination images must support blit operations, which depends on the Vulkan implementation. Vulkan guarantees that some specific formats must always be supported. See tables 52 to 61 of the specifications.
  • Only single-sampled images are allowed.
  • You can only blit between two images whose formats belong to the same type. The types are: floating-point, signed integers, unsigned integers, depth-stencil.
  • If you blit between depth, stencil or depth-stencil images, the format of both images must match exactly.
  • If you blit between depth, stencil or depth-stencil images, only the Nearest filter is allowed.
  • For two-dimensional images, the Z coordinate must be 0 for the top-left offset and 1 for the bottom-right offset. Same for the Y coordinate for one-dimensional images.
  • For non-array images, the base array layer must be 0 and the number of layers must be 1.

If layer_count is greater than 1, the blit will happen between each individual layer as if they were separate images.

  • Panics if the source or the destination was not created with device.

pub fn resolve_image( &mut self, resolve_image_info: ResolveImageInfo ) -> Result<&mut Self, CopyError>

Resolves a multisampled image into a single-sampled image.

  • Panics if src_image or dst_image were not created from the same device as self.

impl<L, A> AutoCommandBufferBuilder<L, A>where A: CommandBufferAllocator,

Commands for debugging.

These commands all require the ext_debug_utils extension to be enabled on the instance.


pub fn begin_debug_utils_label( &mut self, label_info: DebugUtilsLabel ) -> Result<&mut Self, DebugUtilsError>

Opens a command buffer debug label region.


pub unsafe fn end_debug_utils_label( &mut self ) -> Result<&mut Self, DebugUtilsError>

Closes a command buffer debug label region.

  • When submitting the command buffer, there must be an outstanding command buffer label region begun with begin_debug_utils_label in the queue, either within this command buffer or a previously submitted one.

pub fn insert_debug_utils_label( &mut self, label_info: DebugUtilsLabel ) -> Result<&mut Self, DebugUtilsError>

Inserts a command buffer debug label.


impl<L, A> AutoCommandBufferBuilder<L, A>where A: CommandBufferAllocator,

Commands to set dynamic state for pipelines.

These commands require a queue with a pipeline type that uses the given state.


pub fn set_blend_constants(&mut self, constants: [f32; 4]) -> &mut Self

Sets the dynamic blend constants for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.

pub fn set_color_write_enable<I>(&mut self, enables: I) -> &mut Selfwhere I: IntoIterator<Item = bool>, I::IntoIter: ExactSizeIterator,

Sets whether dynamic color writes should be enabled for each attachment in the framebuffer.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the color_write_enable feature is not enabled on the device.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.
  • If there is a graphics pipeline with color blend state bound, enables.len() must equal
  • attachments.len().

pub fn set_cull_mode(&mut self, cull_mode: CullMode) -> &mut Self

Sets the dynamic cull mode for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the device API version is less than 1.3 and the extended_dynamic_state feature is not enabled on the device.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.

pub fn set_depth_bias( &mut self, constant_factor: f32, clamp: f32, slope_factor: f32 ) -> &mut Self

Sets the dynamic depth bias values for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.
  • If the depth_bias_clamp feature is not enabled on the device, panics if clamp is not 0.0.

pub fn set_depth_bias_enable(&mut self, enable: bool) -> &mut Self

Sets whether dynamic depth bias is enabled for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the device API version is less than 1.3 and the extended_dynamic_state2 feature is not enabled on the device.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.

pub fn set_depth_bounds(&mut self, bounds: RangeInclusive<f32>) -> &mut Self

Sets the dynamic depth bounds for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.
  • If the ext_depth_range_unrestricted device extension is not enabled, panics if the start and end of bounds are not between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive.

pub fn set_depth_bounds_test_enable(&mut self, enable: bool) -> &mut Self

Sets whether dynamic depth bounds testing is enabled for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the device API version is less than 1.3 and the extended_dynamic_state feature is not enabled on the device.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.

pub fn set_depth_compare_op(&mut self, compare_op: CompareOp) -> &mut Self

Sets the dynamic depth compare op for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the device API version is less than 1.3 and the extended_dynamic_state feature is not enabled on the device.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.

pub fn set_depth_test_enable(&mut self, enable: bool) -> &mut Self

Sets whether dynamic depth testing is enabled for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the device API version is less than 1.3 and the extended_dynamic_state feature is not enabled on the device.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.

pub fn set_depth_write_enable(&mut self, enable: bool) -> &mut Self

Sets whether dynamic depth write is enabled for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the device API version is less than 1.3 and the extended_dynamic_state feature is not enabled on the device.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.

pub fn set_discard_rectangle( &mut self, first_rectangle: u32, rectangles: impl IntoIterator<Item = Scissor> ) -> &mut Self

Sets the dynamic discard rectangles for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the ext_discard_rectangles extension is not enabled on the device.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.
  • Panics if the highest discard rectangle slot being set is greater than the max_discard_rectangles device property.

pub fn set_front_face(&mut self, face: FrontFace) -> &mut Self

Sets the dynamic front face for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the device API version is less than 1.3 and the extended_dynamic_state feature is not enabled on the device.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.

pub fn set_line_stipple(&mut self, factor: u32, pattern: u16) -> &mut Self

Sets the dynamic line stipple values for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the ext_line_rasterization extension is not enabled on the device.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.
  • Panics if factor is not between 1 and 256 inclusive.

pub fn set_line_width(&mut self, line_width: f32) -> &mut Self

Sets the dynamic line width for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.
  • If the wide_lines feature is not enabled, panics if line_width is not 1.0.

pub fn set_logic_op(&mut self, logic_op: LogicOp) -> &mut Self

Sets the dynamic logic op for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the extended_dynamic_state2_logic_op feature is not enabled on the device.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.

pub fn set_patch_control_points(&mut self, num: u32) -> &mut Self

Sets the dynamic number of patch control points for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the extended_dynamic_state2_patch_control_points feature is not enabled on the device.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.
  • Panics if num is 0.
  • Panics if num is greater than the max_tessellation_patch_size property of the device.

pub fn set_primitive_restart_enable(&mut self, enable: bool) -> &mut Self

Sets whether dynamic primitive restart is enabled for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the device API version is less than 1.3 and the extended_dynamic_state2 feature is not enabled on the device.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.

pub fn set_primitive_topology( &mut self, topology: PrimitiveTopology ) -> &mut Self

Sets the dynamic primitive topology for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the device API version is less than 1.3 and the extended_dynamic_state feature is not enabled on the device.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.
  • If the geometry_shader feature is not enabled, panics if topology is a WithAdjacency topology.
  • If the tessellation_shader feature is not enabled, panics if topology is PatchList.

pub fn set_rasterizer_discard_enable(&mut self, enable: bool) -> &mut Self

Sets whether dynamic rasterizer discard is enabled for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the device API version is less than 1.3 and the extended_dynamic_state2 feature is not enabled on the device.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.

pub fn set_scissor( &mut self, first_scissor: u32, scissors: impl IntoIterator<Item = Scissor> ) -> &mut Self

Sets the dynamic scissors for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.
  • Panics if the highest scissor slot being set is greater than the max_viewports device property.
  • If the multi_viewport feature is not enabled, panics if first_scissor is not 0, or if more than 1 scissor is provided.

pub fn set_scissor_with_count( &mut self, scissors: impl IntoIterator<Item = Scissor> ) -> &mut Self

Sets the dynamic scissors with count for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the device API version is less than 1.3 and the extended_dynamic_state feature is not enabled on the device.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.
  • Panics if the highest scissor slot being set is greater than the max_viewports device property.
  • If the multi_viewport feature is not enabled, panics if more than 1 scissor is provided.

pub fn set_stencil_compare_mask( &mut self, faces: StencilFaces, compare_mask: u32 ) -> &mut Self

Sets the dynamic stencil compare mask on one or both faces for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.

pub fn set_stencil_op( &mut self, faces: StencilFaces, fail_op: StencilOp, pass_op: StencilOp, depth_fail_op: StencilOp, compare_op: CompareOp ) -> &mut Self

Sets the dynamic stencil ops on one or both faces for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the device API version is less than 1.3 and the extended_dynamic_state feature is not enabled on the device.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.

pub fn set_stencil_reference( &mut self, faces: StencilFaces, reference: u32 ) -> &mut Self

Sets the dynamic stencil reference on one or both faces for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.

pub fn set_stencil_test_enable(&mut self, enable: bool) -> &mut Self

Sets whether dynamic stencil testing is enabled for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the device API version is less than 1.3 and the extended_dynamic_state feature is not enabled on the device.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.

pub fn set_stencil_write_mask( &mut self, faces: StencilFaces, write_mask: u32 ) -> &mut Self

Sets the dynamic stencil write mask on one or both faces for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.

pub fn set_viewport( &mut self, first_viewport: u32, viewports: impl IntoIterator<Item = Viewport> ) -> &mut Self

Sets the dynamic viewports for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.
  • Panics if the highest viewport slot being set is greater than the max_viewports device property.
  • If the multi_viewport feature is not enabled, panics if first_viewport is not 0, or if more than 1 viewport is provided.

pub fn set_viewport_with_count( &mut self, viewports: impl IntoIterator<Item = Viewport> ) -> &mut Self

Sets the dynamic viewports with count for future draw calls.

  • Panics if the queue family of the command buffer does not support graphics operations.
  • Panics if the device API version is less than 1.3 and the extended_dynamic_state feature is not enabled on the device.
  • Panics if the currently bound graphics pipeline already contains this state internally.
  • Panics if the highest viewport slot being set is greater than the max_viewports device property.
  • If the multi_viewport feature is not enabled, panics if more than 1 viewport is provided.

impl<L, A> AutoCommandBufferBuilder<L, A>where A: CommandBufferAllocator,

Commands to execute a bound pipeline.

Dispatch commands require a compute queue, draw commands require a graphics queue.


pub fn dispatch( &mut self, group_counts: [u32; 3] ) -> Result<&mut Self, PipelineExecutionError>

Perform a single compute operation using a compute pipeline.

A compute pipeline must have been bound using bind_pipeline_compute. Any resources used by the compute pipeline, such as descriptor sets, must have been set beforehand.


pub fn dispatch_indirect( &mut self, indirect_buffer: Subbuffer<[DispatchIndirectCommand]> ) -> Result<&mut Self, PipelineExecutionError>

Perform multiple compute operations using a compute pipeline. One dispatch is performed for each DispatchIndirectCommand struct in indirect_buffer.

A compute pipeline must have been bound using bind_pipeline_compute. Any resources used by the compute pipeline, such as descriptor sets, must have been set beforehand.


pub fn draw( &mut self, vertex_count: u32, instance_count: u32, first_vertex: u32, first_instance: u32 ) -> Result<&mut Self, PipelineExecutionError>

Perform a single draw operation using a graphics pipeline.

The parameters specify the first vertex and the number of vertices to draw, and the first instance and number of instances. For non-instanced drawing, specify instance_count as 1 and first_instance as 0.

A graphics pipeline must have been bound using bind_pipeline_graphics. Any resources used by the graphics pipeline, such as descriptor sets, vertex buffers and dynamic state, must have been set beforehand. If the bound graphics pipeline uses vertex buffers, then the provided vertex and instance ranges must be in range of the bound vertex buffers.


pub fn draw_indirect( &mut self, indirect_buffer: Subbuffer<[DrawIndirectCommand]> ) -> Result<&mut Self, PipelineExecutionError>

Perform multiple draw operations using a graphics pipeline.

One draw is performed for each DrawIndirectCommand struct in indirect_buffer. The maximum number of draw commands in the buffer is limited by the max_draw_indirect_count limit. This limit is 1 unless the multi_draw_indirect feature has been enabled.

A graphics pipeline must have been bound using bind_pipeline_graphics. Any resources used by the graphics pipeline, such as descriptor sets, vertex buffers and dynamic state, must have been set beforehand. If the bound graphics pipeline uses vertex buffers, then the vertex and instance ranges of each DrawIndirectCommand in the indirect buffer must be in range of the bound vertex buffers.


pub fn draw_indexed( &mut self, index_count: u32, instance_count: u32, first_index: u32, vertex_offset: i32, first_instance: u32 ) -> Result<&mut Self, PipelineExecutionError>

Perform a single draw operation using a graphics pipeline, using an index buffer.

The parameters specify the first index and the number of indices in the index buffer that should be used, and the first instance and number of instances. For non-instanced drawing, specify instance_count as 1 and first_instance as 0. The vertex_offset is a constant value that should be added to each index in the index buffer to produce the final vertex number to be used.

An index buffer must have been bound using bind_index_buffer, and the provided index range must be in range of the bound index buffer.

A graphics pipeline must have been bound using bind_pipeline_graphics. Any resources used by the graphics pipeline, such as descriptor sets, vertex buffers and dynamic state, must have been set beforehand. If the bound graphics pipeline uses vertex buffers, then the provided instance range must be in range of the bound vertex buffers. The vertex indices in the index buffer must be in range of the bound vertex buffers.


pub fn draw_indexed_indirect( &mut self, indirect_buffer: Subbuffer<[DrawIndexedIndirectCommand]> ) -> Result<&mut Self, PipelineExecutionError>

Perform multiple draw operations using a graphics pipeline, using an index buffer.

One draw is performed for each DrawIndexedIndirectCommand struct in indirect_buffer. The maximum number of draw commands in the buffer is limited by the max_draw_indirect_count limit. This limit is 1 unless the multi_draw_indirect feature has been enabled.

An index buffer must have been bound using bind_index_buffer, and the index ranges of each DrawIndexedIndirectCommand in the indirect buffer must be in range of the bound index buffer.

A graphics pipeline must have been bound using bind_pipeline_graphics. Any resources used by the graphics pipeline, such as descriptor sets, vertex buffers and dynamic state, must have been set beforehand. If the bound graphics pipeline uses vertex buffers, then the instance ranges of each DrawIndexedIndirectCommand in the indirect buffer must be in range of the bound vertex buffers.


impl<L, A> AutoCommandBufferBuilder<L, A>where A: CommandBufferAllocator,


pub unsafe fn begin_query( &mut self, query_pool: Arc<QueryPool>, query: u32, flags: QueryControlFlags ) -> Result<&mut Self, QueryError>

Begins a query.

The query will be active until end_query is called for the same query.


The query must be unavailable, ensured by calling reset_query_pool.


pub fn end_query( &mut self, query_pool: Arc<QueryPool>, query: u32 ) -> Result<&mut Self, QueryError>

Ends an active query.


pub unsafe fn write_timestamp( &mut self, query_pool: Arc<QueryPool>, query: u32, stage: PipelineStage ) -> Result<&mut Self, QueryError>

Writes a timestamp to a timestamp query.


The query must be unavailable, ensured by calling reset_query_pool.


pub fn copy_query_pool_results<T>( &mut self, query_pool: Arc<QueryPool>, queries: Range<u32>, destination: Subbuffer<[T]>, flags: QueryResultFlags ) -> Result<&mut Self, QueryError>where T: QueryResultElement,

Copies the results of a range of queries to a buffer on the GPU.

query_pool.ty().result_len() elements will be written for each query in the range, plus 1 extra element per query if QueryResultFlags::WITH_AVAILABILITY is enabled. The provided buffer must be large enough to hold the data.

See also get_results.


pub unsafe fn reset_query_pool( &mut self, query_pool: Arc<QueryPool>, queries: Range<u32> ) -> Result<&mut Self, QueryError>

Resets a range of queries on a query pool.

The affected queries will be marked as “unavailable” after this command runs, and will no longer return any results. They will be ready to have new results recorded for them.


The queries in the specified range must not be active in another command buffer.


impl<L, A> AutoCommandBufferBuilder<L, A>where A: CommandBufferAllocator,

Commands for render passes.

These commands require a graphics queue.


pub fn begin_render_pass( &mut self, render_pass_begin_info: RenderPassBeginInfo, contents: SubpassContents ) -> Result<&mut Self, RenderPassError>

Begins a render pass using a render pass object and framebuffer.

You must call this or begin_rendering before you can record draw commands.

contents specifies what kinds of commands will be recorded in the render pass, either draw commands or executions of secondary command buffers.


pub fn next_subpass( &mut self, contents: SubpassContents ) -> Result<&mut Self, RenderPassError>

Advances to the next subpass of the render pass previously begun with begin_render_pass.


pub fn end_render_pass(&mut self) -> Result<&mut Self, RenderPassError>

Ends the render pass previously begun with begin_render_pass.

This must be called after you went through all the subpasses.


impl<L, A> AutoCommandBufferBuilder<L, A>where A: CommandBufferAllocator,


pub fn begin_rendering( &mut self, rendering_info: RenderingInfo ) -> Result<&mut Self, RenderPassError>

Begins a render pass without a render pass object or framebuffer.

You must call this or begin_render_pass before you can record draw commands.


pub fn end_rendering(&mut self) -> Result<&mut Self, RenderPassError>

Ends the render pass previously begun with begin_rendering.


pub fn clear_attachments( &mut self, attachments: impl IntoIterator<Item = ClearAttachment>, rects: impl IntoIterator<Item = ClearRect> ) -> Result<&mut Self, RenderPassError>

Clears specific regions of specific attachments of the framebuffer.

attachments specify the types of attachments and their clear values. rects specify the regions to clear.

A graphics pipeline must have been bound using bind_pipeline_graphics. And the command must be inside render pass.

If the render pass instance this is recorded in uses multiview, then ClearRect.base_array_layer must be zero and ClearRect.layer_count must be one.

The rectangle area must be inside the render area ranges.


impl<L, A> AutoCommandBufferBuilder<L, A>where A: CommandBufferAllocator,

Commands to execute a secondary command buffer inside a primary command buffer.

These commands can be called on any queue that can execute the commands recorded in the secondary command buffer.


pub fn execute_commands<C>( &mut self, command_buffer: C ) -> Result<&mut Self, ExecuteCommandsError>where C: SecondaryCommandBufferAbstract + 'static,

Executes a secondary command buffer.

If the flags that command_buffer was created with are more restrictive than those of self, then self will be restricted to match. E.g. executing a secondary command buffer with Flags::OneTimeSubmit will set self’s flags to Flags::OneTimeSubmit also.


pub fn execute_commands_from_vec<C>( &mut self, command_buffers: Vec<C> ) -> Result<&mut Self, ExecuteCommandsError>where C: SecondaryCommandBufferAbstract + 'static,

Executes multiple secondary command buffers in a vector.

This requires that the secondary command buffers do not have resource conflicts; an error will be returned if there are any. Use execute_commands if you want to ensure that resource conflicts are automatically resolved.

Trait Implementations§


impl<L, A> DeviceOwned for AutoCommandBufferBuilder<L, A>where A: CommandBufferAllocator,


fn device(&self) -> &Arc<Device>

Returns the device that owns Self.

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for Twhere T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for Twhere T: ?Sized,

const: unstable · source§

fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere T: ?Sized,

const: unstable · source§

fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T

const: unstable · source§

fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for Twhere U: From<T>,

const: unstable · source§

fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for Twhere U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
const: unstable · source§

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for Twhere U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
const: unstable · source§

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.